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A Long Time Coming (Cane Brothers, #3)(164)

Author:Meghan Quinn

When it came to the proposal, I thought of many ways I could do it. There was proposing at Disney since that’s where we shared our first kiss. I thought about it before we moved out of our apartments. I thought about it while playing a game of Scrabble with her, you know, to make it full circle. But when it came down to it, I knew having the support of friends and family was what I truly wanted. Plus, I wanted pictures and video, so I’ve put Lottie and Kelsey in charge of that.

Not to mention, I truly believe one of the main reasons Lia is with me now is because of the people around us. They helped bring us together with their advice and their gentle nudges of encouragement. Okay, full-on pointed opinions. It feels only fitting to have everyone here.

“Do you have the ring?” Huxley asks as he comes up next to me.

“Of course I have the ring,” I say as I hold up my hand.

A week ago, Huxley, JP, and I picked out the ring, the exact style I know Lia will love. Three stones represent past, present, and future on a white gold band, topping off at two carats. I considered getting something bigger, but I know she wouldn’t want it. This is perfect.

“Are you nervous?”

“Yes,” I say, my legs trembling beneath me. “I think she’s ready for this. I mean, we bought a house together, but a part of me is still scared that she’ll tell me she’s not ready.”

“Not going to happen,” Huxley says. “She looks at you the way Lottie looks at me and the way Kelsey looks at JP. That kind of love is forever.”

“Thanks,” I say as he pats me on the back.

Something has happened to Huxley over the past couple of months since they announced Lottie’s pregnancy. He’s more sensitive and less robotic. He seems to have actual feelings now. And the only time I see the old Huxley return—the sharp, rigid Huxley—is when someone is looking at Lottie the wrong way, or he needs to put someone in their place. But this new, touchy-feely guy is really throwing me off.

As for JP, well, he has become ultra annoying, clinging to me every chance he can get to stay away from what he refers to as the “she-devil,” aka Kelsey. The pregnancy hormones have apparently scared JP right out of his own house. Not sure what he’s talking about because she’s been absolutely pleasant to me.

“Anything else we need to do?” Banner asks from the side where he oversees the music. His girlfriend Kenzie is right next to him, holding a confetti popper. She’s really freaking funny. I’ve gotten to know Kenzie over the last month or so, and she’s a perfect addition to the group. Quirky and odd but a whole lot of fun.

“I think we’re good,” I say. I glance around. “Is everyone in place?”

Kelsey and Lottie offer me a thumbs up as they hold their phones, ready to record everything from different angles.

JP and Huxley are off to the side, holding the curtains to the backyard shut so Lia doesn’t see what’s going on as she walks back to the brunch.

Ryot and Penn hang out by the table with a confetti popper in hand. Which by the way, I heard Penn finally took Birdy out on a date, but he has yet to tell me how it went. I’m hoping it went well, although I know Penn has been fighting some demons, so I’m not entirely sure if there will be a second date or not.

“She’s coming,” Lottie whisper-shouts, pulling me to attention.

“You got this,” JP says while giving me an exaggerated thumbs up.

I steal my breath, pray that I don’t pass out, and as JP and Huxley pull the curtains open, revealing Lia in the doorframe, looking confused and surprised, it’s impossible to catch my next breath.

Banner plays the music, soft instrumental, while everyone else fades into the background.

Lia’s eyes find mine, and they immediately begin to fill with tears.

“Oh my God,” she says softly as she brings her shaky hand to her mouth. I take a step forward and hold out my hand for her to take.

She does, and as I bring her out onto the patio and in front of the lit-up Marry Me sign, I can’t help but notice just how jittery I am as well.

“Ophelia,” I say softly. “When I first met you, I thought you were everything I needed in my life. You liked all the things I liked. You made me laugh. You put me in my place. And you were so fucking beautiful that I told myself I was going to ask you out. Unfortunately for me, you were looking for a friend, not a boyfriend, and I’m glad you were because I can’t imagine enduring the last decade of our lives without each other.” I get down on one knee as tears fall down her cheeks. “You make me so fucking happy that I don’t need anything in life but you.” I take a deep breath and say, “Ophelia Fairweather-Fern, will you please be my wife?”