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A Soul to Keep (Duskwalker Brides, #1)(146)

Author:Opal Reyne

She didn’t bleed? She must have been infertile.

Once more, that reddish-pink flashed, and he looked away from Reia with his fingers digging into her leg. He sheathed his claws when he realised he was digging them into her.

“She let me do whatever I wanted to with her as long as I did for things for her. She told me she hated my cave and missed living in a house, so I built one for her. She needed human food, so I scavenged for it before I found seeds, and she grew the garden. I was already able to produce my protection spell, and it was the size of the clearing this house is in now. She said she didn’t want the trees, hated being in the dark, so I cut them down until she could see and feel the sun. She never left the protections, didn’t try to run away. She stayed, and I thought it was because she liked me as much as I became attached to her. She… She was the one who gave me my name.”

He fell silent, and she could feel his body tensing, that he was shuddering in aversion to his own story.

She was the one that named him?

“It’s okay,” she said, giving him a small smile of reassurance as she placed her hand around his ankle that was next to her.

He whined in response instead, fidgeting further.

She brought her lips into her mouth and bit down on them. This is really hurting him. She couldn’t force him to continue, not when she could see how much it was.

“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me anymore.”

“I want to, Reia. It’s just… I wanted her soul, and she said no. That she wasn’t ready. That I hadn’t done enough to earn it. She said she would consider it if I took her to the Demon village. I had left to go there a few times for supplies and I explained what was there. She liked the pretty things that you humans wear, and I traded for them. I let her have whatever she wanted because it made her happy, and I liked seeing her that way. I shouldn’t have done that, shouldn’t have taken her there. She was seen. And although no one tried to take her from me there, someone else discovered I had a human because of it.”


“The Demon King,” he answered darkly. “He doesn’t like Mavka. We are strong and difficult to kill. He doesn’t like that he can’t control us.”

“He killed her?”

Orpheus shook his head, and she watched as one of his hands came up to dig at his chest, his claws gouging into where his heart was.

“No. He offered to her a way to leave me, and she went with him. She… She told me she hated me, hated every moment with me.” He gouged deeper, and she noticed the water began to have drops of purple blood in it that eventually faded. She had never seen his eyes this dark before, and her heart stung for him. “She said she had been trying to figure out a way she could escape for the entire five years she had stayed with me.”

Reia crawled forward so she could slip her arms around his shoulders and hug him tightly.

“I’m sorry,” she said, burying her face into the fur of his neck. “That must have been so hurtful.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed the underneath of his jaw across her back. “What did I do wrong, Reia? Why did she not want to stay with me?”

Tears welled in her eyes for him.

“I-I don’t know. I can’t answer that for you.”

But she wished she could.

Orpheus had done everything within his capabilities to make this woman happy, more than he had for Reia, and she couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t have wanted to be with him. I do… and I’ve only been here for a month and a half. This woman had apparently spent five years with him!

She clutched the long fur on his back, her tear-filled eyes narrowing with spite, and perhaps a little jealousy.

This woman had been the one to show Orpheus what touch and sex were, and she was a little jealous she had and didn’t seem to appreciate him. After one night, she was lost.

Well, I’m glad she’s gone, then. Gone and dead. She was two hundred years in the past and she could rot wherever she died, but she hoped it was in the belly of a Demon. It would be deserved if she went with the Demon King and was eaten instead of ‘saved’。

“Are…” he started, digging his fingertips into the skin of her back. “Are you going to leave me too?”

Her heart nearly shattered into a million fragments in her chest.

“No, Orpheus.” She turned her head and pressed her lips to the side of his bony jaw. “I want to stay with you.”

“I like you, Reia. You are special and different to every human I have brought here. You want my touch, let me hold you because you want it. You are beautiful, and strong, and brave enough to face me, even when I am crazed. You protected me when all the others would have let me be eaten. I do not want you to go away. I don’t want another human if you disappear.”