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Fangirl Down (Big Shots, #1)(120)

Author:Tessa Bailey

Did he? That would be his second double. The night before the Masters kicked off. He’d thrown a stick of dynamite into the middle of his relationship with Josephine so he could come here and prove to both of them that she wasn’t some glorified crutch. That he could take what she’d so gracefully taught him and maintain his upward trajectory while she realized her own dream. One she wanted and deserved. And he’d meant what he said . . . at the time. A couple of days without her, though, and he didn’t know if he could pull off anything resembling success.

Not when he was wounded and bleeding.

“Sure, I’ll have one more.”

A moment later the bartender set it down. He stared into the depths of gold, wishing he could see her green eyes. Just for a moment. Maybe then he could breathe.

A hand clapped down on Wells’s shoulder. Without turning his head to look, he knew it was Buck Lee. On some level, he might even have been expecting the legend to approach him, though he couldn’t put a finger on why. “There you are, son. I’ve been looking all over the place for you.”

Wordlessly, Wells saluted Buck with his glass of whiskey. Set it back down.

Buck made a show of scanning the packed bar, Calhoun standing right behind him with a smirk. “I don’t see your caddie around.”

“Maybe she requested a separate lounge,” Calhoun tacked on.

Violence fired down through Wells’s fingertips. Hot breaths crackled in his lungs. It would have felt so good to punch that punk in his golden-boy face. Maybe he should. Tomorrow, he would pay for the mistake, but right now, it would be an outlet for his agony.

He’s not worth it, Josephine whispered in his ear. Don’t give him what he wants.

A wealth of threats and comebacks clogged Wells’s throat. He couldn’t find the energy to issue them, though. He’d been stripped of his bravado and rage. In its place, Josephine had left honesty. Genuineness. He wouldn’t forget those things so soon. That would dishonor them.

“We both know you’ve already heard I have a new caddie. Why are you pretending otherwise?” Wells looked them both in the eye. “The fact that she’s gone might be funny to you, but I promise, it’s not funny to me.”

To his surprise, both of them slowly lost their smug expressions.

Several beats passed.

“What happened, man?” This, finally, from Calhoun. “I hope it wasn’t something health related—”

“No, nothing like that,” Wells said quickly, rubbing at his forehead. “She runs her family’s pro shop down in Palm Beach—”

“The Golden Tee!” Calhoun supplied.

Wells eyeballed him. “Yeah . . .”

“They’ve been talking about her so much on the Golf Channel, I feel like I know damn near everything about her.”

“You don’t,” Wells growled.

Calhoun held up his palms. “Fair enough.”

“Let me get this straight,” Buck said, shifting in his loafers. “She left the tour, where she was making hundreds of thousands of dollars, to go back to work at a pro shop?”

Wells sighed. “That’s mostly right.”

Buck tilted his head. “What did I miss?”

“The part where I fired her.”

Calhoun spit out the sip he’d just taken of his martini. “You fired her?”

Everyone in the lounge was staring at Wells now. Silence descended over the room like a shroud. He could feel the horror the other golfers emitted in his direction and frankly, it made him proud of Josephine. She’d earned their respect. Of course, she had.

Wells turned in his seat to face the room at large.

It was right there on the tip of his tongue to shout at them to fuck off and mind their own business, like he normally would. He also had a threat or two lined up, just in case any of them got an ill-advised notion to try to hire her themselves. Or date her. Because he would rain unspeakable violence down on them. But the words got stuck in his throat when he saw genuine concern for the woman he loved on each and every face.

Even the waiter. And a busboy.

“She loves the pro shop more than she loves the tour, but she wouldn’t go. She’s too loyal.” His explanation was growing weaker as it went on. “I had to make her go.”

“Sweet baby Jesus, you fired your girlfriend,” Calhoun drawled, almost fascinated. “How do you still have your balls?”

“Maybe I don’t have them anymore. I haven’t checked.”

Calhoun . . . laughed?