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Forged by Malice (Beasts of the Briar, #3)(115)

Author:Elizabeth Helen

Farron stalks away, throwing a dismissive hand in the air. “That’s what he does! He manipulates people. He offers them something, gains their trust, and then uses it against them. He did it to Kel. He did it to me. And he will do it to you.”

“You don’t know him like I do,” she whispers viciously.

Farron gives a harsh laugh. “Listen to you! You’ve known him for less than a year. We have lived centuries with him. Believe me when I tell you this is all a game to him. He will take your kindness and turn it ugly.”

Dayton grabs Rosalina’s shoulders. “Rosie, I know you want to see the good in people. But Farron’s right on this. He’s not just dangerous. He’s sadistic. It’s fun for him to ruin people.” Dayton’s eyes shine. “Don’t give him the opportunity.”

She shakes Dayton off, pushing past him like he’s a mere nuisance. Instead, she chases after Farron, grabbing his arm. “You’re scared again, Farron. But you don’t have to be. I can handle him.”

“Can you?” Farron turns on his heel and holds her with a flaming gaze. “Did you forget what he did to me, Rosie? To my people? My history? He brought an army of goblins into Autumn to kill my soldiers. He used my beast against me and destroyed my realm’s ancient texts.” There’s anger and hurt in Farron’s voice like I’ve never heard before. “And Dayton nearly died because of him! Doesn’t that matter to you at all?”

Rosie steps back, tears welling in her eyes. “Of course it matters.”

“And you know why he did that?” Farron’s voice shakes. “Because I ripped the damned little book you gave him. I ripped his book, and in return, he murdered and pillaged and ruined.”

Lightning seems to cross over Rosalina’s gaze. “You ripped it? That was my gift. You had no right!”

Farron’s brow furrows. “You think you can change Caspian with compassion? Kel thought so, too. Look at him now.”

We all turn to stare at Keldarion. A dark shadow has fallen over his gaze. His shoulders shake, but he stays silent.

Rosie looks down, eyes wide, chest heaving. “He hurts people because he hurts inside.” She clutches at her heart. “I feel it, Farron.”

Farron shakes his head. “I can hear what you’re thinking. He’s not your mate, Rosalina.”

Silence erupts in the entrance hall. Her mate? The thought staggers me. The idea that Rosalina could be mated to someone with such evil…

My fingers itch for a blade. Freedom. There has to be freedom for her and Kel from this—

I turn to him. Of all of us, Kel would know—

He’s staring at Rosalina, eyes glittering like sapphires. His expression … It’s one of shock, but not disbelief. She stares back at him, as if finding a tether in his gaze.

“What the fuck?” Now, Dayton’s voice is raised. He grabs Rosalina’s shoulder and spins her to look at him. “You can’t seriously think you belong with him. Not Cas. Anyone but fucking Caspian!”

“What do you care?” Rosalina speaks in a low, venomous tone. “You’ve got your little acolyte to make you pretty necklaces and fawn over you.”

“That’s not fair, Rosie,” Dayton growls. “That’s not fucking fair, and you know it.”

Hurt flickers in her eyes. “Yeah, well, go cry on Wrenley’s shoulder about the bitch of Castletree who’s good for a fuck but not good enough to love!”

Anger explodes across Dayton’s face. “Maybe I will,” he snarls, “because why am I wasting my time here? You’re not my mate, Rosalina.”

She gasps and staggers back. Immediately, Dayton’s eyes widen, and he blinks, dumbstruck.

Heat blazes, and fire licks up Rosalina’s fingers. “Get out of my head, Farron. I don’t want to hear your voice!”

“You don’t want to hear Caspian’s voice either, but that’s what’s happening,” Farron yells. “It’s only Kel’s ridiculous bargain linking you two.”

Rosalina looks shocked for a moment.

“Quiet, both of you,” Keldarion growls, looking from Farron to Dayton. “You’re both afraid. Not of Caspian. Of Rosalina. Of what she’s capable of with him—”

“Shut the fuck up, Kel,” Dayton snaps. “You’re the one who sent her away! Don’t pretend you know what’s best now.”

Kel storms toward him, and Rosalina starts screaming all three of their names, but I’m done.