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Forged by Malice (Beasts of the Briar, #3)(146)

Author:Elizabeth Helen

“There is more than hope.” The air sparks and light shines beneath Ezryn’s skin. “The world needs you, Ezryn.”

“For you, Rosalina, I will be better,” he breathes. “For you, I would do anything.”

I recognize the shimmer from Farron’s skin months ago. I can’t help myself, crying out and wrapping my arms around Ezryn’s neck. It’s happening.

Ezryn’s curse is breaking.

“Look, Ez!” I cry. Finally, Ezryn will be rid of the monster that he swears he is. And all of the Spring staff will be free. Marigold can reunite with Eldy without fear. Ezryn’s power will grow. We can protect Spring. Everything is going to be okay—

“Rose?” Ezryn pulls away from me and gets to his feet. “Rose, you need to—”

“It’s okay, Ezryn!” I smile up at him. “It’s your curse breaking!”

Light beams bright and the silhouette of a wolf begins to form behind him. Something is wrong though. Farron had looked curious, hopeful. Ezryn looks terrified. And the shadow of his wolf thrashes, clawing at his back.

“It’s okay, Ez. Just relax. Let it happen,” I breathe.

Ezryn doubles over, clutching his skin. “No! It’s too much. I can’t hold it. Rosalina, you need to go.”

I stumble up, backing into the rock wall. “What’s happening?”

Ez cries out again, his skin looking like a star about to combust. The wolf’s silhouette howls, a mournful, anguished sound. This is wrong. This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go.

“I won’t let it happen again,” Ezryn growls.

It’s like he’s fighting his curse breaking, pulling the beast back into himself. “Ez, stop! You need to let your curse break!”

“It’s too much power,” he grits. Then he jerks his head up, eyes glowing like a beast.

I gasp, hanging on to the rock wall to steady myself. Farron told me when his curse broke, his magic grew. And the last time Ezryn had a great influx of magic…

Was when his mother passed on the Blessing of Spring.

When he accidentally killed her.

“Rosalina,” Ezryn snarls. But it’s not his own voice, but that of the beast. “Leave. Now.”



I have to suppress it. I can’t let it out.

Magic roars through me, making my blood swell and my heart feel like it’s about to explode. I clench my hands into fists to try to hold it in. Something’s tearing out my back, trying to escape, but I can’t let it.

No more magic. I can’t control it. And last time…

The image of my mother’s body flashes in my mind’s eye. Her armor caving in, the helm crumpling—I let out a scream.

“Ezryn, I’m not going anywhere.” Rosalina’s voice. “Your curse is breaking. You must let it. It will be okay. You can do this.”

No, no, no. She doesn’t understand. She’s too close. If I let the curse break, this trapped well of magic will bubble over, explode out—

The thought makes me panic more. I claw at my skin, unable to shake the vision of my mother’s blood seeping into the earth. “Get away from me!”

“You won’t hurt me,” she says. “Let me help you.”

She touches my shoulder. It feels like static before a storm. “NO!”

Power floods through my arm, and there’s nothing I can do. I thrust my hand out, and a jolt of electricity surges from my palm into the rock wall. It smashes apart, and Rosalina screams, ducking away from the debris.

She’s afraid of me. I told her the truth, but she wouldn’t listen. Now, she sees.

Now, she truly knows.

A beast’s howl erupts through my chest. I can’t hold back the magic anymore. Another shock of electricity bursts from my body, shattering the rest of the rock wall I created. The grove opens up. Sunlight streams down over the crystalline lake. It’s too bright. My entire being is brimming with energy, my eyes burning.

“Ezryn, please stop this,” Rose begs. But there’s nothing I can do. I’m not myself, not even the beast. The magic keeps filling me, and my wolf wants to escape.

I must stop him. For if he leaves, the magic will take me over completely. All the power trapped by the Enchantress’s curse will be unleashed.

Sinking to my knees, I dig my hands into the earth. The grass dies beneath my touch.

“Ez, stop! The trees!”

Rose keeps screaming at me. But I can barely hear her over the rushing of blood in my head.

“Ezryn, STOP!”