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Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment, #2)(155)

Author:Rebecca Ross

She stepped into the dim hallway, approaching the lavatory door.

Enva paused, staring at the chipped paint on the wood. The key around her neck warmed, and it occurred to her then. She had been captive to Oath ever since she had struck the bargain with Alzane. She couldn’t break her vow and tread beyond the city gates or let the wind gather her up and carry her elsewhere. But would she have the power to travel the realm if she went below? Not just in dreams and in illusions, but with her flesh and blood?

It had been a cage to her once, but now it taunted her with freedom.

She had not seen the west with her own eyes in a long time. Or the north, the south. Beyond the borders of Cambria, where the horizon melted into the ocean. But she could sense the graves of soldiers, the loam dry and cracked without her music. Souls waiting for her to sing them onward to rest.

Enva slipped the key into the door. It unlocked with a slight shudder, swinging open to reveal the stairs leading to the under realm. Quiet, dusty, and dim.

She took a step. Then another. Her hands ached as she brought out her harp from beneath her coat, hidden and weightless in the charmed pocket she had woven for it.

Down she went, deeper into the shadows. But this place felt familiar to her, as if she had caught a glimpse of her reflection in midnight waters. It made her reminisce about the last time she had played her instrument.

It had been to sing mortals to war. On street corners and in smoky pubs. In the university yard and by the mossy riverside. But that would not be her last verse, even if she was the only divine remaining.

With her harp in hand and magic gathering at her fingertips, Enva vanished into the dark.


Dear Reader,

If you are the type of soul who likes to read acknowledgments such as these, then you know very well that behind every book is a group of people who have given their time, love, and expertise to the author and their writing. I’m always humbled and thankful when I have the chance to look back over a book’s creation and recognize the many extraordinary people who have invested hours into me and my novels. It’s also bittersweet to be closing the final chapter on Iris and Roman’s story in Ruthless Vows, while it’s simultaneously very exciting (because that means you now get to read and enjoy this sequel)。 What a journey the Letters of Enchantment duology has been for me, and I want to acknowledge the people who have made it so:

First, to my Heavenly Father. You remain the portion and the strength of my heart.

To Benjamin, my better half. There is no one else I’d want to walk through life with, hand in hand. Our words for this year: garden, growth, courage, and those honeybees.

To Sierra, always. You’re twelve years old now and I savor every day I get to spend with you, even if for most of them you’re sleeping while I write.

To my parents—Mom and Dad—and my siblings—Caleb, Gabriel, Rome, Mary, and Luke—for sharing in my excitement, bravely keeping up with all the books I churn out, and being a foundation and support I can always depend on. To my in-laws—Ted and Joy—and my grandparents, whose love has been a guiding light to me.

To Isabel Iba?ez, one of my dearest friends and my fearless critique partner who, quite literally, saved a particular chapter or two (or three!) of this book.

To my agent, Suzie Townsend. We’ve been working together for eight years now, and every single one has been wonderful. Thank you for being the best publishing spouse.

To Sophia Ramos, who is a ray of light and encouragement and whose emails I always look forward to. To Olivia Coleman, for always being there for me and helping me keep up with all the important things behind the scenes. To the New Leaf team, who are a dream to work with: Joanna Volpe, Kate Sullivan, Tracy Williams, Keifer Ludwig, Pouya Shahbazian, Katherine Curtis, Hilary Pecheone, and Eileen Lalley.

To my editor, Eileen Rothschild. I will never get over that Wednesday afternoon on July 26 at 5:17 PM when you called me (but I didn’t answer the phone because I thought it was a spam number from NY!), and then the email you proceeded to send me (subject line Rebecccccaaaa!!!!) and the incredible news you shared of Divine Rivals hitting #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, sixteen weeks after it published. It’s an email I should frame on the wall (I’m sure Kitt would approve)。 But what a joy and an honor to share that moment with you. Thank you for loving and championing this duology.

To my incredible team at Wednesday Books, who have poured so much love and time into this duology to truly make it shine and have supported me every step of the way: Meghan Harrington, Alexis Neuville, Lisa Bonvissuto, Brant Janeway, and Sara Goodman. I could not have dreamt of a more perfect team of people to work with. To Olga Grlic, who continues to work magic on my book covers. To my production editor, Melanie Sanders, and to Angus Johnston for copy editing and ensuring I used the word “vestige” correctly (every author has those problem words they frequently switch and misuse and “visage/vestige” were mine for this book)。