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The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King: Book 2 of the Nightborn Duet (Crowns of Nyaxia, 2)(202)

Author:Carissa Broadbent

Zarux - The god of the sea, rain, weather, storms, and water. Member of the White Pantheon.


I say it every time, but I’ll say it again now: I can’t believe I’m writing these yet again! Right now I’m typing this while seven months pregnant, and at the end of a multi-month-long crunch zone while I prepared three books for publication barely over a month away from each other. I am barely human anymore, and I have so many people to thank for helping me make it here alive and for helping to make this book the best it can possibly be.

Nathan, you will always come first in these acknowledgments. Thank you for being the best partner in the world and for being the north-star of every well-adjusted love story I’ve ever written. Thanks for being my best friend, my brainstorming buddy, my art director, my hype-man, and so much more. I love you!

Clare, thank you so much for being such an amazing friend, support system, and author “co-worker.” I would never survive this wild author ride without you! Thanks for keeping me sane during the production of this book and for all your constant support, brainstorming, troubleshooting, and general shooting-the-shit.

KD Ritchie at Storywrappers Design, thank you for being an incredible cover designer and such an amazing supportive force in general! I love working together.

Noah, thank you for the incredible editing and for putting up with literal months for my bizarro delivery schedules. You make every book I write so much better, in every phase of its creation. Thank you!

Rachel and Anthony, thank you for being fabulous proofreaders and typo-catchers. Rachel, thank you even more for all of the wonderful reader reaction notes, I love them!

Ariella, thank you for the beta reading and for generally keeping me sane and making sure I stay on track while finishing and launching this book. You are awesome!

Deanna, Alex, Gabriella, thank you for your invaluable feedback and support and for being the best beta readers ever. You’re the best!

Thank you to my agent, Bibi, for generally being awesome and also for providing invaluable career advice and for helping the Nyaxia series reach heights and distances that I honestly never ever could have dreamed about a year ago.

Thank you to my Swords & Corsets crew, JD Evans, Krystle Matar, and Angela Boord, for keeping me sane and listening to me bitch all the time. Special shout-out to Krystle for being my sprinting buddy through the entire creation and editing process of this book!

And finally, the biggest thanks of all goes to you. These last few months have been absolutely surreal and I know as soon as I launch this book, it’s going to hit me like a truck. I am not exaggerating when I say I literally could not have imagined any of this a year or even six months ago. Thank you for your fan art, your messages, your emails, your aesthetic boards, your reviews, your TikTok and Instagram and Goodreads posts, and in general, the immense support and enthusiasm you’ve given these characters. I am gobsmacked every day! I hope you love what comes next!


Carissa Broadbent has been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since she was roughly nine years old. Since then, her stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, she writes fantasy novels with a heaping dose of badass ladies and a big pinch of romance. She lives with her husband, one very well behaved rabbit, one very poorly behaved rabbit, and one perpetually skeptical cat in Rhode Island.