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Corrupted Chaos (Tarnished Empire)(68)

Author:Shain Rose

He was damn right. I lunged for the spray paint, but he was out the door before I chucked it.



One whole stupid month.

He disappeared on me for a whole fucking month.

And it was a big month too. The news went wild with our nation breaking alliances off with Albania. We couldn’t ship there, operate businesses there, fly there. It was probably in everyone’s best interest to not even utter their nation’s name.

Cade had done that. Yet, the Armanellis apologized for nothing. The president commended them and Stonewood Enterprises for finding the hack, for unearthing more, and for their patriotism in the nation. I was never mentioned, but Cade seemed to be mentioned everywhere, except in my life.

He didn’t call, didn’t text, and didn’t even email.

But every day, he sent roses. And the one and only message had come attached to them the first day. You get roses for the rest of your life, dollface. You deserve them for what I put you through.

My mother wouldn’t let me throw them in the trash.

That first week, the election went off without a hitch, but I wasn’t allowed to go back to work to be a part of it. Lucas called me screaming about how our president was back in office, how we’d done it. It was one good blip in a sea of darkness. I tried to be happy our system went off without a hitch, that there was no hacking of the election. Yet, I couldn’t celebrate without him.

Cade had left me. And nothing felt whole when he wasn’t there.

The few days at home with my family came and went. I wanted to get back into my apartment; I wanted to get back to work and establish my routine. I needed to get back to normal. Yet, that same night, the apartment company emailed to say they were sorry I was canceling my lease but they completely understood.

I called the next day. “But I’m not canceling.”

“Oh, we received your email and signature. We’ve already accepted the payment, Ms. Hardy, and we’ve been blessed with a few applications for your unit already.”

“That fast?” I said in disbelief, but I knew what was happening.

Fucking Cade.

“We really appreciate the generous lump sum you provided—”

I hung up. That’s when I started the voicemails to him. I smashed his number into my phone and waited for him to not pick up so I could leave a message.

“Listen, you dick, you don’t want to be a part of my life, then stop meddling in it. I told you I loved you and you left me. That means that’s it. And stop sending me flowers. Technically, you’re sending them to my mom because all of them would be in the trash if it weren’t for her.” I sighed and tried not to cry. “I need to go back to my apartment. I’m . . . I freaking miss you, and my heart is breaking, and I can’t do that here. I don’t want to break down in front of my family. It’s not fair to them.”

He didn’t call back.

And, of course, I then broke down in front of my sister and my mom. They held me as I cried. We ate ice cream and watched the Real Housewives, and Lucas even drove over to watch it with us. It was terrible and gross and exactly what I needed.

The next day, I got another email saying my penthouse apartment in the city was ready.

I called him again and left another nasty voicemail telling him I didn’t want it. But my dad told me to quit being a baby about it and take a nice ass penthouse when it was offered.

“Oh, should I take Bug with me?” I lifted a brow, because the man was sitting there with my cat on his lap.

He looked instantly nervous. “I’ll keep Bug for a bit, huh? She needs a vacation from you two and your chaos.”

“Whatever,” I grumbled. Yet, he was probably right. Plus, Lilah and Lucas wanted that penthouse for me, and they pretty much packed my suitcase and dragged me there.

I walked in, and on the island counter were more roses. Outrageous amounts.

But no Cade.

Lucas told me not to dwell and to just enjoy the damn penthouse. So I made him come with me to move in my belongings. Not much was needed though. Beautiful leather furniture had been placed throughout with expensive paintings on the walls, lush carpets, and a walk-in closet that held a whole wardrobe of pencil skirts and freaking nineties T-shirts. My heart hurt when I saw a folded pile of Edward Scissorhands, Men in Black, and Pulp Fiction graphics. Another pile though had Harley Quinn on each shirt. He was making additions to my freaking life, like he wanted to be in it, like he still knew me and wanted me.

I fumed to Lucas and made him stay over night after night to keep me company.

We talked about our sobriety. I told him I was scared, and he held my hand while we both cried. I think we decided then that it was best for me to go back to work, to find purpose without Cade, and to move on.

Yet, when I tried, Jett Stonewood met me in the lobby of the damn building with his wife.

He informed me that Cade really wanted me to take some time off. I tried to temper my anger and my hand went to my wrist to twist the bracelet that wasn’t there anymore.

Fury flew through me at the thought that he’d taken that too. He’d taken my heart, the bracelet, and his love from me.

So, want to know what I told the owner of Stonewood Enterprises?

“You can fuck right off, too, Jett,” I growled, because I was so done with all of them.

His wife was this beautiful tall blonde, and she looked up at him and said, “Well, she’s right. You’re all assholes.”

“Vick.” He sighed, but he was looking at her like she was the sun, the moon, and the stars.

“Come with me, Izzy.” She looped her arm in mine and didn’t wait another second to be told to stay put.

She led me to the elevators and then to my desk, talking the whole time. “They think they’re smart, but they’re so dumb. Just ignore them and do all the work here that you want. If they try to lock you out of your office, here’s my number. Cade’s being idiotic. He’ll be back.”

“I don’t want him back,” I seethed like an upset child.

“Right. My husband told me he left after a hiccup with the election system?”

I narrowed my eyes at her, and she narrowed her honey eyes back at me. “I’m not sure we should be talking.”

“Oh.” She tapped her chin. “You don’t trust me yet, but I can assure you, I know pretty much everything that goes on around here. And because I know everything, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you have a right to be mad.”

“Okay.” I dragged out the word, unsure what else to say.

She smiled wide and told me to follow her. She wore the brightest pink dress that matched the bright-pink purse on her arm, and she waved to a few of my coworkers as we walked to Cade’s office. Then, she opened the door for me and shut it tight behind her before fogging the windows so no one could see in.

Then, without saying a word, she rummaged in her purse and pulled out a red spray can. “You used this on one ex before, right?”

I cleared my throat. “That was a—”

“Well,” She hesitated only a moment. “There was the bed at the retreat, too, right?”

“I’m going to pay them back for—”

She uncapped the spray paint and shook it in her hands. “Do you think he likes his computers in here?”

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