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Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(122)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“De León?” Talon whispered. “What is it?”

‘I looked to my fellows, uncertain whether to be overjoyed or horrified.

‘“An invasion plan.”’



‘WE’D RIDDEN HARD back to San Michon, Archer flying ahead bearing word of our discovery. And though our wounds closed along the road, the price of our almost-victory would be scribed on our skin always. My chest and arm were scored from the claws of Laure Voss’s slain son. Talon’s belly would bear the Wraith’s touch the rest of his days, and Aaron’s face was forever marred – a long, hook-shaped scar cutting through brow and cheek.

‘But Greyhand had it worst of all.

‘His swordarm was gone, his right eye and ear also, ripped free by the claws of the Dead. Our first night back in the monastery, Greyhand knelt in the front row at mass as if nothing were amiss. But he’d never be the hunter he once was. And all of us knew it.

‘When the parting hymns were sung, Abbot Khalid and Seraph Talon bid Aaron and me remain. I tried to catch Greyhand’s eye as he left, but he ignored me as he had on the road back home. I knew there were words unspoken between us – though we’d uncovered the Forever King’s stratagem, the way things had played out in Coste was my fault. My master had vowed I’d never hunt as his apprentice again, and I feared I might be expelled from the Order for my disobedience. Strange as it was, hard as my struggles had been, San Michon was my home now. And I was in dread that I might be forced to leave it all behind.

‘Khalid stood at the altar, Talon beside him. As ever, the Abbot of San Michon cut an imposing sight, dark skin glinting with the silver of his aegis. His green, kohl-rimmed eyes were lit with chymical light from the globes above, and the Cathedral was deathly hushed.

‘“Seraph Talon has told me of all that transpired in Coste,” he said. “To stand against a daughter of the Forever King and live is no small feat. You are clearly favoured of the Almighty, Initiates.”

‘My belly knotted itself tighter as Khalid’s gaze fell on me.

‘“That, or the devil loves his own.”

‘I swallowed hard as the abbot turned to Aaron.

‘“Initiate de Coste, Greyhand has informed me you acquitted yourself admirably these last months. You showed patience, valour, and discipline, and dealt the deathblow to a grandson of the Forever King himself. He feels you are ready to be sainted to the Order.”

‘De Coste glanced at me, clearly torn. “Abbot … it was Gabriel who created opportunity for me to deal the deathblow to Laure’s son. Gabriel who staggered Laure herself long enough for us to seek holy ground. Without him, we’d all be dead.”

‘“Greyhand has informed me of Initiate de León’s conduct in Coste,” Khalid replied.

‘I lowered my eyes, stomach twisting again. Of course Greyhand had told Khalid of my defiance. My rashness had cost my master his swordarm and almost cost us our prey. Greyhand had stood up for me back when Talon suggested I be taken to Heaven’s Bridge, and in earning his ire, I knew I might have lost my only benefactor. But still …

‘“What will become of Master Greyhand, Abbot?” I asked softly.

‘“I’d have thought you more concerned about your own fate, Little Lion.”

‘“I did what I thought was just,” I murmured, gaze downturned. “God’s truth, I’d do it again. But … I know what happened to Greyhand was my fault.”

‘“Greyhand has yet to decide his path,” Khalid sighed. “He is strong as silversteel. But it will take time to recover from what the Wraith in Red did to him. In body and mind.”

‘“Godless leech,” Aaron whispered.

‘“We owe her a reckoning,” I spat. “We should track her down and—”

‘“You will do nothing of the sort, you gutterborn spunk-rag,” Talon snapped. “Count your blessings we do not flay the ink off your skin and throw you from these halls.”

‘I blinked at that. “You mean … I’m not to be cast out of the Order?”

‘“No,” Khalid replied, sending my heart singing. “Your disobedience warrants censure. But it cannot be denied you saved the lives of your fellows, Little Lion, nor that your courage has given us a heaven-sent advantage against the Forever King. But now is no time for vendetta against Laure Voss. All our strength must be bent towards stopping her father. And thanks to your efforts, we now know for certain where he and his Endless Legion will strike.’

‘Elation filled me at the thought of my reprieve, that I might yet stand with my brothers in the battle to come.

‘“Avinbourg,” I whispered.

‘Khalid nodded. “From the plan you uncovered, we know Voss intends to take the cityfort, then sweep south along the Godsend and seize Coste, Tolbrook, and Skyefall, cutting off silver supplies for the entire empire. And even with knowledge of his stratagem, we have precious little time to stop it. Wintersdeep is upon us. The Cherchant River is near frozen already. Emperor Alexandre has emptied all garrisons along the Godsend to reinforce Avinbourg, and a mighty host is being gathered from Dún Fas, Dún Cuinn, Redwatch, and Beaufort. They are to be led by the Empress herself.”

‘Aaron blinked at that. “Isabella is coming to San Michon?”

‘Khalid nodded. “She and her forces will muster here in a week’s time. So I trust your Hunt has not wearied you overmuch, Initiates. You will soon be called upon again to defend God’s Holy Church.”

‘Both fear and exhilaration bubbled inside me at that thought. The idea of fighting a siege against thousands of Dead for the fate of the Nordlund was near overwhelming. But this was all I’d worked for. And we’d seen firsthand now, the depth of the evil we faced.

‘“Initiate de Coste, you will be sainted into the Order next prièdi,” Talon said. “If you have time now, I shall take you through your vows. And our expectations.”

‘Khalid turned to me. I knew in my thumping heart how close I’d come to the edge here, and I could see in his eyes that it was the abbot’s word that had spared me the fall.

‘“Get your sleep tonight, Little Lion. You’ll have need of it.”

‘I bowed, numb with gratitude. “By the Blood, Abbot.”

‘I turned to depart, but then offered my hand to de Coste. After a heartbeat’s hesitation, he shook it. Despite our differences, I knew Aaron had earned his induction. And since saving each other’s skins in Coste, I was beginning to feel a faint kinship with him. We weren’t friends. But there’s a strange and fierce love forged in the fires of combat. A brotherhood written only in blood. Even among men who’d normally loathe each other.

‘I left the Cathedral, into the freezing night. I could hear good cheer in the refectory, Smith Baptiste’s laughter, Frère Alonso’s pipes, but my mind was still unsettled. Travelling back from Coste, I’d been chewing on it incessantly. I knew I could believe nothing Laure Voss had told us. But the way Talon had raged when Voss mentioned Sister Aoife … Despite my reprieve, there was still a mystery here. One I couldn’t see the bottom of.