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Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(129)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“Attend now, Brothers,” Khalid said, his voice like iron.

‘Silence fell then. The assembled ’saints and initiates, the Silver Sisters who lurked like shadows – all watched as the abbot walked along the peaks of the Godsend Mountains. Raissa, Angel of Justice, and Raphael, Angel of Wisdom. Sarai, Angel of Plagues, and Sanael, Angel of Blood. All fell beneath his silver heels as he walked the length of the realm, arriving finally at Avinbourg. The cityfort sat at the northern end of the spine, barring the way into Nordlund, surrounded by wooden soldiers.

‘“All royal garrisons along the Godsend are now emptied and marching north to reinforce Avinbourg. A snowstorm has fallen across Talhost, too bleak and dark to see through, even with the eyes we command. Some dark witchery is at work, obscuring Voss’s host. Still, we have no doubt the Endless Legion is on the move.”

‘“How many do they number, Abbot?” Frère Alonso asked.

‘“Ten thousand at least.”

‘Alonso squared his shoulders. He was a mighty man, Nordlund bred, with a great black beard and mane of long hair. “Forgive me, Abbot. My Empress. But we are hunters, not soldiers. What good will our number be against so vast a host?”

‘“None whatsoever, good Frère,” Isabella replied. “Those brave soldiers below and already manning the walls at Avinbourg will bear the brunt of the Legion’s hunger.”

‘“We are a knife, Brothers,” Khalid said. “Not a sledgehammer. But a creature so ancient as Fabién Voss does not risk himself in the vanguard. Not with ten thousand corpses to throw first. Like all those who fear death, the Forever King leads from the rear.”

‘The Empress nodded. “And while Voss hurls his host at the city’s defences, this silvered company will sail around the mouth of the Cherchant, hit from behind Voss’s lines in the light of the dawn, and with all God’s grace, strike the hollow crown from his head.”

‘“An ambush,” Alonso nodded.

‘“An execution,” Khalid said. “One upon which the Almighty Himself shall smile.”

‘The abbot’s words filled my belly with butterflies. I could see wisdom in the plan; a way our small brotherhood could still deal a deadly blow. The Forever King was oldest of his line, controlling his brood like a spider in the centre of a grand and rotten web. With his death, his legion would be thrown into disarray, at least temporarily – easy pickings for the Golden Host. Slaying an ancien would be no small feat, but if we managed it, we could end the invasion at Avinbourg’s walls.

‘I spoke up, unable to contain myself. “When do we march, Abbot?”

‘Khalid’s eyes met mine. “You do not, Initiate.”

‘My belly dropped. For an awful moment, I feared my conduct on the Hunt had cost me my place among the chosen. But the abbot’s gaze swept the initiates, each in turn. “None of you do. All initiates will remain in San Michon. Laure Voss is still loose in the Nordlund, and she will seek vengeance. It is unwise to leave this monastery unguarded.”

‘A murmur rippled among the initiates. This was the greatest battle of our age, and we were being left behind? Any sensible lad would’ve kept his fucking mouth shut then, but with a few vodkas in me, I was feeling less than sensible.

‘“Abbot, I mean no disrespect. But just a few nights ago, you assured me we’d soon be called upon to defend God’s Church?”

‘Talon thwacked his switch on the floor. “De León, shut your damned m—”

‘“Stay your anger, Seraph.” Isabella regarded me, gaze roaming boots to brow. “De León. You were part of that brave company which uncovered the Forever King’s plan.”

‘“One of four, Majesty.” I bowed. “But I did my part.”

‘“A lion indeed. We understand your disappointment in remaining behind while others ride forth to fight. But there is no shame in tending home and hearth.”

‘“No glory either, Majesty.”

‘“We do not fight for glory, Initiate,” Khalid growled. “We fight for God. We fight to redeem ourselves from the sin of our birth. Mortal accolade is meaningless. When you stand before your Maker, he shall know the role you played in the Forever King’s defeat.”

‘“Presuming we defeat him.”

‘All eyes turned to the back of the hall. There, outlined against the night sky, stood Frère Greyhand. His jaw was unshaven, hair dishevelled. But fire burned in his remaining eye. The great doors swung shut behind him as he strode out onto the map of the realm.

‘“Presuming the Forever King lets us,” he said.

‘“He will have little choice, Brother,” Khalid replied. “We fight with God on our side.”

‘“You’re assuming we get to fight at all, Abbot. We have no eyes to see through this accursed storm. No word from our allies upon the winds.” Greyhand reached into his coat with his one good hand, fetching a familiar piece of parchment. “All we have to assure us Voss intends to crush Avinbourg is a single scribble.”

‘“Forgive us, Frère.” Isabella eyed the invasion map Greyhand held. “But is that not a scribble you yourself stole? After a battle that almost killed you and your apprentices?”

‘“Your pardon, Majesty, but that’s what’s been vexing me. The almost.” Greyhand closed his fingers about the map, tossed the crumpled scrap of parchment to the floor. “The Wraith in Red is a Prince of Forever. If she was scouting towns along the Godsend to prepare for her father’s invasion, why leave a trail so easy for us to follow?”

‘“She needs to feed, Brother,” Khalid said. “And vampires are creatures of habit, you know this. Perhaps she did not realize we’d track her so swift?”

‘“Perhaps,” Greyhand nodded. “But how is it two silversaints and two initiates faced one of the most powerful vampires alive, and all lived to tell about it?”

‘I exchanged a glance with Aaron at that. Truth told, somewhere beneath the rush of our supposed victory, I’d wondered the same thing.

‘“You think she used us, Master?” de Coste asked.

‘“I think it’s no wonder she took us for fools,” Greyhand said, his one good eye fixed on mine. “Given the way some of us acted that night.”

‘I lowered my gaze, cheeks burning.

‘Empress Isabella spoke into the silence.

‘“You believe we are being misdirected, good Frère?”

‘“I am certain of nothing, Majesty. Save the love of Almighty God. But these creatures know their prey. And I fear we guard our throat, yet leave our belly exposed.”

‘Greyhand walked to the Godsend’s southern edge. And there, he stamped his heel on the cityfort that guarded the other passage to the Nordlund.

‘“Charinfel,” Khalid murmured.

‘“Perhaps Voss meant for us to intercept that message,” Greyhand said. “With this accursed storm, we’ve no way to be sure. But throwing all we have to defend Avinbourg sits ill with me, Khalid. Something about this smells foul.”