Home > Books > Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(130)

Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(130)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“What then do you suggest?”

‘“Guard both passes.”

‘“We cannot strike Fabién Voss with less than full strength,” Talon said. “Every silversaint here may still not be enough to end him. And if our battle goes ill, Avinbourg will need every soldier in the valley below to fend off the Endless Legion.”

‘“Then let us go, Abbot.”

‘All in the Library turned to me as I stepped forward. The boy I’d been might have quailed with those eyes upon me – generals and holy brothers and empresses. But after the things I’d seen, the blood I’d spilled, I was that boy no longer.

‘“We initiates, I mean. If this is a ploy from Voss, we can defend Charinfel! Greyhand can lead us! We’re doing nobody any good stuck here in San Michon!”

‘Murmurs of agreement rolled among the initiates until Talon sliced the air and bellowed for silence. But Greyhand met Khalid’s eyes.

‘“If my fears prove true, they’ll be more use on the line than behind it.”

‘“If your fears prove true, you and two dozen initiates will not hold that line.”

‘Greyhand rubbed his chin, looked to our Empress. Isabella stood among her advisers, eyes flickering between Greyhand and the abbot. A crag-faced general whispered in her ear, and she listened intently, studying the map. I could feel the tension in the lads around me – the idea we might be able to play a role after all filling us with fire.

‘“General Nassar advises we can spare one thousand men,” the Empress finally declared. “We are loath to reduce our numbers further. The last scout report we received told us the Endless Legion was moving northeast from Vellene. Despite your fears, all signs point to the Forever King striking Avinbourg, Frère, not Charinfel.”

‘“If this is true, I will consider myself gladly chastened, Majesty,” Greyhand replied. “But in battle, the wise man prays to God, yet still raises his sword.”

‘My belly surged as Isabella inclined her head. “So be it.”

‘A small cheer went up among the initiates, and Talon again roared for silence. Our voices died, but our smiles remained, and several of the lads slapped my back in gratitude before returning to order. The counsel session rolled on, but in truth, none of us was listening. Where a moment ago we were set to be chained to the hearth like untrained puppies, now we were to be unleashed as a pack of wolves. And even if no evil ended up coming to Charinfel, at least we’d not be sitting like mushrooms in the dark.’

Gabriel dragged his hair back, tipped the last of his wine down his throat.

‘It wasn’t until the next morn I learned that’s exactly what I’d be doing.’



‘THE BARRACKS WERE abuzz that night, and I was treated to a dozen more slaps to my back as we bedded down. We all knew we’d be setting out with the dawn, but still, Theo and Lil Phil had smuggled some vodka from the refectory, and we shared a few more mouthfuls around our cots. Finch raised a bottle in my direction, and even de Séverin managed a smile.

‘“Quick thinking and quicker talking, de León.” The nobleson nodded. “Santé.”

‘“D’ye see Talon’s face?” Fincher chuckled. “I thought he was about to shite blood.”

‘Petit grinned. “I fancy the Empress liked the cut of our kitten’s coat, though.”

‘Aaron lifted the vodka in toast, the scar on his face twisting as he gifted me a rare smile. “To the brave, the bounty.”

‘I smiled in return. “One day as a lion is worth ten thousand as a lamb.”

‘We settled abed after a few more sips, and the liquor helped my brothers to their dreams. We were to march on the morrow, and I knew I should be about my sleep too. But there was one more visit I needed to pay before night took me. One more word that needed speaking. If all Greyhand feared was true, this journey could be my last.

‘The Library was quiet as I stole inside, wooden troops still arrayed on the great map. My belly fluttered as I saw the parchment Greyhand had left crumpled on the floor.

‘I picked it up, smoothed the map out, thinking of the price we’d paid for it. I turned my eyes to the empire beneath my feet; to Avinbourg, to Charinfel, wondering which the Forever King would actually strike. Greyhand might have been right. Laure Voss was ancien, and it did feel that perhaps she’d toyed with us in Coste. But still … something about all of this struck an ill note. Something I couldn’t yet ken.

‘I smelled rosewater and rêvre as I stole through the forbidden section, a small smile on my lips. And rounding the shelves, there I found her; sitting with chin in palms, long black hair tumbling about her face. The books before her were unread, the scent of dreamweed heavy in the air. Looking at her eyes, I could see she’d smoked more than usual.

‘“Bonsoir, Majesty,” I bowed.

‘Astrid glanced to me, back to the candleflame. “What’s so fucking good about it?”

‘I held up the remnants of Theo’s vodka. “I come bearing gifts?”

‘Astrid looked to me again, lip quirking. “You may be seated.”

‘The drink from the feast was still quick in my blood, the pain of my new tattoo a faint throb beneath it. I handed Astrid the bottle, watching the candlelight playing upon her throat as she took a long, slow pull. Her eyes were heavy lidded, bloodshot, and she finished half of what was left before passing the bottle back to me.

‘“I suppose you think you’re terribly clever.”

‘“What exactly is terrible about being clever?” I asked, taking a mouthful.

‘“Tsk. Boys.” She took the bottle back, shaking her head. “Getting Isabella’s attention like that is unwise.”

‘“I didn’t realize I’d got her attention.”

‘“She knew your name. But have a care, Gabriel de León. Our Empress breaks the toys she plays with.” Astrid drank deep, wincing. “I mean, honestly, did you see that sword she was wearing? She’d be lucky to find the pointy end. Showy cunt.”

‘“I didn’t notice. My eyes were elsewhere.”

‘She scoffed. “Indeed.”

‘“I mean it. I’ve no use for pretty dresses and painted lips. Give me silver and blood. Give me a mind quick as the turning of the sky and sharp as the blade at my side.”

‘“Well, fancy that. A few sips of homebrew piss, and he turns into a poet.”

‘“I don’t think any of that rhymed.”

‘“A terrible poet, then.” Her smile failed, and she took another mouthful. “Apologies. I’m being a bitch again. Although Mama did tell me: In life, always do what you love.”

‘“You’re no bitch, Astrid Rennier.”

‘“All right, now I’m insulted.”

‘“You strike the pose well enough. But if you’re so bitchly, why are you in here every night, looking for the salvation of the empire that abandoned you?”

‘“There’s little else to do in this hole. Save torturing myself with fancies of escaping it.”