Home > Books > Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(63)

Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(63)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“Ah, he shows some teeth at last. Perhaps there is a lion in him, after all.”

‘“What are you doing in San Michon?”

‘“Being kept out of sight and mind,” she replied, toying with the stem of her pipe. “I was raised at court, you see. My mother kept in customary fashion of a prince’s mistress. But once the prince became emperor and got himself an empress, his new bride took exception to our presence. And so, we suffered the fate of all unwanted noblewomen in this empire. Whisked off to the silence and security of a nunnery.” Astrid’s lips twisted in a bitter smile. “Better than a brothel, I suppose.”

‘“… Your mother is here, too?”

‘“No. Bitch-Empress Isabella thought it unwise to keep us together. Mother’s in Redwatch. The Priory of San Cleyland. I haven’t seen her in a year.”

‘“I’m sorry. That seems …”

‘“Unjust,” Astrid murmured. “Unjust is what it is.”

‘“… That’s why you named him so,” I realized.

‘She looked at me then, her bloodshot eyes puzzled.

‘“The gelding. You named him Justice.”

‘“Ah.” She nodded, her mood growing fey again. “One more thing they took from me. They’re very good at that in this place. Taking, I mean.” She folded her arms, lips thin. “What did you name him instead? Some clichéd nonsense like Shadow or Sooty?”

‘“He kept the name you gave him. Justice suits him well.”

‘I watched the beauty spot beside her lip as she smiled sadly. “Merci.”

‘“I’m sorry. That they took him from you.”

‘“Hearts only bruise. They never break.” Astrid shrugged, as if to banish the shadow on her shoulders. “But I appreciate you stood up for me against the prioress that day, Gabriel de León. Peasant-born or no, that took a noble soul.”

‘I felt aflame with her flattery. Altogether confounded in her presence. She was older. Obviously deeper in the ways of the world. The ink on my very skin had been carved by her hand. Truth told, though I was taller, stronger, hardened by years of labour and months of bladework, I felt a blundering child around this girl.

‘“How did you get in here?” she asked. “Did you steal a key?”

‘“I’m no thief either, Sisternovice.”

‘“Then how were you planning to make your way about? That surly old bastard Adamo usually has everything locked up of an eve.”

‘“I thought I’d bend the bars. But to be honest, I hadn’t really planned that far ahead. I’m not even sure how I’m going to sneak back into Barracks.”

‘“Presumably the same way you got out?”

‘“No way to do that without wings. I crawled out through the privies.”

‘“That sounds like a shit plan, Initiate.”’

Jean-Fran?ois paused his writing, chuckling faintly. ‘You see, that was amusing, de León.’

‘Fuck off, vampire.’

The historian gave a small bow and continued scribbling.

‘I hung my head, realizing the sisternovice was right. Greyhand had warned me about my impetuousness in Skyefall, yet apparently, I hadn’t learned my lesson.

‘“It was a touch foolish, I suppose,” I admitted.

‘“Welllll, let’s just call it reckless,” Astrid declared. “Recklessness is a far more admirable quality in a member of the Ordo Argent than foolishness, wouldn’t you say?”

‘Looking into her smile, I found myself smiling back.

‘“Enchanted now, aren’t you?” she asked.

‘Astrid offered the pipe again.

‘“Not much left.”

‘“Merci, no. I didn’t come here to smoke.”

‘“Then why are you here, Initiate de León?”

‘I studied this sisternovice, trying to ignore the shiver-sweet fragrance of her blood between us. The fact that she was in the forbidden section – and speaking with such disdain for the powers that be – told me she probably wouldn’t go shouting about it if I told her the truth. I didn’t know if I should trust her. But God knew I trusted no one else.

‘And besides, she was right. Forget enchanted. By then, I was damn-near enthralled.

‘“Have you ever heard the word sanguimancy?”

‘“No. It sounds some measure of blood witchery?”

‘“I don’t know what it is. But apparently, it’s a gift that’s been passed to me.”

‘“But … you’re frailblood, aren’t you?”

‘I chewed my lip, remembering the tingle of her fingertips across my skin as she inked the lion on my chest. I reached down to my right hand, toying with the ring my mama had given me as a boy. Wondering why she hadn’t just given me the truth instead. “Seraph Talon told me I was frailblood. But Greyhand suspects I’m descended from another kith bloodline altogether. A fearsome one, and ancient, thought extinguished centuries ago.”

‘Astrid leaned forward, intrigued. “Your father …?”

‘“I never met him. But I came here tonight in the hope I’d discover something of all this in these archives. I can’t ask Greyhand. He already lied to me about it. He and Talon were talking about killing me for it. But I need to learn about this sanguimancy if I’m to master it, and understand the truth of what I am. The last seven months I’ve wandered about here thinking I was the lowest of the low. And now I discover I’ve some gift that might make me the greatest silversaint ever known?”

‘One eyebrow rose. “And is that what you want? To be great? To be known?”

‘“My sister was murdered by a coldblood,” I said, tone growing fierce. “She was twelve years old. And instead of being left to rest in her grave, Amélie rose again, nothing but a monster herself. If by being here, I can save one child, spare one mother the hell of what mine suffered, I’ll do whatever I can to do it well. And damn right I want to be fucking great. Don’t you? Don’t you want your life to count for something? To matter?”

‘“More than anything.” Her eyes were brief fire as she looked to the window. She whispered then, and her words sounded more like a prayer. “I’d tear the wings off an angel to fly this cage. I’d claw down the sky to carve my name into this earth.”

‘I nodded. “One day as a lion is worth ten thousand as a lamb.”

‘The sisternovice tilted her head, looked me over.

‘“Interesting,” she murmured.

‘“What is?”

‘“You are.”

‘I turned my eyes to the rows of countless tomes on the shelves about us. All those silent secrets. Astrid drummed her fingers on the book beside her.

‘“Ask nicely,” she said.

‘“… What?”

‘“There are far too many books in here for you to search alone. Even if you’d a thousand nights and could read all the languages they’re written in. And any day, you’re like to be sent off on another Hunt. So you’re thinking to yourself, If she’s already looking for word about daysdeath, she might keep one eye open for mention of this gift of mine?”

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