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Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)(200)

Author:Chloe Walsh

Fifteen thousand euro.

Fifteen grand.

Fifteen fucking k.

“What the hell?” Beyond confused, I stuffed the cash back into my pocket and quickly unfolded the note.

Dear Joseph, To know that I finally get to write this letter brings me both immense joy and sadness in equal measures.

Joy, because I know that you are thriving and most importantly finally free of that horrible man, but great sorrow because it came with such a high price.

I know you’re probably wondering about the money, so I won’t beat around the bush. When Granda passed away, he left you a few bob in his will, but with it came strict instructions to not hand it over to you until you were away from your father and out from under his roof.

I suppose Granda knew as well as I did that you would give it to your mother, who, in turn, would give it to him.

This money was meant for you, Joseph.

Granda wanted to do this for you.

For your future.

And by God do you have a bright one ahead of you, sweet boy.

I want you to take this money and look after your little family.

I like her very much, Joseph. Don’t let her slip through your fingers. Trust old Nanny when I tell you that she’s a keeper.

You’ll make a wonderful father and a devoted husband in time.

I sleep well at night knowing that I have a grandson like you in the world.

All my love, Nanny Murphy.



When I opened my eyes, I was bombarded with an array of feelings and emotions.

Pain came first.

Confusion followed swiftly after.

Licking my dry lips, I twisted my head from side to side, trying to shake the wave of dizziness off and make sense of what the hell was happening. It was only when I twisted sideways to my right that I saw him.


He was sitting in a chair next to my bed, cradling something to his chest.

“Hey, stud,” I mumbled, feeling groggy and hoarse, as I soaked in the sight of him.

Instantly, his focus snapped to me, and the emotion I saw in his crystal-clear green eyes was overwhelming.

He’s here.

He’s really here.

“Hey, queen.” Dropping his feet from where they had been resting on the side of my bed, he straightened up. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I went ten rounds with Tyson.”

“Well, you don’t look it,” he was quick to reply, as he stood up and closed the space between us. “Nice everything, Molloy.”

“Joe.” My voice was thick with emotion. My entire focus on the baby nestled in the crook of his arm. “Is the baby okay?”

“He’s perfect,” he replied, sinking down on the edge of my bed and then leaning in close to press a kiss to my brow. “You did such a good job, Aoif.”

“He?” My heart bucked wildly in my chest, as I snaked a trembling hand out from under the blankets to touch his little pink hand. “We have a son?”

“We have a son, and he has a set of pipes on him just like his mam,” he confirmed gruffly, carefully placing the small baby on my chest. “Say hi to Mammy.”

Unable to stop the tears from spilling from my eyes, I attempted to cradle the baby in my arms, feeling completely overwhelmed.

“We did this?” Sniffling, I stared at his tiny little face, feeling too much in this moment to comprehend. “Oh my god.” I choked out a half-laugh, half-sob. “He has Shannon’s little nose.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“He's got your curls.”

“He's got your eyes.”

“It’s all you, Molloy.” Pressing a few buttons on the remote attached to my bed, he raised the back of the bed into a semi-sitting position before removing the hairnet from my hair and pressing another kiss to my brow. “He’s gorgeous like his mam.”

“Yeah, well, his mam doesn’t feel so gorgeous anymore,” I mumbled, feeling vulnerable and weirdly exposed.

“His mam never looked more gorgeous than she does right now,” Joey corrected. “Six years ago today, I locked eyes on you for the first time, sitting on the wall outside of school, and now we’re sitting here with our son.” Smiling, he leaned in close and kissed me again. “Thanks for my baby, queen. You still take the air clean out of my lungs.”

That did it.

His words of affection broke the dam inside of me.

“Joe.” Heaving out a pained sob, I heaved our baby closer to my chest and kissed his chubby cheek. “When they couldn’t get him out, I thought he was going to —”

“He’s right here,” Joey was quick to coax, shifting closer, and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “You’re both here, and I’m going to take care of ye.” Another kiss. “I won’t let anything happen to either one of you, Molloy, I promise.”

“Have you been here the whole time?”

“I told you that I wouldn’t leave you.” He gently lifted our son out of my arms and placed him in the bassinet next to the bed before returning to my side. “I’ll never leave you again.”

I didn’t have the strength to be strong or put on a brave face in this moment.

I didn’t have anything left in the tank.

I had spent so long being the brave one.

The strong one.

Now, all I wanted to do was fold into him.

Because I couldn’t do this anymore.

I needed someone to lean on.

“I can’t do this on my own,” I admitted, fisting his hoodie as he carefully cradled me in his arms. “I’m so tired, Joe.”

“I know you are,” he replied, pushing my hair off my face, as he tucked me in closer.

“You can’t get sick again,” I cried, clinging to him for all I was worth. “You can’t leave me on my own in this.”

“I’ll never leave you on your own again,” he vowed, wrapping both of his arms around me. “I will never fail you again.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice, and I needed so badly for him to be right about this. For him to stay. “It’s my turn, Molloy.” He kissed my hair. “To look after you.”



Later that afternoon, the quiet bubble Molloy and I had been cocooned in while we came to terms with the squawking baby we co-created, was well and truly burst.

Barging into the hospital room, laden down with balloons, stuffed animals, and shopping bags came Trish and Casey, followed by a squeamish looking Tony.

“Aoife!” Trish and Casey both exclaimed, making a beeline for my girlfriend. “Oh, my poor baby.”

“Hi, Mam. Hi, Case.”

“Oh, look at your poor face. You look dead only to wash ya.”

“Wow. Thanks, Mam.”

“Don’t mind your mam,” Casey was quick to interject. “You’re every inch the ridey you’ve always been. Minus the big belly.”

Having the good sense to get out of the way, I stepped around the girls and moved for Tony.

“I see your father’s still here,” Tony noted, eyes locked on the baby in my arms. “That’s a good start.”

“I’m still here,” I confirmed, readjusting my hold on my son. “Say hi to your grandfather, kid.”

“Better not be calling any grandson of mine after the car in Knight Rider,” Tony grumbled, eyes locked on the baby in my arms.