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Rule Number Five: A College Hockey Romance (Rule Breaker Series Book 1)(44)

Author:Jessa Wilder

“Good morning.” Sid’s voice was muffled as she turned her face deeper into my chest. She stretched her body across mine, giving me an excellent view. Before I could do anything about it, her phone rang. Sid came to life when she saw the name across her screen. A twinge of jealousy made its way to my gut, wondering who was making her smile that way. I quickly found out I had nothing to worry about when she answered her phone.

“Hey, Dad, how are you?” Her tone lifted with her excitement.

I shifted closer, and she gave me a curious grin, but I was close enough that I could make out his reply.

“Hi, kiddo. How’s my favorite kid doing?”

“I’m your only kid.”

“I know, but even if you weren’t, you’d still be my favorite. Shhh… don’t tell the others.” Sid’s laugh filled the room, listening to her dad.

“I’m good,” she said. “Same old, same old. Studying, tests, and more studying.”

“You always worked too hard,” he said.

Some of the joy left her face. Her dad’s words were careless. Working hard wasn’t something she had to do. Reaching for her goals was a part of who she was. She rolled her shoulders, seeming to shake off his words.

“Where are you now? Feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.” Her voice was light enough, but there was a hint of sadness hidden in her tone.

“I know. That’s actually why I’m calling. I’m going to be in town next weekend, and I’m hoping we can meet up for an early supper.” Sid’s giant smile was contagious as she and her dad set up their date. It was only a few minutes before she was letting him go.

She looked over at me, still smiling, but her eyes widened when she remembered. “Crap, the proposal.” Her genuine look of disappointment had me wrapping my arm around her and tucking her into my side.

“Don’t worry about it. Enjoy your visit with your dad. I’ll even save you some cake.” I gave her a playful wink, and I was rewarded when her lip curled up at the side in a sexy grin. We kissed until her stomach grumbled. “Breakfast?”

“Hell, yes.”

We spent the morning at a little coffee shop down the street. She sucked the chocolate off the tips of her fingers, finishing her croissant. “What are you looking at?” Sidney’s smile was clear through her voice.

“I just thought of what else you could suck on.”

Her face turned a bright red, and she clamped her fingers over my mouth. Cute, so fucking cute. “Oh my god, stop. Not even you can make that sound hot.”

My smile widened under her hand as I licked her palm. She snatched it back, dancing out of the way, but I snatched it from the air and pulled her onto my lap. “What? You missed a spot,” I said, giving her my best innocent smile.

“Anyone ever tell you what a big mouth you have?”

“All the better to eat you with.” My cock hardened when her eyes darkened in understanding.

She tilted her head to mine and nipped gently at my bottom lip. “You are in so much trouble, Jax Ryder.”

“Is that so?” I gave her a disbelieving look. “What’s the punishment? Am I grounded to my room?” Her hands slid into the back of my hair as she settled herself more snugly against my quickly hardening length. I checked the other patrons, but no one looked in our direction. We were tucked into a corner, and it was an older crowd, unlikely to recognize me. She ran her fingers through the side of my hair and leaned down, lips hovering over mine.

“Can I get you anything else?” The server stood beside our table. Her eyes were pinched, and her mouth pursed, staring directly at Sid.

“No, we’re fine, thanks. Just the bill.” Sid went to stand, but I hauled her back down. “Where do you think you’re going?” My voice was light, but my fingers tightened, holding her in place.

“Remember, we aren’t making this public.”

“You could’ve fooled me.” I nipped her jaw, causing her to grind down on me. I wanted nothing more than to stay here, but, looking at the clock on my phone, she had to go to class, and I was off to practice.

Leaving money on the table to cover both of our tabs, I followed her out the door. We stopped outside the cafe. She tipped her head back to look at me, and I placed a featherlight kiss on the side of her mouth. “I have a surprise for you.”

Her head tilted to the side, and her eyes sparkled with mischief, her voice filling with sass. “I’m not sure I want to know what it is.”

I had to stop myself from biting her bottom lip. “You’ll like it, I promise.” Playing into her dirty thoughts, I watched as she leaned further into me, drawn by my words. “Be ready Friday night at six.” My voice was a demand, not a request.

“I’m not sure I like this new bossy Jax.” Her raspy voice and hooded eyes gave away the lie.

She turned and walked a few steps before I called her. “And Sid?”

“Yeah?” She looked back at me.

“Wear something nice.”

My breath caught as Sidney walked out of her building, and I let out a low whistle. She was wearing a short black dress that showed off her long legs, and I took three deep breaths, trying to slow the pounding of my heart. Her catlike smile told me she knew exactly what she was doing to me and was wielding it as a punishment for my secrecy. Her eyes roamed over me, taking in my styled hair, black slacks, and tailored shirt. Sid’s tongue peeked out, wetting her bottom lip, and lust filled me—it was going to be a long night if I couldn’t get a hold of myself, and I doubted she’d approve of me dragging her back upstairs.

Opening the truck door for her reminded me of when we met. I should’ve known then it was inevitable we would end up here.

“You look beautiful.” My voice was lower than I intended, and I closed the gap between us, pressing my mouth to hers. When we finally broke apart, her eyes were full of curiosity, and she pulled away.

I hadn’t let on for a second what I had planned for tonight. It had been in the works for weeks, and the anticipation of seeing her face when she realized what we were doing had my heart pumping. After practically begging for clues via text, Sid seemed to have ultimately given up trying to spoil the surprise.

“Hurry and get in. We’re on a tight schedule,” I said, lifting her into her seat, and grinned at the little squeal she let out.

“What am I going to do with you?” Her voice was gruff with exasperation, but there was a smile on her face.

“Love me forever, keep me for always?” Winking at her surprised expression, I closed the door before she could respond and hurried around the truck.

After a half hour of driving in comfortable silence, I turned into the Ambassador Bridge toll.

Sid looked at me curiously. “We’re going into Detroit?”

“Yup, Mia hooked me up with your passport,” I said, popping the p like she liked to do.

“You’re still not going to tell me anything?”


She let out a little huff but returned to looking out the window, searching for clues. I’d booked a spot in a parking lot a few blocks from our destination.

“Don’t even think about it,” I said when Sid’s hand went to open the door. I went around to her side of the truck, opening it for her, and helped her down.

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