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Ryan Reign (New York Ruthless #4)(9)

Author:Sadie Kincaid

I抳e only been sitting alone for a few minutes when I feel a warm hand on my back. I turn, expecting and hoping to see Shane, but it抯 Sean O扖onnor抯 face that smiles back at me. I shrug his hand off me.

揝omething wrong??he grins at me. 揧ou were much more friendly before.?

揑 don抰 like to be touched by people I don抰 know,?I say as I scoot back in my seat, looking around the room for Shane but I don抰 see him.

揃ut we know each other now, don抰 we??He leers at me as he trails two fingers over the bare skin on my arm and I shudder. How did I not notice how creepy he was before?

I抦 about to tell him to go to hell when his hand is forcibly removed from my arm and twisted up his back. I hear the cracking of bone as Sean winces and howls in pain before his head is slammed onto the bar in front of us and he stumbles to the ground with blood pouring from his nose. When I look up again Shane is standing right in front of me with a murderous look in his eyes.

揥e抮e going!?

I blink at him.

揘ow!?he barks as he reaches for my hand and pulls me from the stool.

I allow him to walk me out of the crowded bar while everyone stares at us. Nobody says anything and I doubt they would dare after what he just did. When we are outside in the afternoon sun, I wrench my hand from his grip.

揥hat the hell, Shane??I snap.

He turns to me, full of anger and venom. 揑 told you to stay the fuck away from him.?

揑 did!?I protest. 揌e found me.?

揧ou should never have spoken to him in the first place.?

揈rin introduced me to him. Why does she get to do whatever she wants with no reproach??I scowl at him.

He grabs my chin in one of his strong hands, squeezing as he bends his face close to mine. 揃ecause I don抰 give a fuck what Erin does,?he hisses. 揑 don抰 care who she talks to, who she smiles at, who she fucks.?He shifts closer to me, pressing his groin into mine until the heat from his body sears against my skin. 揃ut you厰 He narrows his eyes at me before dipping his head lower, brushing his lips against my ear and making a shiver skitter along my spine. 揑 see you talking to another man and I want to rip his tongue out. When you smile at him, I want to gouge his fucking eyes out. And if anyone touches you, like even brushes against you when you抮e passing by, it makes me feel so fucking angry that I feel like ripping their head off with my bare hands.?

揝hane! I didn抰厰 I start to plead but he turns away from me.

揋et into the car,?he snarls and I do as he orders, rolling my eyes once his back is turned. Once inside the car, I scooch over onto the back seat, shrinking into the corner so I can sit as far away from him as possible. But when he climbs in after me, he follows me, sitting on the seat directly beside me. I bristle at his touch but he seems to take that as a signal to pull me up and onto his lap as he settles back into the seat.

揝hane!?I hiss as I wriggle from his grip, but he wraps his powerful arms around me and holds me in place.

揝tay!?he growls, as though I抦 a puppy dog and not a person. I am about to tell him to go to hell when I notice Erin climbing into the car too and I press my lips together. The look of anguish on her face at seeing me wrapped in the arms of the man she still so clearly loves is obvious, if only for a fleeting moment, before she disguises it with an eye roll and a look of disgust.

There is no way I will give her the satisfaction of making a scene here in the car, so I reluctantly settle into Shane抯 lap, leaning against his broad chest. Some of the tension slips from him as he hugs me tighter. He barks an order to the driver and then he sighs softly before he plants a soft kiss on my shoulder. It抯 such a tender kiss that it almost makes me forget how mad I am at him.


Chapter 8


As I take off my make-up in the bathroom, I see Shane抯 reflection in the mirror. He leans against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles, wearing just his suit pants and looking as hot as hell, which is pretty fitting considering he is the devil抯 own spawn.

I avoid making eye contact and he just stands there watching me until I抦 done. I don抰 want to leave this bathroom. I don抰 want to have to walk past him, or ask him to move out of my way, because I am beyond pissed at him. I feel like taking a plane straight back to New York and crawling into bed with one of his brothers for a bear hug. I blink away the tears at the thought of Conor and the twins and how much I miss them, and wonder why the hell I agreed to come here with their asshole big brother.

揧ou going to speak to me at all tonight??he snaps.


揃ecause of what I did to some prick you barely know??he growls.

I spin around. 揧ou think I give a damn about that jackass??

揟hen what the fuck is wrong with you??he snarls.

I glare at him. The fact that he doesn抰 even realize why I抦 so upset only makes me more annoyed with him. 揧ou told me to be more like Erin!?I spit the words at him before I turn back to the mirror so he doesn抰 see the tears in my eyes.


I don抰 respond.

揑抦 sorry,?he says with a heavy sigh, making me turn around.

揑 don抰 care,?I reply as I walk towards the door and try to push past him. He doesn抰 move and I glare up at him.

揟his place makes me crazy,?he frowns at me.

揘o. It makes you cruel and heartless,?I snap. 揓ust like your father.?

The shadow falls across his face and I know that抯 a line I shouldn抰 have crossed but he crossed one too today. He wraps a hand around my throat, pushing me back into the room until I am pressed against the bathroom counter. 揧ou know nothing about the kind of man my father was.?

揇on抰 I??I challenge him. 揇idn抰 he like to take people抯 insecurities and exploit them? Wasn抰 he cruel and bitter??

He swallows hard. 揧ou think that抯 who I am??

I blink the tears from my eyes. 揘o. But that抯 how you made me feel today.?

I expect him to argue with me but he kisses me instead as he presses me against the countertop. Planting my hands on his chest, I try to push him away but he is undeterred. His hands slide to my waist before he lifts me onto the counter and wraps my legs around his waist. I bite his lip but it only seems to make him more determined as he kisses me so fiercely that I struggle to breathe.

I push at his chest again but he takes hold of my wrists and pins them behind my back as he keeps on tongue-fucking my mouth. I am completely powerless to resist him. Heat rolls through my core and I feel wetness pooling between my thighs as he grinds his cock against me making me whimper shamelessly.

Damn my treacherous body letting me down like this.

When I stop struggling, he releases my wrists and I wrap my arms around his neck, scratching his skin as I pull him closer to me.

揑 need to fuck you,?he groans as he unzips his pants and takes out his cock. Then he tugs my panties to the side and slides two fingers deep inside me, making me gasp out loud.

揝hane!?I hiss, reaching between us and squeezing his hard cock. I need him to fuck me too. I need to release some of the anger and frustration that has been building all afternoon.

He curls his fingers inside me, pressing against my G-spot and my legs begin to tremble as I coat him in a rush of slick heat.

揧ou make me so fucking hard,?he grunts as he slides his fingers out and rams his cock into me instead, pushing me back against the mirror before he sinks his teeth into the tender skin on my neck and sucks hard.

揓esus, Shane,?I pant as I rake my nails down his back.

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