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Society of Psychos (Dead Men Walking #2)(109)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Mateo stood beside me as AJ worked, running his thumb gently along the nasty little Veronica of a blade in his grip.

“Make him hurt tonight, Dead Man,” I said lustfully. “Make it last and last.”

Mateo looked to me with his lips curling up in a deadly smile. “As you wish, mi sol.”

A shudder ran through me as I got wet for him, but we were here on an official Society of Psychos outing. I couldn’t get distracted by thoughts of being triple dicked right now.

AJ got the door open with a splintering noise and Niall moved forward, severing the alarm wire above the door as it let out its first obnoxious bleep. We had to take this way seeing as the front exits were covered with cameras, and Niall said it’d be easier to just avoid them all together instead of trying to cut the power to them.

“Let’s go, potato,” Niall said, leading the way into a stairwell while adjusting the large bag of weapons over his shoulder.

He led the way up and I jogged at his side, sharing excited glances with him as we closed in on the level we needed. Niall squeezed my ass as we made it to the door, opening it and gesturing for me to step through like a real gentleman.

I curtsied to him and walked through with Brutus sniffing the air, on the hunt for blood as keenly as I was. The parking lot was nearly empty, a few vehicles sitting around the place including a red Volvo in parking bay sixty-nine.

“You two head to the other exit,” Niall commanded AJ and Mateo. “If he senses something’s off, I want all bases covered.”

“Okay,” AJ agreed and Mateo nodded stiffly, looking like he didn’t much like taking Niall’s orders but he turned back into the stairwell with AJ all the same.

“Well then, Spider. We’ve got some waiting to do.” Niall checked his phone for the time and I saw we had twenty minutes left until midnight.

“Enough time for you to show me why sixty-nine is funny?” I asked hopefully and he gave me a burning look before checking the time again like he was considering it.

“Best not, love,” he said. “Come on. The light’s out over in that corner. I’ll get myself hidden for when he shows up and it’s time for you to play yer part.”

I nodded, following him to the other side of the lot where it was darker, the clip-clop of my heels the only sound in the expansive place, but soon there’d be screams and cries for help, and no one would answer them.

We moved behind a Land Rover with blacked out windows and sat ourselves on the low wall at the edge of the lot, looking down to where a couple of cars were parked on the street two floors below us.

Brutus lay down by our feet and I swung my legs as I waited for the show to start, anticipation making me sway from side to side. A train line ran along close behind the parking lot a big old freight train rumbled down it, seeming a mile long, the noise rumbling around us.

Niall placed his bag of weapons down by his feet and took my hand, his roughened fingers clutching mine. I looked to him with a dreamy smile pulling at my lips and a haze of love filling me up to the brim.

“I can’t believe I lived so long without ya in my life, Spider,” he said in a low tone, leaning in close so I could hear him over the noise of the train. “I can’t imagine a place or time without ya now.”

“There won’t be one,” I promised, painting my finger over his lips. “Our souls will always know where to find each other.”

His lips lifted in a hopeful smile at that thought but as he leaned in to kiss me and steal my breath away just like he always did, a bang ripped through the air. Then Niall was falling, tumbling away over the wall and slamming down onto one of the car roofs below.

I screamed in terror, twisting around as the leash looped over my wrist yanked tight and Brutus lunged forward, forcing me onto the ground instead of allowing me to dive after my Hellfire.

I looked to the window which had lowered on the passenger side of the Land Rover, my gaze narrowing on a bald man as he withdrew the gun which had shot Niall, my mind spinning into chaos in seconds.

The leash came off of my wrist as Brutus leapt up at the window, trying to scramble his way inside and another bang roared in my ears as a blonde woman in high heels and a fitted black dress stepped around the car, a pistol raised and my dog falling down between us with a yelp of pain. Horror juddered through me as his name tore from my lips.

Anastasia was full of rage, her eyes wide and fearful as she looked over my head to the wall where Niall had fallen.

She glared at the man in the car as I reached for Brutus, and panic welled within my chest. “What the fuck did you just do, Anatoly? How am I supposed to marry a dead man?”

A bellow escaped me as the sound of gunfire set my pulse hammering in my chest and I took off sprinting towards the ramp which led further up into the parking lot, not caring about cameras or evidence or anything at all other than the scream I’d heard and the girl whose throat it had torn from.

Mateo shouted a warning behind me and through the haze of furious bloodlust which had me blinded, I spotted movement between some of the parked cars on the bottom floor of the lot.

Shots rang out as the men there took aim at us and I roared a challenge as I sprinted straight for them, not slowing so much as a step as I charged them down and saw their deaths in my future.

Gunshots came from behind me too, Mateo returning fire while I opted for the direct approach and as the men in front of us took cover, I managed to close the distance between us.

I leapt over the hood of the closest car and slammed into a man who was trying to hide on the other side of it before he could whip around and aim his gun at me.

I fisted my hand in his hair and started slamming his head against the side of the car over and over again, using his body to shield me against the guns of his friends which were being aimed my way while I cracked his skull and splattered his blood all over the place.

I felt him go limp in my hold and hurled his body towards the rest of them, using their moment of distraction to launch myself between them, fists flying and rage spilling from me far faster than their blood could spill to the floor.

Mateo leapt around the cars too, firing off quick shots and taking two of them out just as I snapped another neck, the final man aiming a furious cry our way as he took in the bodies of his friends and saw what had become of them.

He fired a shot straight at me, but Mateo had already fired on him, a bullet tearing through his skull and knocking him aside just in time to make his bullet shatter the car window behind me instead of puncturing my flesh.

“Rook!” I roared, turning my head towards the ramp which led up to her and hearing nothing at all in reply aside from new gunshots as more men moved to block my path to her.

But that wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t be kept from the owner of my soul and she wouldn’t be left without me when she so clearly needed my help.

“We’ll get to her,” Mateo snarled, reloading his gun as we were forced to take cover. “She’ll be okay, gigante.”

My lips curled back on a feral snarl as I held onto his words and turned my attention towards the men who were shooting at us, keeping us from the woman I loved.

I nodded once then let myself go, unleashing the worst of me and thinking of nothing other than her. I lurched out from behind the car and took off running straight towards those foolish enough to try and place a barrier between us and our woman.