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Society of Psychos (Dead Men Walking #2)(31)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

“And Nash. All four of us. We’re hers and she’s ours,” Kyan went on like people just casually dropped that kind of information into conversation all the time. Oh hey, have you met my wife and the three other fellas she fucks? I’m so glad to have brought them all to this birthday party for ya to meet. No. Didn’t seem like a usual kind of opener, that was for sure.

“But she’s your wife,” I pointed out in case he’d forgotten. Maybe that was it. He’d forgotten and their cocks had all just slipped into her a few times while he’d been trying to remember.

“I know, but she’s theirs too. Not by law. But by… agreement. I dunno what else to call it. They love her and she loves them. It’s all of us, that’s just the way it is,” Kyan snarled, his anger clear as he seemed to be fighting against the desire to spill blood almost as hard as I was. Though on that note, the bloodlust was fading fast from me in light of this new puzzle because I was trying to figure this out and it was actually making a whole lot of sense.

Saint had positioned himself between me and their girl now, his fists curled and his intentions clear no matter who I was. He wasn’t going to let me hurt her. And I had to admit, despite how close I’d just come to killing dear old Blake, there were two more of them here who would have fought tooth and claw to keep me from Tatum if I’d gone and turned my killing intentions her way. They’d have done all they could to keep her safe and I had to admit that even with my superior skills and thirst for blood, I likely wouldn’t have beaten all of them before they’d ended me. Which meant that even if I had taken out Blakey, she’d have still been safe.


But then I thought of the other mechanics of that set up and I had to admit that that was the bit which boggled me the most.

“And you’re okay with that arrangement. Multi-dicks and all, lad?” I asked, wondering how that worked. Did they have a ticket system? A day of the week each? But then they’d need seven of them if it was one a day or that wouldn’t work. A four-day cycle? A ballot? A lottery? A goat with impeccable taste who independently selected which one of them got to-

“Yes,” Kyan said firmly, cutting off that wild thought and I put it away for later.

“And you’re okay with it too, lass?” I looked over to Tatum, who seemed to be out of sorts for some reason, her hair all crazy-like and her eyes blazing with unshed tears.

Blake pushed himself up to sit at last, rubbing his neck as he glared at me like he was considering another fight which I wasn’t wholly opposed to, but I had questions right now and I was more interested in those. Saint placed a hand on his shoulder in warning and he didn’t move again, which was handy because I was still waiting.

“Yes,” Tatum said firmly, surprising me with the vehemence of her words. “I love them equally. And I know you were trying to protect Kyan, but fuck you, Niall.”

“So it’s like a pick and mix for you?” I asked curiously, ignoring the suggestion for me to get fucked because I hadn’t done that in a long damn time, so it wasn’t likely now. “If one of your boys is pissing you off, you can just go find another?” I asked, needing more information, all the information. I was like that beast in his library with the annoying little French woman who crept into his house and kept stealing all his books. I needed the books. I needed to know.

“It’s not like that, I lov-” she started, but I was getting it now, so I cut her off because fuck me, I think I was having an epiphany.

“That actually makes a lot of sense,” I said. “I always did feel sorry for my wife having to weather my brand of insanity alone. If she’d had a boyfriend too, maybe he could have given her some reprieve from my company. Of course, I’m not certain I could stand another man sticking his cock in my woman…” I rubbed my chin in contemplation, considering the idea while forcing my thoughts firmly away from my little Spider because this wasn’t about her, it was about a theoretical reality in which I might not have had to live through the brutality of my wife’s murder. Then again, wasn’t a lot of my objections to having a woman because of my fear of what might happen to one who got close to me again?

I bit my own tongue, needing the pain to force out the thoughts which I wasn’t going to be having about any kind of future which didn’t involve me dying alone.

“My Ava wasn’t likely to have wanted that though. And my bed has been emptier than a nun’s vagina since she was taken from me, so I’m not likely to ever find out if I’d be able to allow it without castrating the other fella-”

“It’s a family,” Kyan snapped, interrupting me. “I wouldn’t just let any man fuck my woman. But I love the three of them too. It’s the only way that it ever could have worked for us.”

“So you fuck them as well?” I asked him, pointing between Saint and Blake and tilting my head as I pictured that. It made sense actually. A woman only had so many holes and the two of them looked like they could suck a dick as well as anyone. I hadn’t had much experience of men sucking my cock but then again, I’d married my high school sweetheart and been celibate for the ten years following on from her death, so I hadn’t done a whole lot of experimenting.

“No,” Kyan grunted, his lips lifting with a hint of amusement. “They couldn’t handle me.”

I barked a laugh, believing that well enough. Kyan was his own kind of monster, and it took a strong woman like his to wrangle one of those. Or four. Fuck me, what a turn out. Two’s company, three’s a crowd, but four? That was a number right there. That was the makings of an army.

“Well, I can’t say my horizons are broadened every day, but you’ve definitely given me food for thought,” I said, chuckling as I looked to Blake, who still seemed a little salty about his near-death experience. Whoops. “Sorry about that then, lad. Look at it this way though, now you can say you survived the wrath of the best hitman in the state – which I don’t think anyone else has ever done. Ever. Not once. I don’t leave bodies kicking. Or twitching. So everybody wins.” Blake didn’t seem inclined to agree but I’d said sorry, and that made everything okay. It was the law. Everyone knew that.

I stepped closer to Kyan, lowering his voice as the questions in me just kept coming, an idea I wasn’t allowed to indulge in spinning around inside my skull.

“So tell me more about this arrangement? Do you have a schedule? Or do you all just whip your dicks out and-” I waved my hand between the group of them. “Act like animals whenever the feelin’ takes ya?”

“I’ll tell you about it another time,” Kyan muttered, stepping away from me like there were more important matters at hand and helping Tatum to her feet.

He checked her over closely then kissed the corner of her mouth when he was satisfied she was okay.

It was…well, fuck me, they were all looking at her like that and I had to say I could see the appeal. She was there in the middle of a wolf pack, kept safe from the monsters of the world with enough love surrounding her that even if one of her men died in the name of protecting her, she’d still have more to keep her heart beating on.

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