Home > Books > Society of Psychos (Dead Men Walking #2)(58)

Society of Psychos (Dead Men Walking #2)(58)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

The straps of my dress slipped down my shoulders as I stepped toward him in anger, but I didn’t give a fuck about my body being exposed before him in light of my fury. Niall had taken something important from me, and even if it had been hot as hell to watch him kill my enemy, he still hadn’t had the right to do it.

“Anastasia,” he laughed coldly, moving around the chair suddenly and marching towards me. “I wish I wanted that woman, it would be so much fuckin’ easier, you know that? But I don’t give a fuck about that bitch and her fake tits. The only girl I care about is you. Even when you piss me off, or drive me to insanity or give my weapons incorrect names, because you are the only person in the world who’s ever made sense to me. The only one who can answer my ramblings with ramblings of her own, the only one who would give a fuck about things that I give a fuck about. Like the fact that sharks have two penises.”

“They do?” I gasped, but he barrelled on.

“You’re in my head.” He tapped his bloody fingers against his skull. “Like a bullet fired from the most beautiful fuckin’ gun, and if I carve you out now, it’ll end me. You’re a savage, barmy, lunatic and I ain’t ever known anyone like ya except myself. And I ain’t gonna say sorry for killing that fucker or any other who harmed you, because I’m your killer now. And that makes me your protector too. That ain’t some cute declaration from a fancy man, it’s the promise of a heathen. And there’s more to it than that, Spider.” He strode towards me and I fell into his shadow, consumed by his darkness, finding there was no other place in the world I wanted to be. “It means you’re mine in return. All mine, down to that wicked soul of yours which the Devil laid claim to. I’m claiming it back from him here and now, and when we die and he comes running to steal it from me, I’ll beat him bloody just like I did that lawman over there. I’ll cut his horns from his head and drive them into his chest, then I’ll take his throne and announce myself the king of hell. The Devil has nothing on me now, love, because I own his most coveted soul.” He took hold of my throat, smiling at me as a line of blood dripped down his cheek. “And I’m gonna keep ya for the rest of time, Brooklyn.”

He yanked me into his body and suddenly his mouth was on mine, the taste of my enemy’s blood rolling between us before he pushed his tongue between my lips and stole away everything but the taste of him. This violent maniac who was announcing me as his and him as mine. My head spun in a vortex made of hopes and dreams, fear and lust. I kissed him back, my anger dissolving in my chest and giving way to the purest, sweetest candy in the universe.

Niall drove me back towards the bed, his hand tightening on my throat and making me moan as he stole away my air, holding my life in his grip and marking a red handprint on my flesh.

We were in a blood frenzy and the hairs were rising all across my body as electricity darted along my skin. I needed more, but I didn’t know how to get it as I tugged on his shirt in a demand I had no words for. I ripped it open when the stubborn little buttons wouldn’t give and I pushed it over his powerful shoulders as he shrugged out of it, letting the material fall to the floor and leaving me with his heated chest to explore. I pulled him closer as our kiss deepened and the flavour of all the sins this man had committed danced over my tastebuds, making my core clench tightly.

My dress was still hanging off of me and I let it fall, hating the heavy material and the barrier it was forming between us. Niall’s lips broke from me as he looked down at my body and a blush blazed along my cheeks as he took in my nudity. It was all I was, exposed for him and asking a question I couldn’t form with my tongue.

Niall released my throat and my blush deepened as he stared at me like I was truly what he wanted. But inside, a little voice was telling me I wasn’t enough for him, that my tiny tatas and the broken pieces of my sanity weren’t ever going to amount to something which could fulfil the ferocious needs of this man.

“I haven’t done this in a long time, Brooklyn,” Niall said seriously and I frowned in surprise.


“No,” he confirmed, disgust flitting across his features and making a heated drop of relief soak right into my core. “No one since Ava.”

I swallowed the rising lump in my throat as I nodded, shocked by that. “Well, I haven’t done this in a long time either. Like a really long time. Imagine the longest time you can think of. I haven’t actually-”

He kissed me, cutting off the words ‘had sex before’, his tongue slow and commanding mine to move in ways I didn’t even know were possible.

He shoved me down onto the bed and my back hit the mattress a second before his body crushed me into the sheets, the scent of blood still thick in the air as he rested his weight between my thighs and the huge length of his cock ground against my soaking entrance through the material of his pants.

I felt like I was in a burning forest, the trees falling down around us, the crack and snap of branches breaking ringing out everywhere. It was the world ending and beginning at once, and I knew with all my soul that I wanted this. Niall had claimed me and I wanted that to extend to every piece of me.

He dragged his mouth down to my throat, biting and sucking and working me towards absolute madness. I writhed beneath him, unsure what to do with myself or how to ease this tension in my body as I dug my nails into his back and moaned. His mouth dragged down over my collarbone, lower and lower until he took one of my nipples into his mouth, tugging it between his teeth and making my back arch, lightning scoring beneath my flesh left and right.

“More,” I begged, not knowing what I needed, only that he was the only one who could deliver it to me.

My head was a fog of murder and lust, and if I didn’t get an outlet, I’d be cast into a bottomless chasm, never to be found. But Niall was my anchor right now and between us there was something terribly perfect that I was already afraid of losing. All good things turned to ash, but Niall seemed so sturdy and real in my grasp, I wondered if it was me who’d crumble to dust this time.

Niall reached between us, nudging my legs wider as he unbuckled his pants, our movements becoming faster as he shifted back up to kiss me, shoving his trousers off alongside his socks and shoes until there was nothing left but him and me on the bed alongside the expectation which was building like a storm cloud ready to burst.

I gasped against his mouth as he dragged the pierced head of his cock over my slick entrance, a curse falling from his lips as our eyes locked and he hesitated in this moment of almost which had my entire being shaking with the need for that promise between us to be fulfilled.

My hips bucked and I whimpered for him, knowing I wanted this with every fibre of my worthless being and grateful that no one had ever had this from me before now. Niall was my captor, my saviour, my psycho, and I wanted him to take this from me. I wanted to give it to him.

“You said I’m yours, Hellfire. So have me,” I growled, a ring of command in my tone that I liked the sound of.

Right there beneath him, I didn’t feel like some small, shattered creature, I was reborn in torment and death. He was the prince of darkness I’d craved my entire life and maybe I could be his princess, even if my crown was crooked and my dress made of thorns.

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