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Someone Else’s Life(47)

Author:Lyn Liao Butler

Annie shook herself, not wanting to believe this story. “You’re delusional, Serena. Finn is my son. He looks just like me and Brody, half-Asian and half-white.” People were always telling them that Finn looked like the perfect combination of the two of them.

“Danny is Chinese, so Johnny was half-Asian and half-white too.”

Annie sucked in a breath, digesting this fact. But she wasn’t about to be pulled into Serena’s delusions. “I don’t believe you. I would know if Finn isn’t my child. He . . .” She stopped, thinking of all the times when she’d thought there was something wrong with her for not bonding with him more. Could there be truth in what Serena was saying? But then she shook herself, refusing to buy into it. Finn was her child, hers and Brody’s. “I don’t believe you.”

Serena’s face was so mournful that Annie would have felt sorry for her if she weren’t pulling this stunt. Annie steeled herself, refusing to let the other woman soften her defenses. Finn was her child, end of story. But she couldn’t help thinking back to his birth, and when they’d brought him back to her later that day.

The nurse had placed Finn in her arms and she’d looked down, expecting to feel that rush of love she’d felt when they first placed him on her chest after the birth and when they’d brought him back again after cleaning him up. But instead, she’d gone cold, frozen for a moment as she stared down at her baby. He was like a stranger to her. She felt nothing. Dimly, she was aware of Brody looking over her shoulder, making cooing noises at the baby, touching him lightly on the brow. Yet Annie continued to stare at the baby, wondering why she felt so numb.

She remembered looking up and saying to the nurse in a shrill voice, “Are you sure this is Finn? He looks different.”

And the nurse had turned to her with a laugh. “Of course this is your baby. We cleaned him up, that’s all.” He’d been covered with a white, cheesy-looking substance when he was born.

Annie had to admit he looked much cleaner. But she’d turned to Brody and asked, “Are you sure this is our baby?”

He’d gazed at her with so much love. “Yes. Yes, this is Finn. Our son.” His words had calmed the panic in her chest. She’d looked back down at the baby, determined to feel that rush of love again, but felt empty. She’d pushed her doubt aside, thinking she was overwhelmed by the birth. She’d be fine, once she’d had some rest.

Now she grimaced as the first pangs of doubt filled her. Was Serena right? Could they have been switched at birth and that’s why Annie hadn’t recognized her own child when they brought him back to her? Alarm coursed through her as she tried to make sense of this. Was Finn really Serena’s child?


She started, her eyes focusing on Serena staring at her from across the room. No. No, she wouldn’t believe Serena’s wild story. Finn was her son. What had happened the day of his birth was just the insecurity of a new mother. They had not been switched at birth. There was no way the hospital would have let that happen.

But then her eyes widened as a thought occurred to her. Was Serena here to take Finn? Because that was not going to happen, over Annie’s dead body. No matter what doubts she had about their relationship, Finn was hers. She would do anything for him, including fight a delusional woman. Fear sliced through her even as she reassured herself that Serena would not do that. Would she? Thank goodness he was at the main house with her father and Sam. Picking up her phone while keeping her eyes on Serena, she quickly fired off a text to both Sam and her father.

Don’t let Finn out of your sight. Keep him with you at all times. Will explain later.

Sam texted back right away. Wait, what? Why? What’s going on?

A: I’ll explain later. Can’t now. But I’m serious. DO NOT let him out of your sight.

S: You’re scaring me.

Annie’s father responded too. What going on?

A: Will explain as soon as I can. Just keep him with you. TRUST ME.

S: Okay. I got him. Do you need me to come over?

A: No. I got this. Just take care of him.

S: Yes. Call me as soon as you can.


Annie let out a breath of relief that Sam wasn’t going to question her strange request. Her sister knew Annie was serious because they’d always used TRUST ME, in all caps, whenever they needed the other one to do something without asking questions. It was something the three sisters had done since they were younger. Sam would keep Finn with her.

Now what to do with Serena? What could she do with the storm still raging outside?

“You have to leave. Leave us alone.” There was no conviction in Annie’s voice—she knew Serena couldn’t. But maybe she’d get lucky and Serena would just disappear in front of her eyes.

“I can’t.” Serena jutted out her chin. “I need Finn. I have nothing left. No one in my life. No family except for Finn. I need him.”

“What?” What was Serena asking of her?

“I need him. Please. I know the kind of person you are. You’re so kind, and you understand me.”

“I don’t understand anything right now.” Annie rubbed her forehead.

Serena squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I want you to give me Finn.”

Annie’s jaw dropped and she could only stare. Weak-kneed, she reached back to support herself on the wall. Serena really wasn’t in her right mind. There was no denying it now.

They stared at each other, neither moving. Tensions crackled so high between them that Annie was surprised the room didn’t burst into flames.

Annie’s phone rang and they both jumped. She looked down and saw it was Brody. Good, this was good. Brody would know what to do. Because Annie’s brain had turned to mush.

She picked up the phone without saying anything.

“Sorry about hanging up on you.” Brody’s tone was brusque, the connection staticky. “Cell service is really bad. I haven’t been able to get through.”

“Yes.” Annie watched Serena watching her as she spoke to Brody. “You need to come home. Now.” She was still numb, trying to process Serena’s request. “I need you.” Her voice broke on the last word.

“What’s happening? Tell me.” There was an urgency in Brody’s voice that Annie rarely heard, making her realize she was scaring him.

“I can’t say right now. I need you here.” Annie didn’t know what else to say. There was too much to explain.

“I haven’t been able to get through to the cops. They must be slammed.” Annie heard every other word of what Brody had just said, but she got the gist of it.

“Come home.” Her voice trembled.

“I’m calling 911. Maybe the Kapaa fire department can get to you. They’re on the same side of the bridge, even if the police and fire from Lihue can’t get there.” Brody’s steady voice calmed her slightly.

“Okay.” Annie took in a shuddering breath. She needed help.

“Annie.” Brody’s tone had her listening. “Go to the main house with your family.”

“And what about . . .” Annie kept her gaze on Serena.

“Leave her. You said it yourself: we have nothing of value. Go to your father’s. Call me from there when you do.”

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