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Someone Else’s Life(48)

Author:Lyn Liao Butler

“Okay.” Annie could hear the storm, so loud outside, and as much as she didn’t want to go out in it, she knew she had to get away.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Some guy has a chain saw, and he’s helping them cut up the tree so traffic can start moving again.”

Her phone pinged suddenly, making her jump. Looking down, she saw it was a text from her sister.

“Who’s that?” Brody asked, having heard the text alert.

“It’s Sam. Our father wants me to come over. He thinks we’re going to lose power.”

“Yes, I agree. Get out now.” His words were urgent.

“Okay.” Annie’s breath hitched. “I’m leaving.”

When Serena heard that, she suddenly flew into action. She ran for the front door and flattened herself against it, blocking the way. Annie narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out how she and Marley were going to get around Serena and out the door.

“I know things haven’t been great lately, but I love you, Annie.” Brody’s voice was rough and low.

At his words, tears gathered in her eyes. She honestly hadn’t thought he still did. Not after what a bitch she’d been to live with.

“I love you too,” she whispered.

Brody sighed, and the long exhalation vibrated down the phone line. It made Annie want to run to her husband and throw her arms around him, resting her head at his sternum and finding the place where she belonged. For the first time in a long time, her heart leaped with hope; maybe they hadn’t drifted as far as she’d feared. Maybe they could still find their way back to each other.

They hung up, and Annie grabbed Marley’s collar, walking him to the hooks by the front door, where his leash hung. But Serena stepped in front of her.

“Get out of my way.” Annie faced Serena, as if her scowl alone would make the other woman move.

Serena didn’t budge. “You have to give Finn to me.”

“No, I don’t. Move.” Annie tried to go around Serena, but the other woman blocked her again. Fine, if she wouldn’t let Annie get the leash, they would just leave without it. Annie turned to the front door, which was only a few feet away.

Serena once again moved in front of Annie, blocking the way. “I have nothing left. Except him. My son. My flesh and blood.”

Annie glared at Serena. “He’s my son. I will never give him to you.”

“Please.” Serena’s face was contorted, and her red curls stood up wildly, making Annie think of Medusa. “You said you never bonded. You know he’s not yours. Your baby was Johnny. You can have another baby.”

“You’re insane.” Annie’s fists clenched, trying to tamp down her anger. “I’m forty-two. There’s no way I’m going to have another baby.”

“I tried to get him that day . . . that day in August, but then Lindsay . . .”

Annie stared, the dread spreading from her center into her extremities until her whole body was buzzing. “What . . .”

They stared at each other and all sounds receded. Annie could hear nothing but the roaring of her blood in her ears as her mind made the connections and realization dawned.

Suddenly, Serena sprang to life, taking the few steps to the front door. “I’m getting my son.”

“No!” The word ripped out of Annie, and she lunged at Serena, getting her by the hair and pulling hard.

Serena’s head snapped back and she turned to grab Annie’s arm, fingernails digging into her flesh as she tried to get Annie to let go.

Annie rammed her body at Serena until the woman was pinned against the front door. Marley jumped at Serena, his front paws landing hard, and she screamed, the sound lost in the howling of the incessant wind.

Pressure built inside Annie until she thought she’d explode. She couldn’t think, couldn’t gather her thoughts. All she knew was she had to stop this woman from getting to Finn.

Serena thrashed against her, reaching out and catching Annie on the side of the face. She raked her fingernails down Annie’s cheek. Marley growled, lunging at Serena again as Annie brought her free hand up to her cheek.


Something unleashed inside her, and with a roar, she attacked Serena. She had to knock her out somehow.

“No. Stop!” Serena shrieked, raising her arms to shield her face from Annie’s fists.

But Annie didn’t stop. There was no form, no skill. She just struck out with her fists, wanting to inflict whatever pain she could and stop this woman. Marley snapped and lunged at her side, helping her.

“I’m sorry.” Serena sobbed as blood ran from her mouth, where Annie had landed a blow. “I didn’t mean to.”

Annie had Serena by the throat now, crazed beyond thinking, knowing only she had to stop this woman.

“Annie, please.” Serena’s eyes bulged as they pleaded with Annie. “I didn’t mean to kill Lindsay. I only wanted my son.”

Annie froze, hands still around Serena’s neck as her senses slowly returned. Oh god, what was she doing? Her hands dropped away and she took a step back. The two women gaped at each other, as the rain pounded and the roar of the storm threatened to wash them away.


Laptop ANNIE file

I sat alone in my car in the parking lot of the lake beach that day in late August. I stared at all the happy families taking advantage of the last weekend of summer and wished with all my might that this was my life. I should be sitting inside that fence, at the beach with my family, lying in the sun reading a book, knowing my son was safe running around with the other children. Maybe I’d have wine or a Truly in my cooler, and watermelon and juice for my son. I can smell the suntan lotion, the coconut scent wafting off my skin, mixing with the smell of hamburgers and hot dogs being grilled, which always signifies summer to me. My skin would be warm and slightly pink, my toes buried deep in the sand until I hit a cool spot, my hand on my cold drink.

But instead, I sat in my car, an outsider with no claim to the community that you belong to. So when I saw your son—my son!—walking out of the gates by himself, I got out of the car. Why was he outside without supervision? Even I, a nonmember, knew that all the parents were always shouting for the younger kids to stay inside the fence. I walked over to my son and scanned the bodies on the beach until I found you, stretched out on your chair, eyes closed, a book in one hand dangling down, your other hand holding on to the cup in the beach chair’s cup holder. It was exactly how I’d pictured myself just moments before. For a second, I thought I was watching myself on the beach. But no, I’m the one standing outside and your son, my son, had wandered away and you weren’t even aware. A sense of outraged indignation coursed through me and suddenly, I wanted to teach you a lesson. Let you see how it feels for something to not go right in your world for once. I realized this was the perfect opportunity to take back my son.

I took his hand and he willingly gave it to me before looking up with a question in his eyes. I told him I’d seen a family of turtles sunning themselves on a log near the water and did he want to go see them with me? To his credit, he said he wasn’t supposed to go with strangers but I could see his curiosity was piqued. I said, “They’re just right there,” pointing to the woods next to the beach. “We won’t go far.” He agreed and was about to go off with me when that girl appeared. She came out of nowhere and snatched my son’s other hand and pulled him out of my grasp. “Who are you? What are you doing with him?” The questions came at me fast and furious, with no time for me to answer. My son looked at me fearfully then, and not knowing what else to do, I turned and fled.

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