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The Reluctant Bride (Arranged Marriage #1)(6)

Author:Monica Murphy

Not that I care. Any guy I’d like, my father would probably shut down. He hates everything I’m interested in.

Sometimes I think he even hates me.

“Of course he does,” she says quickly.

Too quickly.

Is he being forced into this arrangement too?

“I should at least meet him first before we take our relationship public,” I say, coming to a stop in front of her. “Is this how you married Daddy? Were you strangers brought together as part of a business merger?”

Her gaze is full of sadness and my heart catches at the expression on her face that’s there and gone in an instant. “Do you want the truth? Or do you want me to lie and tell the story the public knows about our relationship?”

Chills wash over me, settling in my stomach. I don’t want to know any of it. I choose to remain silent.

Her smile is small. “That’s what I thought. Now get dressed. Properly. I’m going to take you shopping.”

Chapter Three


They wouldn’t let us meet for the first time alone.

No surprise. I’m sure they figured we’d concoct a plot together on how to overthrow this sham of an engagement, and they’re probably right. I would love to come up with something to get me out of this, but not be the one to make the move. I’d rather my future wife throw a tantrum and call it off, leaving me to walk away guilt-free.

If I could be so lucky.

Every once in a while, it hits me—I’m engaged. I’ll be married, to a woman I don’t even know.

A woman I don’t want to know.

Mother would kill me if she knew I was trying to come up with ways to end this. Hell, Winston probably wouldn’t like it either. Seems he wants the merger just as bad as Mother does, though her intentions are different from my brother’s.

If I have to go through with this, I’m only doing it for my family. They mean everything to me. My brothers, my sisters, my mother. My long-dead father. I never thought I’d have to sacrifice my own choices for something like this. A fake relationship—a fake wedding.

A fake life.

While everyone else in my family gets to marry for love. Talk about unfair.

Story of my life lately. I suppose I had to pay sometime. I’ve been the untouchable son for so long, I figured I’d always carry on the role. I’m the one our mother always indulges. Always approves of. The one who can get away with a bunch of shit day in and day out, who can spend all of his money but it’s no problem, because I’ll always get more.

Lately I’ve proven to Winston I can work for Halcyon and do a good job. I’ve stepped up. I want more, and I’m doing my damnedest to prove to my brother I can be trusted. He can rely on me.

That’s important to me. I’ve always looked up to Winston, even when he acted like I was a complete nuisance.

Mother texted me a few minutes ago that she’s arrived and I stride through the lobby of my apartment building, making my way outside where I spot the town car sitting at the curb with its engine running. I open the door and climb inside, my mother’s surprised gaze meeting mine once I’ve closed the door.

“Oh, Perry.” The disappointment in her voice is clear and I slump into my seat across from her. “What in the world are you wearing?”

I glance down at myself. “What’s wrong with it?”

“You look like a young…” She waves her hand, for once at a loss for words. “Mafia don about to meet his subjects. Do you expect them to kneel before you and kiss your rings?”

Damn, that sounds dope as hell. Though I can tell by the look on her face, she doesn’t approve.

I hold my hands out, splaying my fingers. “Too many rings?”

“Far too many.” She tries to grab for one of my fingers and I pull back just in time. “And please, button up your shirt. You’re so—exposed. I can see your tattoos.”

She really, really hates the tattoos, which I think makes me love them even more.

But I keep that to myself. She’s aggravated enough.

I slip off a couple of heavy silver rings from each hand and stuff them into my pants pocket before I reach for the front of my white shirt, slowly doing up a couple of buttons but not all of them. I was going for a certain something tonight and she’s killing my vibe. “This is the new look now, Ma. I’m just trying to stay on trend.”

“By looking like a hooligan.” She makes a harumphing noise but I see the sparkle in her gaze.

I think she liked it that I called her ma. I’m the only one of her children who would ever dare say it.

“That’s the trend I’m going for. Hooligan hotness.” I shake my hair out of my eyes, which catches her attention.

“You need a haircut before your photo session,” she says.

“What photo session?” I frown, pushing my hair away from my face with irritation. I should probably cut it but…

I don’t want to. Again, I’m going for a look. One I like, that makes me stand out. Everyone else in this family is clean cut and proper—at least on the outside. I may not be rebellious in my actions, but I can be with my looks.

“Your engagement photos,” she says with the faintest bit of irritation. “You’re taking them in Central Park Wednesday afternoon.”

I start laughing. It’s either that or scream while I’m punching something, and my mother wouldn’t appreciate that. “Unbelievable. I don’t even know this chick.”

“She’s a lovely girl,” she says.

“You know her?” I raise a brow.

“No, but I’ve been told she’s quite lovely. Easy to talk to. Beautiful. All things you can work with.”

Now it’s my turn to be irritated. What is she implying, that I should be grateful for the opportunity to marry some rich snot who’s probably never seen a dick before in her life?

I’m still standing by my angry virgin comment.

“Doesn’t really matter to you, since you’re not the one who has to marry her,” I say grumpily.

“It most certainly does matter to me, since I’ll be dealing with this girl for the rest of my life. She’s to become your wife, Perry, which is a very important role. To carry on the Constantine name. She’s the only one with proper lineage to do so,” Mother sniffs.

“Come on, you like Ash.”

“I tolerate her.”

“And Iris.” My brother Keaton’s fiancée. “She’s cool.”

“Her father is a teacher.” She shivers, as if she’s completely disgusted by the thought. “So common.”

“Not like we’re royalty.”

“We will be once you marry a Lancaster.” Her smile is downright radiant. “The prestige that comes with that family name is impeccable. Untouchable. You’ll be a part of American royalty, Perry. That’s so important. You’ll go down in history as a member of the Lancaster family.”

I turn away from her without a word, staring out the window as I watch the city pass us by. We’re going in to Manhattan for dinner close to the Lancaster headquarters. I looked up photos of this townhouse they live in uptown. It’s fucking huge.

“Your first son, perhaps you can give him the name of Lancaster. Lancaster Constantine has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” Mother asks.

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