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The Resurrection of Wildflowers (Wildflower #2)(57)

Author:Micalea Smeltzer

He pushes his way inside me, and we both moan from the pleasure of it.

揇o you feel that??he asks, his voice huskier than normal. 揇o you feel the way your pussy grips my cock? Your pussy was made for me and only me.?

He fucks me hard and fast, like he can抰 get enough of me.

揊uck, I love you,?he growls into the skin of my neck. I push him over, and he obliges, lying on his back so I can ride him. I roll my hips, my head falling back.

My hands lay flat on his chest for balance. He looks up at me like I抦 a fucking goddess and dammit if I don抰 feel powerful.

His thumb finds my clit and I gasp. 揟hat, right there, don抰 stop,?I beg, desperate for an orgasm after he denied me my first one.

He listens, though, and he was right, because when the orgasm overtakes me, I feel it through my entire body. I抳e never felt anything so powerful and intense.

My legs shake, threatening to give out and he switches our positions easily. His fingers dig into my hair, pulling at the strands.

I cry out again, another orgasm ripping through my body. 揟hayer, oh God. Don抰 stop.?

He fucks me so hard I know I抦 going to feel it in my entire body tomorrow. But I don抰 care. I love the reminder that I抦 his.

He pulls my body up, until we抮e sitting, rocking against each other. He抯 looking right into my eyes. It抯 intense, romantic, sexy. I wrap my arms around his neck, his chest hair tickling my bare skin. I kiss him, our tongues meeting just like our bodies.

揑 think ?I think ?oh my God.?It feels impossible that my body can hit that peak a third time, and so close together, but it does.

Then he抯 coming too, shouting my name.

We collapse onto the bed, our skin damp with sweat. He wraps his big arm around my torso, tucking me against him.

We both lay there, marveling in the intensity of our love.

I don抰 care that this man is more than a decade older than me. It used to worry me, falling for someone so much older than me, what people might think. But fuck them, they don抰 know us, they don抰 know our love, our life, how hard we抳e fought to get here. I wouldn抰 take back loving this man. Not for a thing.



揃abe.?I knock on the door for what feels like the hundredth time. 揕et me in.?

揘o. I have the stomach flu and I don抰 want you to get it.?I hear her heave over the toilet. 揌as Caleb gotten in from Boston yet??

揘o, not yet.?

I hear her throw up again. 揑抦 going to take Seda and run to the store. You need some Gatorade to keep your electrolytes up.?

She gags when I say Gatorade. 揘o Gatorade. Please.?

揥ell, I抦 getting something. There抯 water in here on the nightstand. Try to drink it while I抦 gone.?

I hate leaving her when she抯 sick, but if she抯 this bad off, then I need to get some things.

Downstairs, Seda sits at the kitchen table with her coloring book. 揌ey.?I ruffle her hair and she looks up at me with a beaming smile. 揥e need to run to the store to get your mom a few things.?

揙kay. Can I get ice cream??

This kid. She always knows how to sucker me. 揝ure.?

She closes her coloring book, putting her crayons away. We drive into town to the pharmacy. I grab a bottle of Gatorade despite Salem抯 protests, and some Pedialyte. Sure, it抯 for kids, but what could it hurt? Seda trails along with me as I go down the next aisle, searching for some medicine that might help her kick this flu.

That抯 when I stop dead in my tracks in the family planning aisle.

揙w.?Seda rubs her forehead from where she bumped into the side of me. 揇ad, why did you stop??

Salem hasn抰 bothered to take a pregnancy test for at least three months since it was constantly negative.

But it抯 possible what she thinks is the stomach flu is ?more.

A baby.

I swipe a pregnancy test and add it to the basket.

揥hat抯 that??Seda asks me.

揥ell, you know how your mommy and me have been trying to have a baby??

揧eah.?She nods vigorously. 揑 want a sister.?

I chuckle. 揥e don抰 have any choice in whether the baby is a boy or girl, but we抣l love them no matter what, right??

揗hmm,?she hums, running her finger along the goods that are lined up as I continue through the store. I抦 still going to grab some flu medicine while I抦 here, just in case I抦 wrong. 揃ut I still want a sister.?

My shoulders shake with barely contained laughter.

Once I抳e gotten the medicine, I check out and drop by the local ice cream shop before heading back home. Seda licks happily at her vanilla ice cream the whole way.

Caleb isn抰 in yet桽alem had me call him to see if he抎 come up so Seda could stay with him and not catch the flu.

The flu.

I chuckle to myself.

I don抰 think what Salem has is contagious. But it抯 cute of her to think so.

Putting a movie on for Seda, Winnie and Binx jump up on the couch to join her. 揑抦 going to check on Mommy.?

揙kay,?she replies, completely unbothered.

Grabbing the bag of goods, I jog upstairs and into the bedroom. Salem抯 not in the bedroom, so I try the bathroom. The door is locked.

Giving a knock, I say, 揝alem, let me in.?

There抯 a groan on the other side of the door. 揑 can抰 give you medicine if you don抰 unlock the door.?

揑抦 contagious,?she whines. 揑 don抰 want you to get sick.?

揝unshine,?I say through the door, 搈y tongue has been inside your pussy. Your sick germs are the least of my concern.?

She squeaks from the other side, the door finally opening. 揟hat was unnecessary,?she mutters, her hair mussed around her face.

揑t got you to open the door, didn抰 it??

She rolls her eyes, holding her bathrobe tighter around her. She watches me with narrowed eyes as I set everything out on the counter. The pregnancy test is the last thing I put there. She snorts when she sees it.

揑抦 not pregnant,?she scoffs.

揂re you sure??

揂re you seriously asking me if I抦 sure??

I hand her the test. 揌umor me.?

揑 don抰 have to pee. Besides, you抮e supposed to do it in the morning.?

揟hat抯 never stopped you before.?

She huffs out a breath, snagging the box from my hands. 揊ine. But I can抰 wait to say I told you so."

She closes herself off in the separate space with the toilet. While I wait, I clean up the bathroom as best I can in just a few minutes.

The door opens and she sets the test down, washing her hands. Her nose wrinkles at the Gatorade on the counter. 揑 told you I didn抰 want that.?

揂nd I didn抰 listen.?

揟his isn抰 morning sickness. In case you didn抰 realize, I抳e been sick all day long for two days now.?

I clear my throat, hesitant to bring up my ex. 揥hen Krista was pregnant with Forrest, she was sick all day the first trimester. She lost a lot of weight because of it. It was bad.?

Salem exhales unsteadily. 揑抦 not pregnant.?

I know why she抯 so insistent. After so many negative tests in the past I don抰 know how many months, she抯 scared to get her hopes up. I know she抯 been devastated time and again. I don抰 want to be wrong this time, for her sake, and I don抰 think I am. But we need that confirmation.

Salem turns a light shade of green and lunges back for the toilet.

揝unshine,?I murmur, pulling her hair back. Her body lurches.

揋o away. You shouldn抰 see me like this.?She tries to shove me back, but her attempt is weak.

I massage the back of her neck. 揑n sickness, and in health, right??

She dry heaves, gagging. 揊uck off.?

I grin to myself. I love it when she gets feisty with me.

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