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The Sinner(74)

Author:Shantel Tessier

“Calm down, man.” He raises his hands, quickly looking around, but everyone is inside. The party has already started. “I’m as pissed off as you are, but we can’t do anything yet.”

I know that but it doesn’t mean I like it. “Keep your eyes on my wife. If anything happens to her, I’ll dig them out of your fucking head with a butter knife,” I threaten.

I walk across the circle drive, over to where they have valet set up, and he pulls my keys to go get my car. I yank them from his hand and stomp my way to where it’s parked. Dropping into my car, my phone rings.

“Easton.” My father’s voice fills my car before I hear a door open and close as he hides away from the crowd inside of the house. “What the fuck just happened? Chance just returned with a bloody nose.”

“It’s nothing,” I say through gritted teeth.

“That was not nothing. Where the fuck are you? Amelia and her parents are looking for you.”

“I had to leave.”

He sighs. “Son—”

I hang up and drop my phone in my lap. My blood is boiling, I can’t stop shaking. He threatened my status with the Lords, and she did whatever he wanted. I hate that. She shouldn’t be protecting me. It should be the other way around. But the Lords have my arms tied. She’d hate herself more than she already does if she knew the very people she saved me from, are the same ones keeping me from her.

I knew Lincoln would try something, but I figured he’d at least wait until after their wedding. To use me against her makes my chest tighten. No wonder she hates me. She let him have something that wasn’t his. She protected me like I have her all these years. But what did it cost her? Her sanity. She’s no longer the same. James toyed with her. Made her beg to be fucked. Linc will make her beg him to stop, which he won’t do. He lied to her, my father and hers never had an agreement for us to marry. It’s just another way to hurt her. Make her feel like she was close to getting what she wanted, but he had the power to take it away.

My phone rings again but I press decline when I see it’s my father. I have nothing to say to him right now. I squeal out of the driveway. I make my way down the dirt road parallel to the house where I used to hide on my bike when I would sneak in to see her, and pull my cell out. I’m watching her stand next to Chance in the ballroom. No smile on her face. She doesn’t even look fucked up, just blank. She’s no longer my little demon. She’s Ellington Asher, the girl they wanted to break. The girl who has no idea just how powerful she can be.

I’m her only hope.


I PULL UP at Blackout and rush into the club and up to Tyson’s office.

“Call them back.” I barge through the door, not even bothering to knock.

He looks up at me from behind his desk.

“Tell them I want another meeting,” I demand.

“Sin, the Spade brothers don’t work like that. They may be Lords but it’s not the same as you and me.”

“You don’t answer to the Lords,” I remind him. I’m not going to pretend to understand what the fuck the Spade brothers actually do for the Lords, and I couldn’t care less.

He fists his hands. “You’re born a Lord; you die a Lord.” Growling, he adds, “No one is untouchable when it comes to taking their oath.” Running a hand through his hair, he sighs. “You’ll just be wasting our time. They told you no…”

“There’s a woman,” I interrupt him.

Leaning back in his chair, he glares at me. His eyes give him away. I didn’t tell him her name, or any-fucking-thing about this bitch, but he knows exactly who she is and that she’s important to them.

“Maybe we can find her? Trade her or something.”

He gives a rough laugh. “Trade her? You understand that if you could locate her, and hand her over, you’d be no better than Linc.”

I snort as I turn from his desk and begin to pace. That burning sensation still crawling all over my skin. I could kill a hundred men right now with my bare hands. I wish I wouldn’t have killed David. He’d be a good candidate to torture right now.

“I’m serious, Sin. You’d be throwing this girl to a pack of wolves. They would rip her apart piece by piece. She is the reason they are the way they are.”

He talks as if I know what he means. I don’t and, again, I don’t care. Walking back over to his desk, I slam my hands down on it, making his eyes narrow on mine. I’ve never known Tyson to be soft. He’s ruthless, a fucking legend to all of us. “Afraid I’ll never forgive myself?”

He chuckles at that as if it was a stupid thought. “Forgiveness doesn’t exist in our world.”

Maybe he feels sorry for the girl because he thinks she’s an innocent. His chosen changed him. Tyson’s path as a Lord was going to make him a billionaire. A respected and powerful CEO with the perfect family that would have included kids and a dog. He gave it all up when his chosen was killed. She was slaughtered for something she didn’t do. He loved her. As much as a Lord can love a woman anyway. It put her in harm’s way, and she paid the ultimate price.

I won’t allow that to happen to Elli. I’ll burn this motherfucking world down before I let a man take her from me. I’ll love her no matter how I get her back, broken or not.

“I don’t give a fuck about her.” I finally answer his previous question regarding the woman. Let the wolves have her. If it means I can have my little demon back, then so be it. I’m willing to spill blood, even if it’s not mine. No one ever cared about Elli, so why should I care about some bitch that I don’t even know?

“It doesn’t matter.”


“She’s long gone, Sin. You won’t find her.”

Fuck! I fall onto the couch and lean back, my hands covering my face. I’m running out of options. Out of time. I know Elli. She’s going to stay fucked up twenty-four seven. She’ll die of an overdose eventually. By accident or on purpose, won’t matter.

“Go home, Sin,” he dismisses me. “Get some rest and think twice before you get irrational over pussy.”

His cell rings and I stand, about to walk out, when he gets my attention by lifting his finger his to lips to signal for me to be quiet. I frown but nod.

Answering his phone, he places the call on speaker. “Hello?”

“Tyson,” the guy speaks. “Something has been brought to our attention.” I recognize the voice. It’s one of the Spade brothers, but I’m not sure which one. My one and only meeting with them was very short.

“And you’re calling me why?” Tyson asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

“The kid you came in with the other day.”

“What about him?” he goes on.

“Bring him over tomorrow. We’d like to see him.” The guy hangs up.

Tyson locks his cell before looking up at me. “Looks like you’ve got one more chance.”


I STAND IN the ballroom, my eyes on a man who stands at the opposite end. I know him. I’ve seen him before. He came over to my house. He brought us papers to sign when Sin said he bought the house for us. I should go over there and ask him why he did that when it was a lie. Why go through that much trouble? But my feet are planted where I stand. His blue eyes are on mine, staring at me. He doesn’t care that I’ve caught him. Lifting a champagne flute to his lips, he takes a sip.

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