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The Sinner(76)

Author:Shantel Tessier

Walking through the living room, I push my tangled hair from my face and enter the kitchen. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Sin leaning up against the island and Corbin next to him.

“There she is.” Corbin notices me first.

My eyes are on Sin. Blood rushes in my ears as his eyes drop to my bare legs and slowly run up over the T-shirt that barely covers my pussy.

I take a step back and turn around, only to find Jayce walking toward me. Stepping to the side, he walks right past and enters the kitchen, tossing his backpack on the counter. “It’s all there.”

Sin pushes off the island and nods to me. “Grab her.”

I go to run but Corbin grabs me and drags me into the kitchen, picking me up off my feet as I kick them out, trying to get myself free. It’s useless. He places me on my bare feet and grabs a hold of my hair, holding me in place.

“You should be more careful what you choose to swallow,” Sin finally speaks to me and my stomach drops.

Did Linc tell him what I did? That I willingly opened my mouth and let him fuck me to save Sin from the Lords? Fuck, I hope not. I’d rather him think I begged Linc to fuck my mouth than let him know I did it for him.

Sin turns and grabs a glass out of the cabinet and then the bottle of Everclear off the counter that Kira brought over last week. Unscrewing the lid, he pours the alcohol into the glass until it’s half full. His eyes meet mine when he lifts it and takes a small sip. Sin never drinks any hard liquor. What the hell is he doing?

Setting the glass down, he opens the backpack and pulls a baggie out. I gasp when I see what’s inside. My drugs that I had stashed in my bedroom at my parents’ house. “What the hell are you doing?” I demand.

Unzipping the baggie, he then dumps the contents into the glass of Everclear. “Sin—”

“Like I said, you should be more careful what you choose to swallow.” He pulls a box of matches out of his jeans pocket and lights one before dropping it in the glass. His eyes meet mine when he speaks again, “I told you no drugs.”

The only time he’s mentioned drugs was when we were walking into Blackout. My eyes narrow on him. “You can’t tell me what to do. You don’t own me, Easton!”

I watch the Mollies start to break down as they sit at the bottom, underneath the flames, the small amount of cocaine disintegrates. There wasn’t much there, but it was all I had left.

“I’ll just go buy more.” I shrug, as if I don’t care. “They’re easy to get.”

His eyes narrow on me. Coming around the island, he grabs a hold of my shirt and yanks me forward, forcing Corbin to let go of his hold on my hair.

My body slams into the front of Sin’s hard one. With his free hand, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a familiar pink sleeve. “Remember how I told you I fucked you that first night at David’s? When I found you tied up in his basement?”

My wide eyes meet his and I suck in a deep breath, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

“What I didn’t mention is that I replaced your birth control that night when I took you home afterward.”

I can’t breathe. My chest tightening and legs wanting to buckle.

“Why do you think I fuck you every chance I get, Elli?” He goes on at my silence, “Because I’m attracted to you?” He shakes his head. “It’s because whether you want to or not, you’ll have my child.” Letting go of my shirt, he reaches up and cups my face. “If you’re not already pregnant, you will be soon. And, well, let’s just say that no woman who is pregnant with my child will be doing drugs.” His eyes drop to my legs. “How does your pussy feel this morning? Hmm?”

I still can’t catch my breath, let alone speak. Is that why I’m sore? Because me and Sin had sex? Why can’t I remember? Well, I know I was fucked up, but I’ve never been that far gone before.

He smiles proudly at the fact that I’m in shock, my lips unable to work. “I fucked your cunt last night in our bed and you didn’t move. Imagine if I had been a stranger, Elli. Someone taking advantage of you in such a vulnerable state.” He makes a tsking noise with his tongue against his teeth. The smile drops off his face and he reaches up, wrapping his hand around my throat but not cutting my air off. “If I even think you’re on drugs, I will shove my fingers down your throat until you vomit all over yourself. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll have your stomach pumped. Do you understand me?”

My eyes search his while blood rushes in my ears. How had I been so stupid? I take my birth control religiously. But for him to switch them out. How did I not notice? “W-why?” Is all I can manage to get out.

“Because I own you,” he says simply. “He may marry you, but you will always belong to me.”



I SIT IN Tyson’s passenger seat, watching my phone just like last time. Elli sits on the bed, rocking back and forth, silently crying. I left her in the kitchen earlier today after I made her watch me set her drugs on fire.

Pretty sure she’s still in shock. The anger will hit her soon and she’ll try to get back at me. I’m ready. I needed to get her pissed. I was tired of seeing her depressed. All I keep thinking about is how I’m going to walk into the house and find her dead because she thought it was her only way out. Just like her father.

Now I didn’t lie. I did replace her birth control weeks ago and I expect her to be pregnant soon, if not already. I’m not as concerned as Kira, though. I’ve read up on it and it can take time. She’s stressed, doing drugs, drinking. Her body may not be capable of getting pregnant right now, she hasn’t been eating regularly, but it will happen. If I have to drag her down to the basement, tie her up and fuck her nonstop until she pees on a stick and it says she’s pregnant, Ellington Asher will have my children.

Tyson brings his car to a stop and rolls down his window. I lock my cell as he punches in the code, and the gate opens, allowing us access to Carnage.

He brings the car to a stop once we hit the circle drive and we get out, making our way up to the double doors. The same man from before greets us. “This way, gentlemen.”

We follow him up a set of stairs and down a long hallway. We’re not going to the office again, that’s clear when he pushes a door open, and we begin to descend a new set of stairs.

He walks us down a darkly lit hallway, and we come to a metal door at the end. He knocks twice before pushing it open, making it squeak loudly.

“Gentlemen.” He nods, holding it open for us.

I enter first, giving him a nod of my head while Tyson follows me. The door closes, shutting us inside.

“Tyson. Sin.” The man with the tattoo of the gagged nun on his arm greets us, leaning up against the far concrete wall. “So glad you guys could make it.” His lips turn into a sinister smile that instantly puts me on alert. But I push down the urge to start throwing punches. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t need them. We all know that I do.

“Why are we here?” Tyson asks, getting to the point, crossing his arms over his chest.

No one answers him. Instead, our eyes fall on the guy who kneels in the middle of the concrete room. Patches of his dark hair is missing. He’s in a straitjacket and on his knees. Naked from the waist down with his head bowed forward.

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