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The Wrong Bride (The Windsors, #1)(18)

Author:Catharina Maura

“Did you guys truly not like her, or are you just trying to make me feel better?”

They glance at each other, and Lex and Zane elbow each other, as though they’re both indicating for the other to speak. In the end, it’s Dion who speaks up.

“It’s not that we don’t like her, Ares. It’s just that she clearly wasn’t the one for you. Hannah is a diva, and some guys are really into that, but you aren’t one of them. We all saw how it killed you to have to cater to her at every turn, never getting much in return. She wouldn’t even publicly acknowledge your relationship, you know? I always felt like you deserved better than that, so no, I’m not upset she broke things off with you. Someone had to do it, and I know you never would. You’d stick with her, even if it’s just to comply with Grandma’s terms.”

Lex looks at me, his expression pained. “Ares,” he says, “tell us the truth. Were you happy with her in recent years, or had you just gotten used to the status quo?”

I grit my teeth and look away. “What the fuck are you? Socrates?” I snap.

Zane shakes his head. “He’s avoiding the question, boys. You know what that means, right? Ares knows he wasn’t happy, but he’s loyal till the fucking end. Won’t admit it even now.”

My brothers nod in agreement, and I rise to my feet. I’ve had enough of this shit. I don’t need this right now. Just as I’m about to walk away, I’m stopped in my tracks by a sweet, soft voice.


I turn to face my grandmother, finding her standing in the doorway with Sierra by her side. Great. Why don’t we just have a full-blown family get-together in my house, huh?

Sierra smiles at me apologetically, as though she knows my family is overwhelming me at the worst possible time. While my sister has never said a bad word about Hannah, the fact that she didn’t warm up to her even after years of us dating says enough. I’m surprised I never saw it before.

“I’m sorry Hannah broke things off,” Grandma says, “but that wedding is happening with or without her.”

“What?” I ask, confused. “What do you mean, Grams?”

Grandma smiles. “Hannah isn’t the woman I wanted you to marry in the first place. This just proves that I was right. I made an exception for you, and I shouldn’t have.”

I sink back into my seat, dread washing over me. What is she talking about? She can’t be saying what I think she is, right? Surely Sierra wouldn’t be standing there so calmly if she was?

“If Hannah won’t marry you, then Raven must. If Raven also refuses, the deal with the Du Ponts is off the table, and I’ll slash your inheritance in half regardless of whether I find you another girl.”

“Grandma! I… I can’t marry Raven. This… this is ridiculous.” I turn to look at my brothers for support, but their expressions are carefully blank, as though they dare not admit that they agree with Grandma. What the fuck?

“I can’t. Not her, Grandma. She’s a friend. I’ve always seen her the same way I see Sierra, you know that.” I look at my sister, but there isn’t even a hint of defiance on her face. The same girl who turned completely feral whenever I teased Raven about her braces back in the day just stares at me with a serene smile on her face. Is she truly not going to say a word in Raven’s defense?

“Raven would never agree to it,” I add. “I dated her sister for years. Why would she ever even consider marrying me?”

The mere thought of forcing Raven into something she doesn’t want sickens me. She’d do it out of obligation, and she’d resent me for it.

“Don’t do this to her,” I plead. “Raven isn’t meant to be tied down. It can’t be her, Grandma. Give me some time, and I’ll make Hannah see reason. She’ll be there, Grams.”

Grandma smiles at me. “She won’t be. I highly recommend that you speak to Raven before I do, Ares. I never should have given you as much freedom as I did. There’s a reason your marriages are decided upon by me. It’s a centuries long tradition that has never failed us, yet we deviated with you. I was in the wrong for doing so, and I’ll be correcting my mistake as swiftly as possible. I’m not canceling your wedding. It’ll happen, and you’ll marry the woman I chose for you.”

“Sierra,” I snap. “Are you seriously just going to stand there and let this happen to Raven?”

She smiles at me and grabs Grandma’s hand. “I trust Grams,” she tells me. “She knows what’s best for you better than you do, Ares. And truthfully? I can’t think of a better husband for my best friend than you. You’d never mistreat her, and if given enough time, you’d make her happy, won’t you?”

I grit my teeth in an effort to rein in my temper. Is she fucking crazy? I watch as she pulls Grandma along with her, the two of them disappearing through the door.

I grab my whiskey glass and empty it before slamming it down on the table. “Fuck!” I yell. I turn to face my brothers, fury coursing through my veins. “Thank you very much for standing up for me, fuckers.”

Dion smiles at me. “Maybe Sierra is right, you know? Maybe Grams does know what’s best for you.”

I shake my head and grit my teeth. “Fuck you,” I tell him. “All of you.”

I turn to walk away and slam the door closed behind me, the sound of their chuckles following soon after. Fucking traitors, each and every one of them.

Chapter Fifteen


A hint of unease runs down my spine as I walk into my parents’ house. Mom rarely calls me, and the way she spoke to me made me uncomfortable. She was too sweet, too soft-spoken. I’m not sure what it is she wants, but I’m sure it won’t bode well for me.

My suspicions are confirmed when I find my parents in the sitting room, Grandma Anne seated opposite them, their expressions tense.

“Raven,” my mother says. She exhales with relief as I walk toward her and pats the seat next to her. I’m hesitant as I sit down next to her, unable to read the room. What exactly is going on here? Wedding drama, perhaps? Did I mess something up with the preparations?

Grandma Anne smiles at me reassuringly, but I can’t calm my racing heart. It’s as though every instinct is telling me that something is wrong, and it has everything to do with me.

“Hannah and Ares ended their engagement,” Grandma Anne says. “She wants to focus on her career for a bit longer, and as such, she has chosen to end their relationship.”

I blink in disbelief. She… what? I clear my throat and turn to look at my parents, but their grave expressions tell me this isn’t a joke.

“I… are we… are we rescheduling the wedding?” I ask, confused. Hannah has postponed the wedding three times so far, so this doesn’t exactly surprise me, but it’s definitely really late notice. Most things, including the venue, I won’t be able to cancel without penalty.

Grandma Anne shakes her head. “We won’t cancel the wedding. This marriage is long overdue, and it was always meant to be an arranged marriage.” She looks at my parents pointedly. “We’ve let these youngsters run wild, and now we’re paying the price. It’s best to get things back on track as soon as we can.”

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