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A Brush with Love(108)

Author:Mazey Eddings

“We’re coming because you can’t be trusted to follow through on something you absolutely need to do. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, Harper, but you tend to overthink things and talk yourself out of stuff,” Thu said, shooting her a wink.

“I don’t even know where he lives,” Harper said weakly, taking Indira’s proffered hand as she pulled her up to standing.

Thu shot Harper a smug look. “Don’t worry about that,” she said, swooping her gaze to Alex, who was smiling and bobbing his head to the music, completely oblivious.

“Alex, honey?” Thu said sweetly, walking up to him.

His mood instantly changed, a look of pure fear flashing across his features. “What did I do?” Alex said, staring at Thu.

Her head jerked back. “What? Nothing.”

“You only use that nice voice if you’re about to yell at me,” Alex said. Lizzie let out a booming laugh and burrowed her face in Indira’s shoulder.

“That’s not…” Thu considered this. “Well, that’s not true right now.”

“It’s not?” Alex said, a skeptical look in his eyes as he took another sip of his drink.

“No. Right now, I need a big favor.”

“What favor?”

“I need Dan’s address.”


Harper wanted to ring his neck for not paying attention, and she opened her mouth to say something, but Thu held up a finger to silence her.

“We’re going to go see Dan,” Thu explained, gently slipping Alex’s phone from his pocket.

“Who is?” Alex said, his head darting around the group.

“We all are, kitten,” Thu said, picking up his hand and using his thumb to unlock his phone.

“Even…” Alex shot a wide-eyed glance at Harper then back to Thu. “Even Harper?” he whispered loudly.

“Especially Harper, you dimwit. Listen, I’m gonna need you to keep up here, buddy,” she said, scrolling through his phone for a moment before smiling.

Alex beamed at her. “Ah, there’s my Thu,” he said, dragging his hands over his face.

“No time to waste,” Thu said, making a beeline for the door. “We have a bus to catch.”

And they followed her, Indira and Lizzie both dragging one of Harper’s hands behind them, somehow making her feet move.

On the street, the cool spring air and the alcohol in Harper’s blood mixed perfectly to propel her forward as they ran the five blocks to the Megabus stop.

They got there just in time, the last person boarding as Lizzie screamed for the bus to wait.

Panting and slick with sweat, the friends hopped onto the bus, nervous laughter pouring out of Harper as they took their seats. A moment later, the doors swooshed shut and the lights dimmed as the bus pulled away from the curb, making a few turns before merging onto the freeway and heading toward New York.

A bus was objectively the worst possible form of transportation for a romantic gesture. It was also an awful place to sober up. The air was stale, the seats sticky, and the jostling of the vehicle did nothing to help Harper’s rattling nerves. For two and a half hours, while her friends joked and laughed, all Harper could think was Oh shit. What am I doing?

By the time they descended the bus steps and set foot on the sticky New York pavement, Harper was convinced this was the worst idea she’d ever had.

“Hey,” Thu snapped. “Look at me,” she said, bending to catch Harper’s eyes and flicking a finger between them. “What are you thinking right now?”

“That I’m going to throw up,” Harper answered honestly.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Harper. Do you love Dan?”

Harper’s spine straightened. “Yes.”

“Good. This is your moment. Don’t fuck it up.”

Harper stared at her friend for a second before nodding, a smile cracking across her face. This was her moment. It was scary and terrifying and almost awful to love someone this much. She couldn’t wait to tell him.

“Come on,” Thu said, pulling up directions on Alex’s phone. “It’s only a mile away.”

“A mile?” Indira said, looking down at her heels and dress before shooting a glance at everyone else’s. “Should we get a cab?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Thu said over her shoulder, already trotting up the block. Harper was in step with her, a swirling sense of nervousness and excitement creating a kaleidoscope of happy emotions in her chest.