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A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash #2)(233)

Author:Jennifer L. Armentrout

What the wolven had said about the King and the veiled warning hinting at where the Atlantian people’s loyalty lay didn’t come as much of a shock.

In the back of my mind, I’d already figured as much, hadn’t I? And that was before they heard Duchess Teerman’s ridiculous claims that I was Queen Ileana’s granddaughter. The Queen was an Ascended. I was not of her blood nor born of flesh and fire—whatever that meant.

But I wasn’t like other empaths, and even so, that bloodline sounded more feared than respected. I knew I wouldn’t have many supporters in Atlantia. I barely had them here.

Casteel was the Prince of Atlantia, well-loved and respected. That much was obvious. But not a single person spoke ill of his father or mother, and I knew they were just as loved as he was. Casteel was the Prince, but his father was the King, and if he wanted me dead to send a message, his people would follow his lead. I didn’t know if a ring or marriage imprint would change that when me fighting and killing to protect the people of Atlantia hadn’t.

And Casteel…he had to know that. He always had to know that.

Sitting in the tub of warm soapy water, I had my arms locked around my legs, my knees pressed to my chest and my eyes closed. I recalled the warm sand under my feet, and the weight of my mother’s and father’s hands in mine. I remembered how easy Ian’s smile was as he ran ahead, and the sound of my mother’s laugh and the way my father stared at her like…

Like it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

The corners of my lips curved up. Thinking of those moments had eased the coldness that returned when I walked back to the fortress. What the Duchess had said and thoughts of Tawny haunted me, just like I knew they would. Along with worries about the King’s plans and the loyalty of the Atlantian people.

I opened my eyes at the soft click of the bathing chamber door. The scent of rich, earthy spice, and crisp pine enveloped the soap’s lemony scent as Casteel knelt beside me. The strands of his hair were damp, and the clothing he wore was clean and free of blood. When and where he’d cleaned up, I had no idea. I hadn’t seen him since he left with the young Solis soldier.

“Hey,” he said quietly, his gaze roaming over my face, lingering on a bruise I’d gained in the battle.

“Hi,” I whispered.

One side of his lips curled up, and I felt my cheeks warm. I cleared my throat. “Is everything okay? With the soldier?”

He nodded. “He’s on his way to Whitebridge.” Reaching over, he gathered up several strands of my wet hair and draped it over my shoulder. He bared the bite mark on my throat, and I swore his grin deepened. “I hear I owe you a thank you.”

I held my legs tighter. “For what?”

“You spent the entire day healing those you could and easing the pain of those you couldn’t.” Those twin amber jewels met mine. “Thank you.”

I swallowed. “I only did what I could—what anyone with my abilities would do.” At least, that’s what I hoped. “Some of them wouldn’t let me.”

His fingers trailed over the damp skin of my back. “Some of them are idiots.”

“They are your people.”

“Our people,” he corrected softly.

My breath caught, and a bit of panic and unease sparked at the realization that they were my people whether they liked it or not. “I’m…I’m sorry about Elijah and all of them. I liked him, and Magda was nice. But they…they were your friends.”

His lashes lowered as he exhaled raggedly. “I’ve known Elijah since he was a boy, and I know how crazy that sounds since I look younger than him. He knew the risks, and I know he fought back. I know all of them did, but he didn’t deserve that. None of them did.”

“No, they didn’t,” I agreed softly.

“I should’ve made them all leave. Risked drawing the attention. I should’ve—”

“You did what you could. Some of those people couldn’t travel because of their injuries, and none of them were ready to leave immediately,” I argued. “What happened there isn’t your fault.”

Casteel said nothing.

“You know that, right? That was the Ascended. They are responsible. Not you.”

He nodded slowly. “I know that.”

“Do you?”

Swallowing, he nodded, and I wasn’t sure if that was the case. “I was told something odd earlier, when I returned to Spessa’s End.”

“I’m half afraid to ask.”