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Binding Rose: A Dark Mafia Romance(134)

Author:Ivy Fox

His head pops up and then gives it a saddened shake.

“Unfortunately, Rosa’s labor has progressed too far already. The bad news is that we can’t risk giving her an epidural now.”

“Virgen. And what’s the good news?” I pant.

“The good news is that your boy will be in your arms sooner than you think. Now Rosa, when the next contraction starts and I say push, I need you to give me all that you’ve got. Can you do that for me?”

“She can do it. She’s a fighter,” Shay proclaims proudly, giving my hand a light squeeze.

“I don’t doubt that.” Dr. McNamara grins, his head going back to monitor my progress.

“Doctor, should we start clearing the room? There seems to be a lot of unnecessary people here,” one of the nurses says, giving my men the evil eye.

“You. Out,” Tiernan orders, pointing at her. “The only unnecessary person in this room is you. Don’t show your face again. My wife does not need your toxicity around her.”

The nurse pales and looks to Dr. McNamara for support, but since he’s elbow deep in helping me give birth, her fragile ego takes the hint that he won’t come to her rescue. When Colin looks like he’s going to forcefully pull her out of the room by her hair if he has to, she quickly hurries out and disappears from my sight.

Maybe in another life I would have been patient with her closed mindedness and tried to make her understand that my relationship with my men is as natural and solid as any other. But after the Father Doyle incident, I found I have little tolerance for those who look down on me or try to shame me and my men and the love we share.

Just because it’s unconventional and on the fringe of society’s rules on what they deem is an acceptable relationship, doesn’t make what I feel for my men any less real. We are a family. One that loves, cherishes, and takes care of each other. If the world had more love in it like what I feel on a daily basis, then a wondrous place it would be.

“Here it comes,” I shout when another contraction hits me.

“Push, Rosa. Push!” the doctor orders, and I do as he says.

My eyes squint shut, and I push as hard as I can. When the contraction stops, I let out a relieved exhale that I’ve survived it.

“Good job, Rosa. We’re almost there,” the doctor praises.

I keep breathing in and out, happy that at least there is one person in this room that doesn’t look like they are about to keel over.

“What are you doing?” I ask Shay in alarm when he moves away from me to catch a peek of what’s happening under my dressing gown.

“I just want to have a quick look.” He shrugs mischievously.

“Shay Liam Kelly, you come back here right this second! I don’t want you to see any of… that.” I point to whatever is happening down there.

“Ah, petal. Don’t be a buzzkill. Just a little peek,” he teases with a wink.

I’m about to order him to move his ass, but then another contraction decides my energy is best served in dealing with the real matter at hand.

“That’s it, Rosa. Push! Push!” Doctor McNamara shouts.

As I try to push with all my might, I catch a glimpse of Shay’s expression turning from curious to green. He then starts moving as fast as he can away from where Doctor McNamara has his hands. I would laugh if I wasn’t in so much pain.

“What? What’s wrong? Is the baby okay?” Colin asks with concern when Shay returns with a sickly, ashen expression on his face.

When Colin tries to let go of my hand to see for himself, Shay shakes his head to stop him.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Some things are better off left unseen.” He then tilts his head over to Tiernan and points a menacing finger at his brother.

“If your baby ruins my favorite place in the whole wide world, I’ll spank your behind raw.”

“He’s not just my baby, he’s ours. Not shut your trap and hold our woman’s hand. She needs you,” Tiernan rebukes.

Shay’s facial features soften as he takes my hand in his and kisses the inside of my wrist.

“Sorry, petal. But you know how much I love my secret playground. It’s killing me seeing it in so much pain and suffering.”

“Remind me when this is over for Colin to slap you across the head.” I laugh.

“Will do,” Colin states, not missing a beat.

Later, I’ll set Shay’s concerns at ease and explain that his favorite playground will be good as new in no time. I knew from the start that my body was bound to change when I got pregnant, a fact that my men all loved during these later stages of pregnancy. They couldn’t get enough of my swollen belly, tender large breasts, and my insatiable appetite of wanting them in my bed twenty-four-seven. And I have to admit, I was starting to enjoy it immensely, too.