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Binding Rose: A Dark Mafia Romance(135)

Author:Ivy Fox

But now I’m eager to start this new adventure in my life, stretch marks and all.

“I can see the head now, Rosa. Give us one last push,” my doctor shouts in excitement.

“You’re doing so well, acushla. I’m so proud of you. We’re so damn proud of you,” my husband coos, wiping the sweat off my brow.

My gaze softens as I throw my three loves one more glance before my fourth love breathes his first breath, and is welcomed into the world. I push with all my might, my nails sinking into my men’s hands, summoning up all their strength.

When a small cry rings out in the room, and Doctor McNamara holds up my son, tears blur my vision at the miracle I’ve been blessed with. After the nurse has cleaned him off, making sure there isn’t any residue in his mouth, she swaddles my baby in a blanket and places him on my chest.

One green eye.

One blue.

The eyes of my loves all combined in this perfect little miracle.

“Te amo, hijo. With all my heart,” I whisper to him, overwhelmed with the immense gratitude at receiving such a gift.

My men all circle around us, tears in their eyes, joyous laughter on their lips, and wide-open smiles on their faces.

A few minutes later, Doctor McNamara lets my in-laws into the room.

Saoirse smiles at me with the motherly pride I’ve been deprived of for most of my life.

“What’s the wee babe’s name?” Niall asks, looking completely besotted as my son grabs hold of his pinkie with his little hand.

“Patrick,” Tiernan chokes out proudly, his own emotions getting the best of him.

“Patrick?” Niall whispers, his eyes beginning to water.

“Yes. I know nothing will replace the son you lost,” I begin to say, “but I hope that maybe you can find it in your heart to love my son just the same.”

“Oh, lass. I’d love him even if you’d given him any other name. He is as much my family as you are, daughter. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel differently.”

My heart swells tenfold, and for a second, I actually consider asking someone to pinch me.

This all seems like a dream.

“It’s real, acushla,” Tiernan whispers in my ear as if he has a direct link to all the thoughts in my head. “All of this is real. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I cry happily. I then turn to Shay and Colin, squeezing their hands in mine, so they can feel my love. “I love you all so much. My life wouldn’t be the same without either one of you in it.”

“We know, petal,” Shay croaks emotionally.

“Aye,” Colin adds, wiping the tears away from his eyes.

I stare at my family and then look at my son, overwhelmed by the love in the room.

“You are so lucky, Patrick. So very blessed. You have a family who would die to protect you as well as love you with all their hearts. I prayed for you, hijo. But God, in his graceful mercy, gave me more than I could ever have dreamed of. He gave me this family. And now it’s yours, too. Welcome to the Kelly clan, peque?o. Tá mo chroí istigh ionat.”



Ten years later

I lie back on the lounge chair on my patio roof and just appreciate the view. Everyone that I care about is here to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with me and my family. The heaters I have spaced out all along the rooftop enable everyone to enjoy themselves without fearing they’ll catch pneumonia. It’s been a harsh winter this year, but the chill has never once infiltrated my home.

All you’ll find living under my roof is warmth, cheerful laughter, and love.

But then again, it’s always like that, no matter the season.

“Da! Da!” Patrick shouts, running towards me with his cousins at his heels. “When are the fireworks going to start?”

A quick glance at my wristwatch tells me the light show I contracted for tonight should start in the next twenty minutes or so. I tell my eldest son as much.

“How about you all grab some hotdogs or burgers while you wait? It won’t be too long now.”

He jumps for joy and races over to where Javier and Shay are shooting the shit, drinking their beers, and tending to the grill.

“He’s grown,” Alejandro muses beside me, drinking a glass of whiskey.

“They all have.” I smile proudly, pulling my eyes off of Patrick in search of his two other brothers.

Like I expected, Conor and Cian have their heads bowed down in front of their iPad, watching some YouTuber play a game I’m sure one of us has already bought for them. My nephews are also glued to the screen beside them, laughing away at whatever idiocy is happening in the video. I then pull away from my boys and scan the perimeter for my little rose. I grin when I catch Roisin on top of Colin’s lap, placing her toy tiara on his head, so he’s appropriately dressed for the tea party she wants to have with him and her dolls and teddy bears.