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Author:Penelope Douglas

His dick rubs me through my clothes, and I shift.

“You can go first,” I say. “You need to take care of something, it seems.”

I try to step to the side, but he stops me. “You need to take care of something, you mean.”

He stares down at me, and I can feel the heat rolling off him. All that’s standing in his way is me.

“Do you love him?” he asks. “Because if you don’t, then come in the shower with me, because my body is screaming.”

I remain still.

Maybe I should. It would feel good.

Kaleb is staying away for a reason, after all. He’s either trying to outlast my departure, so he doesn’t have to see me, or he knows he can’t expect to come back at this point and find me untouched in his long absence, especially in a house with men I’ve already been with.

Everyone wants this to happen.

As he leans in, though, I plant my hands on his chest. “No.”

I shake my head, keeping him back.

“You love him?” he asks.

“I don’t know.” I frown.

I don’t love you, though. Not like that.

Noah needs his brother a lot more than he needs me. I don’t want to be in the middle.

“Don’t use all the hot water,” I say, and I leave the room.

Heading downstairs, I go for the kitchen to check the stew in the crock pot, but a faint yell hits my ears, and I look up, seeing Jake on the phone.

“If you don’t put her on the phone, I swear I will have her airlifted out of there!”

“Jesus, fuck,” Jake growls, pulling the receiver away from his ear and glaring at me. “Tiernan…”

He tosses me the phone, holding his coffee in his other hand.

“I don’t want that woman calling here anymore,” he tells me. “Answer your phone.”


I hold the phone to my ear.

“That woman?” Mirai repeats in disdain. “What does that mean? He’s a barbarian.”


“Hey,” she snips, suddenly realizing I’m on the line. “Happy holidays, Tiernan.”

I wince. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry.”

We’ve been sticking to email and texting for the last ten weeks, and even though she’s called, I haven’t answered. I didn’t feel like conversation. With texting, we can state our business quickly without trying to make up shit to talk about.


“I’m really sorry,” I tell her again. “I’ve just been…”

“Living your life,” she finishes for me. “I get it. You’re not getting rid of me, though, okay?”

“I know.” I lean on the island as Jake hangs back, looking in the fridge and trying to look like he’s not eavesdropping. “You got my present, right?”

She lets out a laugh. “Yes. Very generous. You saying I need a vacation?”

“Or an affair,” I tease. “A raging, hot, and mad affair with a man. Or men.”

Jake turns his head, looking at me over his shoulder.

I bought Mirai a trip to Fiji. Her and a plus one.

“What do you know?” Mirai laughs again.

“Is she hot?” Jake whispers to me.

I glance at him, the aggravation on his face suddenly gone. I roll my eyes.

“So, are you happy?” she asks.

Noah turns on music upstairs, and Jake lifts the lid of my stew, dipping his spoon in for a sample. Tonight, they’re making me watch Starship Troopers for the first time. I’m warm, well-fed, and loved.

There’s nothing I need that’s missing.

But still, I drop my eyes. “Almost,” I murmur.

We talk for a bit, and she lets me know that Mr. Eusola contacted her about the gossip rag and they got the newspaper to print a retraction, as well as fire the reporter. Hopefully, it sets an example that I’m not interested in tolerating rumors about my parents for the rest of my life.

After we hang up, I check on the dinner, adding the potatoes in I peeled this morning.

Washing my hands, I stare out the window, seeing how the snow around the driveway has started to slush. We still have more storms coming, but the past few days have been a nice reprieve from the bitter temperatures.

I lean in, peering up at what I can see of the sky. The clouds look heavy. More snow on the way.

I feel Jake behind me, and I look back, seeing him gazing out the window, as well.

He looks down, something intimate in how his eyes drop to my mouth.

He takes a step back. “Sorry.”