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Daughter of the Moon Goddess(The Celestial Kingdom Duology #1)(155)

Author:Sue Lynn Tan

Flashes of a life unlived, paths untrodden swept through my mind, arousing a thousand regrets and longings. If only I could have gone home to my mother. If only Liwei and I had never parted. If only Wenzhi had not betrayed me. If only . . . this was not the end.

I fought the urge to close my eyes, to sink into the beckoning oblivion. Was it possible to survive this? I waited for a flicker of anger, for my will to harden and revive my strength—but there was nothing, beyond this weariness which sank into my bones.

I would die here; I knew it now. There was neither pity nor mercy in the emperor’s expression, only a callous satisfaction that his justice would be served. But I would not close myself off in blissful ignorance. I would depart with my eyes open. I would see everything, from the face of my beloved to that of my killer.

My body quivered as I pressed my palms against the floor, raising my head an inch from the ground. Each breath I drew was a shuddering torment. My pendant slipped out from the folds of my robe, the jade disc clinking against the tiles.

Had only a few seconds passed? It had been a lifetime of suffering.

“Father!” Liwei’s shout pierced my ears again, along with that ominous crack in the air.

I stared at him, dazed, as a shining barrier of gold light encased me. Just as when he had protected me from the Demon soldiers—the emperor’s Sky-fire splintering to nothingness when it struck. My body went limp with relief at this reprieve, despite the shield shattering a moment after. Liwei rushed forward, standing between me and the thrones —his face pale, sweat running down his brow. He had come to my aid, just as I always knew he would.

“Liwei, move aside. I’ll show you no leniency if you defy me again.” The emperor’s voice was so hostile, it was as though he spoke to an enemy instead of his son.

The empress dashed down from the dais, stumbling in her haste. The gold flowers on her headdress shivered like they were caught in a gale. “Liwei, this deceitful girl does not deserve your protection. Her actions have threatened us all.” She tugged his arm to pull him away.

As he yanked free of her grip, the emperor nodded at his guards who ran toward Liwei. I wanted to tell him to leave, yet was filled with a violent joy that he fought to stay. I was so cold, I did not think I would ever feel warm again—but as I watched his struggles, a spark kindled deep inside me, my arm stretching across the floor in a futile attempt to reach him.

The emperor’s gaze flicked to me as he raised his hand. My battered body could not withstand another attack, yet I forced my eyes to open—even as his fingertips blazed once more.

Time ceased. Sky-fire streaked toward me with dazzling speed, yet agonizing slowness. Liwei’s cry shattered my stupor. I shook my head, a scream erupting from my throat as he wrenched free of the guards, lunging forward to shield me with his body—even as I reached out to push him aside. Even as I knew I was too late.

“No.” A broken whisper as he clasped my hands. As my eyes met his—brimming with such warmth and love—I could not regret this final sight.

White light filled my vision. I braced for death.

Yet no stabbing pain pierced my skin . . . no blistering agony ripped through my flesh. Instead, I was encased in a luminous cocoon, as soft and tender as the mist at dawn. My eyes darted to Liwei’s. He was safe and alive—as was I. It was then, I felt it, a coolness rippling across my chest. I pulled my hand from Liwei’s to grasp my father’s pendant, tingling against my skin and sheathed in radiance. The same light which had shielded Liwei and me from harm. Yet all too soon it faded, the jade warming between my fingers as the smooth stone cracked—just as before the Long Dragon’s breath repaired it.

The Celestial Emperor . . . I did not recognize him in this moment. Pale with shock, red with rage. Did he feel any remorse for almost killing his son? He would have none for me. As his stony gaze swung my way, I forced myself to hold it—I would embrace his loathing and return it with my own.

Liwei swept his robe aside, kneeling upon the floor. “Honorable Father, your command was to retrieve the pearls from the dragons in exchange for repealing the sentence of the Moon Goddess. You did not mention their spiritual essence. If we have erred, I plead for mercy on our behalf. Yet the four pearls are before you, delivered as promised. Only one side of the bargain remains to be fulfilled. Yours.”

His voice carried to each corner of the hall, stirring the court from their stupor. A few courtiers, the braver ones, nodded in agreement. Whispers were exchanged behind raised sleeves. Of course, they knew little of the pearls and the great power they once held. In their eyes I had completed my task, only to be rewarded with a lightning bolt to my chest.