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Does It Hurt?(146)

Author:H. D. Carlton

Maritozzo- Italian raised dough, sweet filled with whipped cream Non lo so- I don’t know è una maledetta bugiarda- She’s a goddamn liar Mi sta facendo uscire pazzo, porca miseria- She’s driving me insane, dammit Cazzo, che cazzo hai fatto?- Fuck, what the fuck did you do?

Concentrati- Concentrate Attenta- Careful Brava ragazza- Good girl Non ti odio- I don’t hate you Sorridi, piccola- Smile, baby Ti darò tutto- I will give you everything Morirà lentamente- He will die slowly è impossibile odiarti quando mi fai sentire così vivo- It’s impossible to hate you when you make me feel so alive Ed è esattamente per questo che voglio odiarti. Prima di incontrare te ero un sonnambulo. Cazzo, non ero pronto a svegliarmi- And that’s exactly why I want to hate you. I was sleepwalking until I met you, and I wasn’t fucking ready to wake up Ho sbagliato a dirti che eri debole. Sei così incredibilmente coraggiosa, vorrei che lo vedessi anche tu- I was wrong to call you weak. You are so incredibly brave. I wish you could see that Ti penso ogni ora, ogni minuto, ogni dannato secondo. Non so che fare- I think of you every hour, every minute, every goddamn second. I don’t know what to do with that L’oceano era l’unico posto in cui mi sentivo a casa- The ocean was the only place I’ve ever felt at home Era l’unica cosa che mi eccitava e dava pace. Hai rovinato anche questo. Sentirti su di me è meglio di immergersi nell’oceano. Neanche con questa rivelazione so che fare- It was the only thing that gave me excitement and peace. You’ve ruined that for me, too. Being inside you is better than being inside the ocean. I don’t know what to do with that, either Bancarelle- A moveable stand where vendors sell their goods Un giorno- One day Cazzo, quanto sei bagnata- You’re so fucking wet Ma solo quando sono pronto a venire con te. Annegheremo insieme, bella ladra- But only when I’m ready to come with you. We will drown together, beautiful thief Svegliati- Wake up Tu sei mia- You’re mine Non ancora- Not yet Mostrami come amarti- Show me how to love you Sapevo che lo stronzo stava mentendo- I knew the asshole had been lying è il colore che preferisco su di te- My favorite color on you Sei così dolce. Sei un angelo- You are so sweet. You’re an angel Mia piccola bugiarda- My little liar

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As always, I want to thank my readers first. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for continuing to read my words and trusting me with your hearts and minds, even though you probably shouldn’t. I love you all so much, and words can’t describe how grateful I am for each and every one of you.

Secondly, I have to thank one of my biggest support systems, Victor. You’re my partner in crime, in life, and let’s be honest—in death, too. Thank you for being the glue that keeps me together. I quite literally would’ve fallen apart without you.

Thank you to my incredible alpha readers, May, Amanda, and Tasha. You three are my rocks. None of my books would be what they are without you and would definitely be straight trash lit on fire. I love you guys so so much.

Thank you to my beta readers, Autumn, Taylor, Keri, Naomi, and Kristie. You guys are the bomb diggity. And special thanks to Veronica for translating all the Italian for me, and Gabby for the Australia education!

Also, can’t forget my wonderful PA for keeping my life together and also beta reading for me. I’m so very lucky to have you.

Of course, I will always give a profuse amount of thanks to my editors. Angie, you are my family and I thank you for being someone I can lean on. Thank you for taking care of me, and my book babies, and I love you deeply. And Rumi, I appreciate you times a million, and thank you for doing such an incredible job with my book babies.

Thank you to both of my cover designers for the absolutely incredible covers, Emily Wittig and Murphy Rae. You both absolutely killed it with these covers, and I can’t thank you enough.

Last but not least, thank you to Cassie, who did the formatting for these books and made them TO DIE FOR. I love you so much, and I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.