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Dream On(125)

Author:Angie Hockman


Gathering our coats, we make the short trek through the snow to our apartment next door. The Colonel hefts himself out of his bed and waddles over when we arrive. At thirteen, he’s slowed down quite a bit, but he still greets us in the living room with his typical tail-wagging bark. “Who’s a good doggie?” I croon as I rub his soft ears. My fingers connect with an unfamiliar collar. Craning my head, I let out a honk of laughter. “Is he wearing a bow tie?” I ask Perry.

Loosening his own tie, he drops his keys on the kitchen table. “Just because he couldn’t come to the show tonight, doesn’t mean he didn’t want to celebrate.”

Standing, I twine my arms around his neck. “That was sweet. Thank you, Perry. For everything. Tonight was perfect.” After two and a half years, I still can’t believe how much I love this man. Being with him is just so… easy. As effortless as breathing.

I kiss him then. It starts out slow and languid, but heat ignites between us, and soon Perry’s tugging off my coat. My fingers find the buttons of his shirt and I run my palms along his bare chest.

“Wait.” He drags himself away, panting. “I—I have another surprise for you.”

“Can’t it wait?” I fumble for his belt buckle, but he holds me firm.

“One minute,” he says. “Wait here.” Eye twinkling, he runs his tongue along his bottom lip and disappears into the bedroom.

Plopping onto a stool in the kitchen, I unzip each boot and slide them off my aching feet. I tap my fingers against my thigh. Gnawing my lip, I meander toward the bedroom and press my ear to the closed door. What is he up to? Suddenly, the door opens, and I tumble into Perry’s arms with a squawk.

Catching me, he laughs. “You couldn’t wait, could you?

“Patience isn’t my strong suit.”

Grazing his knuckles along my cheek, Perry steps back, and I gasp.

Our candlelit bedroom is filled with flowers. Vases of roses fill every available hard surface from the dresser to the nightstands, while hanging garlands drip from the ceiling. And on the bed, our white comforter is sprinkled with ruby-red petals.

“Perry,” I breathe. “When did you do all this?”

He chuckles low in his throat, circling in front of me. He’s removed his tie, shoes, and socks, and his cheeks are tinged with pink. “Earlier tonight. That’s why Brie asked you to get ready at her place.”

Shaking my head, I laugh. “She was in on it?”

“Totally.” He runs his thumb along my knuckles, swallowing. “And… there’s one more thing.”

Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small black box, and drops to one knee. Inhaling sharply, I cover my mouth.

“Cassidy Walker, the last two and a half years with you have been the best of my life. When you chose me that day at the festival, I felt like I’d won the lottery on a cosmic scale. But what I didn’t know is that every day after that would be even better than the last. The way you see the world, and the possibilities within it, inspires me to be my best self because that’s what you do—uplift everyone around you simply by being yourself. You’re courageous, caring, kind, and the most brilliant person I’ve ever known. Each day with you is a gift, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life anywhere except by your side.”

He flips open the lid to reveal a silver band holding a square-cut emerald. It’s the same shade of green as his eyes, which he knows all too well is my favorite color. “Will you marry m—”

I throw myself into his arms. “Yes!”

Standing, he takes my trembling hand and slides the ring onto my finger.

“I love you, Perry.” I look up at him, and he kisses me—long, slow, and sweet. Smiling against his lips, I flatten my palms against his chest and push him onto the bed. We both laugh, and he tugs me down on top of him. Rose petals scatter around us like falling snow.

The mood changes, urgency blooming between us. Gathering the hem of my dress, he yanks it up and over my head. In between kisses, I manage to remove his shirt, pants, and boxers. He groans when I curl my fingers around his hard length, and the sound burrows into my belly. Eyes shining in the candlelight, he unlatches my bra and tosses it aside before scooping me up and flipping me over so I’m stretched out beneath him.

I moan as he drags kisses over my jaw, down the line of my neck, along my collar bone, and lower still. When he traces his tongue along the curve of my hip, I arch my back, and he peels off my panties in one fluid motion. My skin flames everywhere he touches me. His delicious weight, the friction of skin against skin, and every sinful swirl of his tongue sends me spinning closer to bliss. But I can’t get close enough. Can’t get enough of him.