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Dream On(126)

Author:Angie Hockman

Blood pounds through my veins. “I need you,” I rasp. “Now.”

“Okay,” he whispers, dragging his thumb over his glistening lips. Climbing up my body, he nudges my legs wider, positions himself, and enters me in one long, slow slide. I gasp at the sudden sensation of fullness. Stilling, he runs his fingers through my hair, gazing at me in pure reverence. “I love you so much.”

While his kisses are tender, his pace is not. We move together, faster, more desperate, until we’re both panting with need. The pleasure builds. I’m close. So close.

When he reaches between us and circles his fingers where I want them the most, I tip over the edge. Several thrusts later he joins me, and we collapse in a satisfied, sweaty heap.

“You know,” I say between heavy breaths. “I think I’m the lucky one here.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” He’s equally out of breath. Arm tossed above his head, eyes half closed, hair disheveled from my raking fingers—this is my favorite Perry. Perfectly happy, utterly unguarded, and authentically himself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful.

Rolling onto my side to face him, I prop myself up with one arm. My emerald ring winks in the flickering light of the candles, sending tingles down my spine. It couldn’t be more perfect if I’d picked it out myself. Smiling, I trace my fingertips along his chest. “Because I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Turning over my hand, he kisses my open palm. “And what a life it will be.”

What a life, indeed. Nestling against his bare chest, I close my eyes. He presses a kiss to my temple, and I sigh.

Perry is my fate, my forever.

He’s my dream come true.


Dream On started as a literal dream, and I feel fortunate beyond words for all the love and support I’ve received from so many, without whom this book never would have come to fruition.

Huge thanks to my agent, Jess Watterson, for cheering me on every step of the way, even when the (pandemic) going got tough. You’re the deliverer of dreams and my publishing journey guru. I’m so very grateful to have you in my corner (#bestagentever)。

To my wonderfully talented editor, Molly Gregory: working with you is an honor and a dream come true. This story never would have come together the way it did without your insightful feedback, brainstorming help, and support—thank you. Heartfelt thanks to the entire Gallery Books team for their support as well: my publisher, Jen Bergstrom; deputy publisher, Jen Long; publicity/marketing director, Sally Marvin; publicist, Lucy Nalen; marketing specialist, Mackenzie Hickey; managing editor, Caroline Pallotta; production editor, Christine Masters; copyeditor, Faren Bachelis; art director, Lisa Litwack; and editorial director, Aimée Bell.

To my UK publisher, Headline Eternal, and editor, Kate Byrne: thank you, once again, for bringing my words to readers across the pond! I’m thrilled and deeply grateful.

To anyone who’s experienced pregnancy loss and felt moved to talk about it: from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I patterned the pregnancy loss in Dream On after my own miscarriage a few years back, and I never would have mustered the courage to revisit the experience and reflect it in the pages of a book if it weren’t for the many brave individuals who have chosen to share their stories. (P.S. If you’re reading this, and you’re among the one in four who have encountered pregnancy loss and experienced the complicated trauma that can accompany it: please know I see you, I feel you, and I care. Support is out there. You’re not alone.)

Much love and thanks to Karen Cullinane, Erinn Ervin, and Katy Holloway for buoying me every day with our group text antics. You’re my boxing gloves, my glass of wine at the end of a hard day, and my springy cushion when I fall. I love you guys.

Thank you, Megan Keck, for FaceTiming with me at the height of the pandemic to talk about all things restaurants and the service industry. While the story ultimately took a turn away from that particular plotline, I’m grateful for your willingness to let me pick apart your brain—and that I get to call you a friend.

To Amanda Uhl, thank you for reading early chapters of Dream On and letting me bounce ideas off you. And thanks to my good friend Lindsey Davis for accompanying me on a mini–writers’ retreat to Ohio City, and for your friendship over many years (and ever-willingness to commiserate about all of life’s speed bumps)。 Cleveland buds for life!

Thanks to my street team of enthusiastic readers, aka the “Shippers,” for your time, energy, and continued support. I adore and appreciate you so very much!