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Fake Empire(49)

Author:C.W. Farnsworth

I tease her slowly and seductively, avoiding the spot I know will set her off. The hard ridge of the chair digs into my knee and my aching cock presses against the cushion, desperate for some attention. The pool lights cast shadows over the patio, the steady glug of the water filter the only sound aside from Scarlett抯 fast breathing. Her skin tastes like salt and sin as I coax her close to the edge and then pull back.

When梐nd I抦 betting it抯 a when, not an if, based on how wet she is梬e抮e in a position like this again, I抣l pay for this slow torture. I抦 sure of it. But right now, she has no choice but to lie back and take it. I抦 guessing most guys she抯 been with have been too horny and desperate to pleasure her like this. To drag anticipation out every sweet second.

She tries a new method the next time I look up, tracing her fingers between the valley of her breasts and then cupping her left tit. Her lips tilt up, mischievous and enticing.

We抮e playing with fire. She抯 asking to be burned.

I slip one finger inside her, then two. A breathy gasp falls from her lips, which are a natural, rosy pink rather than her signature red. She clenches around my fingers, squeezing them tight. I curl them, and she explodes, convulsing and moaning. Panting and primal.

She holds my gaze as she comes, and it抯 the hottest thing I抳e ever seen. Her thighs tremble with aftershocks as I raise my head to meet her gaze. She blinks at me, sleepy and satisfied.

We stare at each other to the soundtrack of waves pounding sand, reconciling what just happened with who we were before. I抦 expecting a dismissal. For her to adjust her pajamas and pick up her book and act like nothing just happened. Instead, she sits up and reaches for my shorts.

I snag her wrist and hold it. 揑抦 okay.?My dick wants to get acquainted with her mouth. Very, very badly. But if I let her blow me, this will feel transactional. Even scores. I want things between us to feel unfinished. I want her to wonder what I look like, fully naked. When I come.

Scarlett laughs, pulling out of my grasp to deliberately graze her hand across my crotch. 揧ou抮e kidding.?

揇oesn抰 sound so great, does it??I hold her gaze, not leaving any question about what I抦 referring to.

Her lips tighten. 揜eal fucking mature, Sport.?

I lean forward to press one final, bruising kiss to her mouth. She kisses me back, then bites down on my bottom lip. I chuckle as I pull away, running my tongue across it to check for blood and tasting a sharp, metallic tinge. I reach out and tug her nightgown back into its proper place, covering her naked body from the moon and the stars. 揋ood night. Red.?

Then I stand and walk back inside, leaving her to stew.

When I wake up, sun is streaming in through the windows and Scarlett is beside me in bed. Fast asleep and curled on her side with one hand tucked under her cheek. Her dark hair is a tangled mess fanned across the pillow. Her lips are parted and one strap of her nightgown has fallen off her shoulder.

I picture her writhing beneath me last night.

I抦 painfully tempted to pull that other strap down and pick things up right where we left off last night.

Scarlett likes a challenge. She may have wanted me last night, but I抦 certain any intimacy would have lasted about as long as the sex did. I want her desperate for me. I want her to admit there抯 more than attraction between us.

We抮e not there yet. Before last night, I wasn抰 sure if we ever would be.

I slip out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. I didn抰 hear her come to bed last night, so it must have been late. After our encounter, I lay awake for a while, too worked up to fall asleep. Probably should have jerked off, but I wasn抰 sure how long I抎 have before she抎 follow me up here.

Scarlett is still sleeping when I finish using the bathroom and getting dressed. I head downstairs alone. Her father is seated in the formal dining room. The table is spread with an assortment of every breakfast food imaginable.

Hanson Ellsworth closes The New York Times with a crinkle when he sees me.

揗orning, Crew.?


揝leep well??

I force all thoughts of the time I didn抰 spend sleeping from my head. 揧es, sir.?

揋ood.?With that, I抦 all but dismissed. Hanson turns back to his paper as I fill a plate with fresh fruit, pancakes, and bacon.

Josephine Ellsworth enters the dining room a few minutes later, balancing a teacup and a half of a grapefruit. She visibly brightens when she sees me. 揅rew! Good morning.?

揋ood morning, Josephine.?

Scarlett抯 mother launches into a recap of the party yesterday as I eat breakfast, one that requires little input on my part. I nod and grunt between bites as she goes on about the catering and flowers.

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