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Fake Empire(50)

Author:C.W. Farnsworth

Hanson completely ignores his wife as she talks. I realize this is the romantic relationship Scarlett grew up witnessing. A few more pieces of her prickliness start to make sense.

She appears as I抦 stealing seconds, dressed more casually than I抳e ever seen in a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. Her hair is up in a ponytail that swings as she walks. 揋ood morning.?

揋ood morning, dear.?Josephine is speaking to her daughter, but her eyes are on me. No doubt she抯 taking this opportunity to observe how we interact with each other.

Hanson merely grunts a response, not bothering to look up from his paper.

This table could comfortably seat a couple of dozen people, but Scarlett takes the seat right next to me. Her hair brushes my arm as she leans over and pours herself a glass of orange juice.

揑抦 glad you slept in, sweetheart. You抳e been working too hard,?Josephine says.

揗m-hmm,?Scarlett mumbles, grabbing a croissant and some strawberries.

揑 was thinking we could do some shopping in town today. And Marcy Whitman said her daughter is back in town. She wants to get lunch. What is her daughter抯 name? I couldn抰 remember last night.?

Scarlett rolls her eyes. 揕ucy.?She pops a strawberry in her mouth.

揜ight. Lucy. We抣l leave right after you get changed.?

There抯 a quiet sigh beside me. 揊ine.?

揑 was thinking you and Crew could come down next weekend as well. The country club is having a棓

揑抣l be in Paris next weekend, Mom. I need to approve the final designs for rouge.?

It抯 news to me梩he trip to Paris and that Scarlett told her parents about her new business venture梑ut I say nothing.

For the first time since Scarlett came downstairs, Hanson speaks. 揂re you sure this is a good idea, Scarlett??

Her hand tightens around her fork. 揧es.?

揟he magazine might be doing well for the time being, but that抯 no reason to get ahead of yourself. Especially now that you抮e married.?

揑 fail to see what my marriage has to do with it.?Scarlett抯 voice is icy.

揧ou抮e too smart to play dumb, sweetie.?Hanson抯 tone is condescending. 揧ou know what the expectations are.?

Scarlett stabs another strawberry. 揟hanks for the unsolicited advice, Dad.?

揑f you won抰 listen to me, I hope you抣l listen to your husband. This arrangement took years. Don抰 destroy it to play dress-up.?Hanson glances at me. 揝urely you agree this is ridiculous.?

揑f I thought it was ridiculous, I wouldn抰 be going to Paris next week to help out however I can.?Without thinking it through梐t all梩hat抯 the reply that flies out of my mouth.

Hanson is too practiced of a businessman to show any surprise. But it抯 obvious he抯 taken aback in the way he doesn抰 say anything right away. Whatever he was planning to say clearly no longer applies.

揌ow exciting!?Josephine jumps into the conversation. 揑 hope you two will make time for some sight-seeing. You never went on a honeymoon.?

揑 love sight-seeing.?I don抰; I can抰 recall the last time I actually took in the sights on a trip. My international travel for Kensington Consolidated usually consists of quality time spent at a hotel and in a boardroom. It抯 worth saying so to see the dubious expression on Scarlett抯 face, though. I resist the urge to laugh.

Josephine goes on and on about her favorite spots in Paris while Scarlett and I eat. Hanson stays focused on his newspaper. Scarlett eventually excuses herself to go up and change. I give her a few minutes head start and then follow.

When I walk into the room, Scarlett has already dressed in a pink sundress. She glances up in the midst of slipping on a pair of wedges. 揌ey.?

揌ey,?I repeat.

揑抦 leaving the car here if you want to go out. Keys are on the dresser.?

I slip my hands in my pockets, watching as she straightens and smooths her dress. 揙kay. I might go see Andrew for a bit.?

揙kay,?she echoes. There抯 some curiosity on her face桰抦 sure she wants to ask about what happened with Camden again梑ut all she does is grab her phone.

揧ou want to head home when you get back??

Our original plan was to spend another night, but I抦 happy to head back early.

Relief washes over her face. 揧eah.?

I nod. 揙kay.?

She glances around the room, checking to make sure she has everything. Then she walks toward the doorway where I抦 standing. Rather than pass, she pauses. Her mouth opens. Closes.

Scarlett shakes her head. 揊uck it.?

She kisses me. I抦 too shocked to react at first. By the time I start to respond, she抯 already pulling back.

One small smile, and she抯 gone.



As Audrey said, Paris is always a good idea. And ever since I became editor-in-chief of Haute, trips to France抯 capital city have become common.

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