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Heartless Sky(Zodiac Academy #7)(112)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

“Well, point is, Xavier would fucking love it if Sofia could get a room close to his because he’s got that whole Dom thing going on with her. I think he really needs to be around some of his herd again too after being cooped up here without a Pegasus in sight for the last few months. So I was hoping they could have your room, seeing as you spend your nights with your new boy toy anyway-”

“Sweet heavens, forgive me,” Hamish whimpered and I arched a brow at him in surprise. Fae weren’t generally prudish about this kind of thing, but he looked like he was hoping the ground might open up and swallow him to rescue him from this conversation.

“What’s the big deal?” I asked.

“Hammy believes that fornication outside of marriage is all well and good until love is involved. And since we umm…said the L word, he feels like we should really be married if we are going to continue to be…physical.” Catalina honest to shit blushed and if that wasn’t just the cutest thing in the world then I didn’t know what was.

“So…do you want to get married?” I asked, unsure if that was what she was saying or if she was saying she’d refused.

“Well, technically as I didn’t really die, my marriage to Lionel still binds me. So if I tried to marry again, the bond wouldn’t form and the stars would reject it. You can marry multiple partners in a polyamorous union, but in this kind of situation the stars would know I am being dishonest.” Catalina’s lips turned down sadly and Hamish tugged her to his side, placing a kiss to her head.

“I only wish to honour you as my bride, my love, don’t think for one moment that I think any less of you because of your miserable union to that cad,” he murmured.

“What would it take to divorce you from the lizard king?” I asked, wondering if we could find some way around this.

“A Fae marriage can be dissolved by law - but in that case we would have to file paperwork which he would be notified of, therefore informing him that I was still alive. I have considered it. We are safe here after all, but-”

“I won’t allow my Kitty to come under the notice of that menace once again, unless she is truly ready to do so,” Hamish growled protectively, a doggishness to his tone which spoke of his Order form.

“What else then?” I asked.

“Death,” she breathed then shrugged.

“So, the Savage King didn’t have the power to dissolve marriages?” I asked, thinking of the power the old mortal kings used to have and feeling like I’d heard something about them being able to do that. Then again, maybe I was wrong. History had never been my best subject.

“My lady…I think perhaps he did,” Hamish gasped, looking at me with hope in his eyes.

“Then his daughters might be able to do it?” I suggested, the corner of my lips lifting as Catalina stared at me with barely contained excitement.

“Perhaps! Oh fish on a Ferris wheel, do you think you could?” Hamish gushed.

“I dunno, what would we have to do?” I asked, glancing around and waving Darcy and Geraldine over to join us from where they’d been standing talking to Gabriel.

“Gabriel said it will work,” Darcy said as the others turned to look to her too. “With no further explanation.”

“Any chance he told you what we need to do?” I asked, a grin filling my face as I realised that this was actually happening.

“He just said we should combine our magic, call out to the stars and tell them it is so. Whatever the hell that means.” She shrugged.

“What in tarnation is going on, my ladies?” Geraldine asked, looking between me and her dad who still held Catalina close.

“Their royal majesties are going to attempt to untether my dearest Kitty from the clutches of that uncouth usurper to the throne,” Hamish said excitedly. “He will free her from her bonds and make her available to woo in the most natural of ways!”

“In English?” Darcy asked me as Geraldine burst into tears.

“We’re gonna try and give Catalina a star divorce,” I explained and Darcy smiled widely.

“Okay then. Let’s do it.” She reached for my hand and I took hers, pushing my magic up to the surface of my skin to meet with hers and waiting for her to drop the barriers dividing us.

Darcy frowned for a moment and I cocked my head as I looked at her in confusion while I waited for her to power share with me. I’d never had to wait like this with her before, our magic always desperate to collide and combine so the pause was more than a little odd.