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Heartless Sky(Zodiac Academy #7)(281)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

“Put this on.”

“And why am I dressing up?” she laughed as she did as I said anyway, and I watched her hungrily as I grabbed some clothes for myself.

“Because I want to present you to everyone in The Burrows as my mate,” I said, raising my chin with pride and she smiled up at me, a pink blush building in her cheeks.

“But it’s the middle of the night,” she countered and I shrugged, determined of this and she bit her lip, giving in to my demands.

When she was finished dressing, I circled her, humming my approval as I buttoned up my jeans then pulled on a nice black shirt.

Darcy immediately stepped forward to do up the buttons for me and I watched her with my heart thrashing like a caged animal. When she was done, I shot to the wardrobe and grabbed a bottle of bourbon hidden in there, twisting the cap off.

“I want to drink and be fucking merry, beautiful,” I said, taking a long swig as I grinned at her. I didn’t even give a damn that we’d most likely scraped by death tonight, because it seemed the stars were on our side at last and I was wide awake and ready to fucking party.

“Then screw it, let’s be merry.” She beamed.

I snagged a pair of black heels out of the wardrobe, and gestured for Darcy to get on the bed. She watched me with amusement in her eyes, sitting down on the edge, but I pushed her to lay all the way back, sliding her heels onto her feet then leaning over her and tipping a measure of whiskey into the hollow of her neck. I licked and sucked it out then sank my tongue between her lips, giving her a taste too as a sultry moan left her.

I kissed my way to her neck, my fangs lengthening and my heart rate elevating at the thought of what I wanted.

“Bite me,” she ordered breathlessly and I did, my fangs sinking in deep, drawing a gasp from her lips as her sweet blood hit my tongue and I groaned in rapture. She wasn’t just my blood Source, she was the source of all things pure and good in my life, and I would never get enough of her taste.

Before I could get my hundredth boner of the night, I drew back and pulled her to her feet, making her twirl under my arm as I assessed her, loving the way her ass filled out that dress and the heels made her legs look extra long. I healed the mark on her neck and sucked the last of her blood off my thumb as I drew my hand away, my magic reserves swelling.

“You’re a fucking delight to behold.” I pulled her towards the door. “Are you ready to tell everyone what happened?”

“Yeah, but I think they might be pissed we disappeared,” she said, opening the door and I found myself looking at an angry Tory with her arms folded, the Heirs at her back and Geraldine pulling at her hair with anxiety.

“What the hell?” Tory demanded and Darcy rushed forward and grasped her hand.

“I’m sorry, Tor,” she said quickly.

“Why are you dressed up like that?” Tory demanded then she gasped, yanking her sister forward and gripping her whole head as she looked into her eyes. “Wait – what? Seriously!?”

“Yep,” Darcy laughed. “It happened before the FIB caught us. The fucking stars gave us our moment right outside a freaking precinct.”

“What moment is this you speak of?” Geraldine barrelled through the Heirs as they tried to get a look at Darcy and Darius muscled his way forward too, grabbing my arm and yanking me close to look into my eyes.

“Holy fuck,” he gasped then he punched me in the shoulder, making me curse before he dragged me in to a tight hug.

“Flog my seaweed sprouts!” Geraldine bellowed as she made it in front of Darcy, shaking her and starting to sob as she drooped all the way down to the floor. “By the gleam upon the moon’s rump, it cannot be! My lady Darcy has had her moment of the divine. She has been called under the stars to be bound to her Orry man!” she wailed, clawing her way up Tory’s legs as she sobbed and buried her face in Tory’s wings which were folded at her back.

Seth howled his excitement, leaping forward and snaring Darcy in a hug before coming for me like a bounding puppy, nearly falling over his own feet as he collided with me, forcing Darius aside.

I was so fucking happy that I didn’t even push him off, I just clapped him on the back and suddenly Cal slammed into me, hugging me too before him and Seth exchanged an awkward look and released me at the same time. Max stepped forward next, congratulating me before hugging Darcy tight and I realised Geraldine had fainted, her arms strewn above her head and her mouth agape where she lay on the floor.

Max snagged the bourbon from my hand, a grin on his lips. “So we’re fucking partying, right?”