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Heartless Sky(Zodiac Academy #7)(327)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Lavinia let Orion get up, offering him his sword too and my mate immediately pointed it at her.

“Release her from this curse!” he ordered, slashing the sword at her, but Lavinia knocked him backwards with a wave of her hand like he was nothing but a mild irritation.

“You’d better stop her before she hurts your little friends,” Lavinia taunted.

“I’ll never hurt her,” he snarled and she considered him, pointing me towards the rebels as my gaze turned that way and I salivated with the amount of prey I could see before me.

I prowled towards them with nothing but hunger and death within me, my mind a haze of darkness.

“No – Blue! Look at me!” a voice reached me, but I could no longer place who it belonged to.

I started to run towards the crowd as anger billowed up inside me and set my veins alight. I was hungry, so endlessly hungry I ached. And as I collided with the Fae and the first blood was spilled by my claws, I howled to the moon and felt the darkness within me deepen.

I fought with the rage of a queen protecting her kingdom and the power of a monster born to bathe in the blood of its enemies. And I had so many fucking enemies. Lionel and Lavinia were only at the top of a very long list, and I wasn’t even going to get started on the fucking stars.

They watched us now, twinkling in the perfectly clear sky, enjoying the show as the Fae whose fates they twisted so carelessly with their desires fought for their lives down here in the mud. They didn’t care who was the victor here. They only came to watch the carnage they had orchestrated.

I fought with fire and fury, using the power of the blaze to keep my magic fully charged at all times while blasting great holes in the ranks of our enemies, yet still they came at us from every angle.

We had been caught entirely unaware and with our army still mostly trapped underground, bottlenecked in the tunnels and only slowly making their way up here to join our ranks, we were at a serious disadvantage.

My gaze caught on Catalina and Hamish as they ripped the hillside apart with their earth magic, freeing more rebels from the tunnels beneath while shielding against the Dragon Guild who swooped overhead in their shifted forms, aiming to burn our army with their Dragon fire before they could even fully join the fight.

The heavy power of Nymph rattles sounded over and over again, making the magic inside me flicker to an insistent beat whenever I got too close to one of them, but my flaming sword was already wet with the blood of their kind and any who made the mistake of thinking I could only fight with my magic found out they were wrong the hard way.

The huge Nymph who seemed to lead their ranks was still in my sights, but he had moved further away, charging towards the far side of the battlefield where the Tiberian Rats were making a stand led by Eugene Dipper.

My heart swelled at the courage of our army as I found them fighting all around me, but still the sheer numbers of Lionel’s followers was terrifying.

A roar unlike anything I’d ever heard before shook the ground at my feet and I turned to my right as the rebels there screamed, trying to run from whatever had caused that sound.

My eyes widened as I spotted the source of their fear, a huge beast tearing through their ranks with claws of shadow and the soulless eyes of a nightmare. It was as big as a Monolrian Bear Shifter and resembled their kind a little too, its black fur wet with the blood of the Fae it had killed.

I raised my hand with a bellow of challenge escaping my lips as I called on my Phoenix and red and blue flames ignited in my fist, building and building until I released it with a blast of energy which almost knocked me from my feet.

A bird born of fire erupted from my hold, crying out in its eerily beautiful voice for all the rebels to hear, bolstering their morale as it swept over their heads and flew straight towards the creature of shadow who had come to destroy them.

The beast looked up as the Phoenix fire bore down on it, its eyes moving to me, a glint of silver in them which almost made me pause as a shiver tracked down my spine.

My attack slammed into the creature and it roared as it was hurled from its feet, crashing backwards into the ranks of Nymphs and crushing them beneath it, shattering bony limbs and making them scream in pain.

I started running towards it as it scrambled to get up, a frown burrowing into my brow at the fact that it had survived that strike. I held my sword ready and yelled out a challenge.

The rebels tried to move aside as I ran at them, but I ignored them, leaping up and using my air magic to propel myself over their heads, gripping my sword in both hands and swinging it above me as I prepared to make the killing blow.