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House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City, #2)(99)

Author:Sarah J. Maas

“Enough.” Celestina’s power again filled the room, stifling any magic they might have summoned. She asked Baxian, “Why did you go into the alley after him?”

“Because I’ve spent decades with this asshole,” Baxian seethed. “I knew what was about to happen. I wasn’t going to let him go through with it.”

“You did plenty of times under Sandriel,” Isaiah said, voice low. “You and your whole triarii stood back.”

“You don’t know shit about what I did or didn’t do,” Baxian snapped at Isaiah, then said to Celestina, “Pollux deserved the beating I gave him.”

The Hammer bared his teeth. Hunt could only watch in something like shock.

“That may be true,” Celestina said, “but the fact remains that you two are in my triarii and your fight was filmed. And it’s now online and being aired by every news station.” Her gaze sharpened on Pollux. “I offered the female the chance to press charges—but she declined. I can only assume she is aware of what a circus it would be, and is frightened of the consequences for herself and her loved ones. I plan to fix that in this city. This territory. Even if it means making an example of one of my triarii.”

Hunt’s blood roiled, howling. Maybe this would be it. Maybe Pollux would finally get what was coming to him.

But Celestina’s throat worked. “I received a call this morning, however, and have seen the wisdom in … granting you a second chance.”

“What?” Hunt blurted.

Pollux bowed his head in a mockery of gratitude. “The Asteri are benevolent masters.”

A muscle ticked in Celestina’s smooth cheek. “They are indeed.”

Naomi asked, “What about that one?” She gestured toward Baxian, who glared at her.

Celestina said, “I would like to grant you a second chance as well, Helhound.”

“I defended that female,” Baxian snapped.

“You did, and I commend you for that. But you did so in a public way that drew attention.” Not only the city’s attention. The Asteri’s.

Again, Celestina’s throat bobbed.

Isaiah asked a shade gently, “What can we do to help clean up this mess?”

She kept her stare on her wooden desk, thick lashes nearly grazing her high cheekbones. “It is already done. To give the media something else to focus on, the Asteri have blessed me with an opportunity. A gift.”

Even Pollux dropped his simpering bullshit to angle his head. Hunt braced himself. This couldn’t be good.

Celestina smiled, and Hunt saw it for the forced expression it was. “I am to mate Ephraim. With two Archangels now dead, there is a need to … replenish the ranks. On the Autumnal Equinox, we shall have our mating ceremony here in Lunathion.”

A month away. The holiday known as Death’s Day was a lively one, despite its name: it was a day of balance between the light and dark, when the veil between the living and dead was thinnest. Cthona began her preparations for her upcoming slumber then, but in Lunathion, raging costume parties were held along the Istros River at the various Sailing points. The biggest party of all surrounded the Black Dock, where lanterns were sent across the water to the Bone Quarter, along with offerings of food and drink. It had been a total shitshow every time Hunt had flown above the festivities. He could only imagine what Bryce would wear. Something as irreverent as possible, he imagined.

Celestina went on, “He shall stay here for a few weeks, then return to his territory. After that, he and I shall alternate visiting each other’s territories.” Until a baby was born, no doubt.

Naomi asked, “This is a good thing, right?”

Celestina again gave them that forced smile. “Ephraim has been my friend for many years and is a fair and wise male. I can think of no better partner.”

Hunt sensed the lie. But such was the lot of Archangels: should the Asteri decide they were to breed, they obeyed.

“Congratulations?” Isaiah said, and Celestina laughed.

“Yes, I suppose those are in order,” she said. But her amusement faded upon facing Pollux—the cause of this. He’d embarrassed this city, embarrassed her, and the Asteri had taken notice. And now she would pay. Not for what Pollux had tried to do to that female, but for getting caught by the public. The Asteri would take this opportunity to remind her exactly how much control they had over her. Her life. Her body.

Hunt didn’t know why they bothered to care, why they’d gone so far out of their way to prove a point, but … nothing surprised him where they were concerned. Hunt’s blood began to heat, his temper with it. Fucking monsters.