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Last on the List (Wait With Me #5)(120)

Author:Amy Daws

“Like Saturday!” Jessica laughs. “But don’t tell Everly. I want to surprise her. I am so excited, Max. You have no idea.”

“I can hear it,” I reply dryly, my chest aching at the thought of my extra time with Everly coming to a close so soon. I’ve seen such growth in her this summer. I don’t know if it was because she was around more or because she explored different parts of her personality, but she really is turning into a young woman now. And now I’ll have to go back to being a weekend dad, which sucks, but she’s missed her mom, so I know this is for the best. Just a tough pill to swallow.

That thought makes me wonder… “What are we going to do about…the nanny? We hired her through the end of the summer.”

Jessica hems and haws for a bit. “I think we can just pay her for the rest of the summer and dismiss her early. I’m going to want to spend as much time with Everly as I can before she goes back to school.”

I nod and chew the inside of my cheek as I consider that. “Yeah…okay. I’m sure she’ll need time to find a place to live. This is three weeks earlier than expected. I don’t know what her plans are so I don’t want to stress her out.”

“Can’t she just stay in the tiny house as long as she needs? I mean…are you in a hurry to get her out of there?”

“No, why would you say that?” I snap, my hands tightening on the wheel defensively.

“Easy, Max, I was just asking a question.”

I sigh heavily. I’m so fucking obvious, it’s painful. “This is great news, Jess. Everly will be thrilled to see you.”



“What is going on?” Jess’s tone is probing, and I can already see her eyes pinning me to my seat. “You sound stressed out more than usual.”

“I’m on my way to a big meeting regarding the merger. There have been some developments.”

Jess tsks. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s not,” I drone, hoping this meeting goes my way because otherwise, I’m not sure what my options are.

“So…nothing more about Cozy that you want to talk about?” Jess asks, her tone cautious.

My eyes narrow. “Other than her living situation, no. Why would you ask that?”

There’s a pause on the other end of the line.

“Jess…you’re hesitating. I don’t like when you hesitate.”

“Everly made me promise not to tell you.”

“Jessica, you know I hate when you keep shit from me about Everly. Whatever it is, just tell me.”

She moans a noise of annoyance before blurting out, “She told me she thinks you’re in love with Cozy.”

I nearly drive off the fucking road. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not, Max. I wouldn’t joke with you about this.”

“When did she say that?” I ask, chills running up my spine at this surprising remark.

“A few weeks ago. Then last week she said you were sad.”

Dammit, that kid is too intuitive for her own good. She must be a fucking emotional empath or something. “I’m not sad, Jess.”

“You sound sad.”

“The connection is bad in Bulgaria.”

“Max…what’s going on with you two?”

“Nothing, Jess. It’s over,” I state, trying to get her off this line of questioning. “I don’t know how Everly knows anything because we were always very careful and very appropriate, I promise.”

“Max, you don’t have to sell me on this. I know you. I trust you. In fact, I was kind of excited that you were a little inappropriate for once. And I already like Cozy…not that my opinion on your love life really matters. But for the record, I think she’d be great for you.”

I sigh heavily. “There’s no love life, Jess.”

“Why not?”

“Because we’re not right for each other.”

“Says who?”

“Says me,” I answer harshly.

“Well, I think that sucks,” Jess tuts. “I was hopeful you were finally taking a chance on someone for once. It’s been heartbreaking watching you live your life alone all these years and knowing I was the one that made you like that.”

“You have nothing to feel guilty for, Jess.” I reach down and untie my tie, feeling suddenly like I’m sitting in the hot seat. “You can’t control your sexuality any more than I can control mine.”