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Mistakes Were Made(110)

Author:Meryl Wilsner

Cassie [8:48 PM]

Wtf am I supposed to do

Acacia [8:48 PM]

The same stuff you’ve been doing bc you’ve been dating for half a year? Except like, tell Parker

Cassie [8:49 PM]

Jesus Christ I am into PARKER’S MOM

“Hey,” Erin said from the doorway, and Cassie almost dropped her phone. Erin grinned. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

Erin was in just a T-shirt and underwear, leaning against the doorframe, and Cassie was absolutely, 100 percent into her.

“I’m gonna take a shower while we wait for the food,” Erin said. “Wanna join me?”

Cassie swallowed. She wanted to, yes, but she wanted to get her shit together more.

“Nah,” she said. Erin’s face fell a little, and Cassie rushed to recover. “If I join you we’re gonna be a lot longer than it takes the food to get here.”

Erin laughed. “Touché. See you in a bit.”

She stripped the T-shirt off right there and tossed it at Cassie. Cassie caught it before it hit her in the face. Erin threw a smile over her shoulder when she headed down the hallway.

Cassie [8:51 PM]

Shit Acacia it’s bad

Cassie [8:51 PM]

Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad

Acacia [8:52 PM]


Cassie knew that, of course, but seriously, couldn’t Acacia have tried a little harder? She might very well be in love with Parker’s mom. She needed like a full sit-down intervention.

Cassie [8:53 PM]

I know, I know. Just like … wtf man wtf am I doing

Cassie thought about it. Thought about all the time she’d spent with Erin, all the time she’d spent telling Acacia they weren’t dating. She thought about how Erin made her feel—warm, and happy—and knew that was the case long before now. She thought about what she’d heard Erin say to Rachel, and she made a decision.

Cassie [8:55 PM]

It doesn’t have to change anything tho

Acacia [8:56 PM]


Cassie [8:56 PM]

You’ve said I was into her all along, right? So just because I know now doesn’t mean anything has to change

Acacia [8:57 PM]

This sounds like a bad idea

Cassie [8:57 PM]

Why? We do what we’ve been doing for the rest of the summer, and when I head to Caltech, I find someone else to fuck and get over it

She felt fake even writing that, but she could do it. She was Cassie Klein; she could do anything.

Acacia [8:58 PM]

Just get over it, that sounds easy

Cassie [8:58 PM]

Well what do you think I should do, Kaysh?

Acacia [8:58 PM]

Talk to her. It’s not like this whole thing has been one-sided. She’s probably into you, too

Cassie [8:59 PM]

No, she’s not.

Acacia [8:59 PM]

Cassie just give it a chance

Cassie [8:59 PM]

I’m telling you she’s not. I heard her talking to her friend about it

Acacia [9:00 PM]


Cassie [9:00 PM]

She said we weren’t dating just because I was good in bed

Cassie added a smirking emoji, tried her usual bravado. It didn’t work. She thought about that day, wondered if the way her stomach dropped was less about Erin’s tone and more about Erin’s words. Wondered how many things she’d lied to herself about when it came to Erin.

Cassie [9:01 PM]

It doesn’t matter. I gotta go. She’s in my shower and food’s gonna arrive soon. I’ll talk to you later

Acacia [9:01 PM]

Cassie. Are you okay at least?

Cassie [9:02 PM]

I’m fine, babe. Just had great sex and about to eat delicious Chinese food

Acacia [9:02 PM]

Remember how you’re not supposed to tell me about your sex life?

Cassie [9:02 PM]

You asked

Cassie heard the shower turn off as she got dressed. She was fine, really. Being into Erin was not a big deal. She deleted her recent messages and went to get cash for the delivery guy.

* * *

Erin woke Cassie up with her mouth.

Cassie came two minutes before she needed to be awake for work.

“Good timing,” she said when she realized it.

“I checked when your alarm was,” Erin explained. “And acted accordingly.”

Okay, who wouldn’t be into this woman?

Cassie had convinced herself the whole I love you almost-slip was only because of a couple orgasms. She didn’t love Erin; she was just into her. Which was still scary as fuck, but she could handle it.

And she was handling it. Dinner last night had been fine. Erin was so easy to be around; even when Cassie was having a minor panic attack about being into her friend’s mom, Erin had made her feel comfortable. They shared orange chicken and chow fun and crab Rangoons. Cassie had said you’re perfect instead of thank you, and Erin gave an adorable little smile in response.