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Mistakes Were Made(109)

Author:Meryl Wilsner

Every time Erin dropped herself onto Cassie, the base of the dildo pushed at Cassie’s clit. It shouldn’t have been enough, really, but it had Cassie straining, one hand fisted in the blanket and one hand gripping the back of Erin’s thigh. She bit her lip to keep back her moan and rolled her hips.

Erin looked at her, tilted her head, curious, and sunk down a little farther. Cassie whimpered.

“Shit, Cassie, are you going to—”

Cassie couldn’t do anything but nod. Erin, still grinding on her, leaned down to suck at the sensitive spot above her collarbone. Cassie was so close, pushing up into Erin and groaning and it wasn’t fair the way Erin knew how to play her, knew which buttons to push and when and how hard. Erin bit, and Cassie came.

Her hips pulsed and her eyes stayed closed until she heard a gasp, then she opened them to watch Erin come undone. Erin kept their hips flush together, ground down in a figure eight, and let out a long shuddering breath. Cassie had recovered enough to half-sit up and kiss her, because she had to when Erin looked that beautiful.

Erin climbed off her eventually and dropped herself onto the bed next to Cassie. They were still on top of the blankets. Cassie was content to snuggle—not that she’d ever admit that—but Erin started unstrapping the harness. Cassie didn’t help much, just let Erin do the work and lifted her hips when prompted. The harness was deposited on the floor next to the bed, and Cassie felt warm and soft with Erin curled next to her. Erin reached between her legs. She was soaked, and Erin chuckled softly.

Cassie stretched languidly as Erin’s fingers slid over her. The stress of her day, of her week, even though it was only Monday, was forgotten. God, Erin just made her life so much better.

“I—” Cassie started, and thank God Erin hit her clit right then, because the next words out of her mouth were definitely going to be love you.

The thought made her body seize—which Erin read wrong, ran her fingers faster, and even though it hadn’t been a precursor to an orgasm, Cassie got there anyway.

“What were you saying?” Erin teased while Cassie got her breath back.

Cassie could tell her face heated from more than just the orgasm, but maybe Erin didn’t notice.

“I’m glad I gave you a key,” she said. It wasn’t a lie, even if it wasn’t what she had been going to say. Erin beamed and Cassie’s chest clenched and, oh, she was in trouble.

“I am, too,” Erin said. “And I’m all yours tonight.”


“I don’t have to be back in Nashua until tomorrow.” She grinned.

Of course the first time Erin could spend the night was when Cassie realized she had feelings for her. Cassie closed her eyes and tried to remember how to breathe.

“You stay here,” Erin said, getting up. Cassie looked at her. She had a smirk on as though she thought the orgasm was what had Cassie like this. Cassie was not planning to dispel her of that notion. “Do you wanna order food?”

“Chinese.” Cassie said. “Orange chicken and I don’t care what else. There’s a menu from my favorite place on the fridge.”

“Okay,” Erin said. She leaned down for a kiss. “You recover, and I’ll handle dinner.”

She sounded annoyingly smug. But thinking she made Cassie come so hard she needed to rest was better than realizing Cassie had feelings for her, so Cassie let her tease.

As soon as she was out of the room, Cassie grabbed her phone.

Cassie [Today 8:42 PM]

Kaysh what the fuck am I supposed to do

Cassie [8:42 PM]

I’m into Parker’s mom

Acacia must’ve been in a fight with Donovan, because she had her read receipts on—she turned them on whenever they fought because she was petty, and Cassie normally loved it, but she hated it right now. Hated seeing Read 8:42 P.M. and no sign of Acacia responding.

Cassie [8:44 PM]

Kaysh? I am into Parker’s mom

Acacia [8:44 PM]

Yes and?

Cassie [8:44 PM]

No like. I am into her

Acacia [8:45 PM]

What about this is new, Klein?

Cassie was freaking out because Acacia needed to understand.

Cassie [8:45 PM]


Read 8:45 P.M. sat there for more than a minute before Acacia started typing back.

Acacia [8:47 PM]

So you figured out you’ve been dating for the past six months?

Cassie [8:47 PM]

Acacia this is not funny. She is in my apartment ordering dinner and I almost told her I love her???

Acacia [8:48 PM]

1.) It’s a little funny 2.) I’m not joking.