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On Rotation(124)

Author:Shirlene Obuobi

CJ: Thank you for deciding for the both of us that we were going to be the best of friends, for letting me bounce my whackiest book ideas off you, and for offering even whackier ones in return. You’re the best older little brother a girl could ask for.

To Jess, my agent: Thank you for believing in On Rotation and in me as a writer, for letting me know it was okay to dream big, for advocating for me in the alien world of publishing, and for working tirelessly to get On Rotation sold.

To Lucia, Asanté, and my team at Avon/William Morrow: You’ve made my wildest dreams come true! Thank you for shaping this novel into its current (vastly improved) form, for answering my deluge of questions with grace, and for giving On Rotation a chance to shine.

Héctor, Tzintzuni, and Rebecca: Thank you for letting me mine you for those identifiable details about your Mexican-American upbringing so that Ricky could feel a bit more real. Hector, thank you for scouring this book line by line to make sure that both Ricky and Shae’s portrayals could be respectful and genuine.

Katy: Every Black girl needs a Black girl therapist. Thank you for teaching me the power of no and how to continue to choose myself. I appreciate you so much.

ShirlyGang: My little online homies. I started ShirlyWhirl when I thought no one would be interested in my creations, and you responded with such loving enthusiasm. I learn something from all of you every day.

Kojo and YBLERD: Whodathunk there would be 200+ Black Weebs Who Are Also Doctors out there! My goodness. I really thought that 712 was the only world out there, but there y’all were, being hilarious, being ridiculous, being professionals who also cosplay. You are also all very hot.

And finally, to Mrs. Donna Lehman: When I was the scared, bullied, gap-toothed African child in your class, you saw promise. You went out of your way to pull me out of a bad situation, put me in front of opportunities, and gave me the chance to shine. I genuinely don’t know if I would be where I am today without your good-hearted interference. I look at that letter you wrote me when I was a wee third grader, the one where you told me that one day I would be a famous author. Well, I don’t know about the famous part, but . . . here we are.

About the Author

SHIRLENE OBUOBI is a Ghanaian-American physician, cartoonist, and author who grew up in Chicago, Illinois; Hot Springs, Arkansas; and the

Woodlands, Texas. When she’s not in the hospital (and let’s be honest, even when she is), she can be found drawing comics,

writing on her phone, and obsessing over her three cats. She currently lives in Chicago, where she is completing her cardiology


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