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One Small Mistake(10)

Author:Dandy Smith

I open my mouth to protest but he’s already dragging me out the door. Without breaking stride, he scoops the champagne from the side table in the hallway.

In the garden, Jack stops and chats to guests while I stand beside him, hoping no one can tell I’ve been crying. He wows everyone he speaks to. And, in the dusky half-light, he is gorgeous with his cheekbones and strong jaw and all the rest. I think of all the girls he’s bedded and wonder why he doesn’t keep any of them around longer than a night. If he really wanted to, he could make someone very happy. Maybe he’d even have everything Ada does now: the home, the grand garden party, the picture-perfect happiness.

I know the second Jack spots my sister because his hand briefly tightens around mine. My heart starts to thunder as I see the hardness in his face; he’s going to say something.

‘Jack,’ I warn, voice low. ‘Jack, please don’t—’

‘Ada!’ he calls, drowning me out. She looks up, eyes searching, then sees us and pastes on her hostess-smile. Jack and Ada don’t get on. Jack finds Ada showy and shallow, and she finds Jack arrogant and challenging. He lets go of my hand and strides towards her. I hurry after him. ‘Sorry I’m late.’ He kisses her cheeks. ‘Mum isn’t well. She sends her apologies.’

‘Poor thing,’ coos Ada. ‘And Charlie?’

‘Big brother’s at the West End. Husband duties – it’s Tobin’s opening night. Anyway, this is for you.’ He hands her the champagne. ‘From all of us.’

Her eyes widen. ‘Dom Pérignon. You shouldn’t have.’

‘It’s almost a year to the day since you moved into this beautiful house. We wanted to mark the occasion.’

I don’t know anything about champagne, but from the look on her face, I can tell the bottle is expensive. Unlike my sister, Jack didn’t marry into money; he was born into it. ‘Thank you. Ethan will love it. We adore Dom Pérignon.’

I linger awkwardly as they talk about vineyards in France, but I’m relieved, sure Jack isn’t going to say something.

‘This place really is spectacular,’ he remarks.

She lifts her chin, proud. ‘Thank you.’

‘You’ve done so well. Thank fuck for Ethan, right?’ His smile is so broad and charming, it takes a beat for his words to fall around my sister and when they do, I see how they burn. ‘Anyway, enjoy the champagne.’

My mouth is still open when Jack takes my hand and leads me away. I stumble alongside him, and when I glance back at Ada, I see she is furious. The scowl scrunches her forehead and twists her lips and just then, my beautiful, perfect sister looks really and truly ugly.

Jack riffles through the coats as I fume beside him. Out on the street, I snap, ‘Why would you do that?’

He’s unfazed by my anger. ‘Did you really think I’d let her get away with treating you the way she did tonight?’

‘I can handle Ada.’

He shrugs. ‘No need. I did it for you.’

‘I didn’t ask you to.’

‘You didn’t have to.’ He takes a step closer and I think about taking a step back, just to show him that I really am angry he interfered, but I don’t want to be petty. ‘I got you something.’ He holds up a set of car keys.

Maybe I’m still drunk because I am silent and confused.

‘Heard Ruby has a new convertible,’ says Jack.

Horror crawls along my spine and out through my mouth. ‘You stole her keys?’ I think about Jack at the coat rack even though he didn’t come with a jacket.

‘It’s not Jeffrey’s Cadillac, but it’ll do.’

Only two days after I passed my driving test, we took Jeffrey’s vintage Cadillac for a joyride. My heart starts to canter at the memory of Jack’s hands covering my eyes as we flew down an open stretch, then breaks into a gallop as I realise what he’s asking. ‘You want to steal Ruby’s car?’

‘We’ll bring it straight back.’


‘She’ll never know.’


‘Why do you always let people get away with treating you badly?’

I glance away, hating that he is right.

‘It doesn’t exactly strike me as fair to put Ada in her place while Ruby gets off scot-free. Where’s your sense of equilibrium, Elodie?’ He practically purrs my name. When I don’t look up, he moves so close, I can feel the heat coming off his body. ‘How far will you go?’

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