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Reverse (The Bittersweet Symphony Duet #2)(200)

Author:Kate Stewart

“I don’t want that. You have to know I don’t want that. I love Easton the way he is. I wouldn’t change a single thing about him. But our parents can’t handle this, Benji. Not just mine, Reid and Stella, too. Easton’s at odds with them, blaming them for our separation. It’s too much.”

“So that picture he went off about, is that your fucked up way of—”

“No, hell no. He’s a coworker, and you’re more his type.”

“But you’re letting him believe it?”

“No, I told him the truth right away, but he demanded I come to him. He’s being unreasonable.”

“Yeah, what, six weeks apart after getting married, and he’s being unreasonable?” He scoffs.

“I meant tonight. Easton’s giving me an ultimatum, but my dad and I just got on speaking terms a little over an hour ago. I want to go to him, but I can’t. I don’t know what else to do.”

“Yes, you fucking do.”

“We’ve nearly destroyed our families. My future is here, by my father’s side. Inheriting his paper, continuing his legacy. It’s my dream.”

“So, you’re going to destroy your own family before it even has a chance to start?”

“No matter what I fucking do, I can’t seem to make the right choice. Easton’s furious with me. My father’s just now speaking to me. I can’t please either to save my sanity. We made a mistake, and we have to—”

“No, you did, a major one, but not the mistake you think you made. He’s figured it out already. If you don’t come fix this right the fuck now, you’re going to damage your relationship in a way that’s irreparable. His love for you has made him too weak to fucking fight for himself. It’s never going to be right, Natalie, you know that. You’ll never have a fair shot together, but not because of your baggage—and it might not ever be okay, but neither of your lives are going to be bearable if you throw this away. We all know it. Even your fucking selfish parents know it. Yet they go to sleep at night, content with their own fucking choices. Don’t forget, after they successfully separate you, they’ll have each other.”

More tears slide down my cheeks. I feel the truth of his statement weighing on my heart.

“I love him, Benji. He means everything to me.”

“Then it should be crystal clear. Jesus, I’m so goddamn sick of witnessing this over and over again. If that’s the truth, Natalie, then make a choice, make him the priority he deserves to be—give him his rightful fucking place as your husband and partner, which is number fucking one. Stop denying his significance in your life. The box is open now. It can’t be closed.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“It is that simple if you cut everything but what matters most out. I’ve watched my parents tear each other apart due to pride, insecurity, and selfish shit for years. I won’t watch this happen to my brother. You need to figure your shit out now.”

“I’m trying.”

“You’re failing miserably.”

“I would never ask him to give up his relationship with his father or his career for me!”

“That’s the difference between you and him because he would do it without you asking.”

“But he’s not the one in that position to give it up, is he? He doesn’t have to. This is all on me, isn’t it?” I grip the phone. “I warned him, over and over. I told him this would happen, and I seem to be the one paying for it the most!”



“Just got a text from Reid,” he clips out. “He’s with him.”

“Okay,” I nod furiously as my vision blurs. “Okay. Benji…listen to me, please. Easton’s not answering for me because he thinks I filed for divorce, so he hung up on me, but I didn’t. My father did it without my knowledge, and the law firm sent the email while we were arguing. He thinks I filed,” I croak. “Benji, are you there?”

Silence greets me for several seconds before, “Then let him think it.”

“What? No! I can’t—”

“The fuck you can’t. Look at what you’ve done to him already! You’re ruining his goddamn life, and he deserves better! You know he does. If you refuse to be the wife he deserves, then at least have the fucking decency to let him go.”

“Benji, please—”

“It seems like you’ve made your decision, Natalie, so stick to it. He made his decision the day you met, and he can’t comprehend, even after this shitshow, how it wasn’t the right one. He chose you, and he’ll never call it a mistake. It’s the hill he’ll die on. I know that much is fucking fact, so if you can’t choose him now, that’s your decision, and make it final. Don’t lead him on any longer, don’t answer his fucking calls, you stop existing for him. I have to go.”