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So Not Meant To Be(151)

Author:Meghan Quinn

“Thank fuck for that. But I’m sure they paid her to sign that NDA.”

Breaker nods.

“And they want that, on top of what they would’ve lost in website revenue for clicks, right?”

“They want two million.”

“Jesus fuck,” I roar as I stand. “That’s fucking extortion.”

“I have Taylor on it. That’s why it’s currently pending. They, of course, don’t see it as extortion, they see it as us buying out a piece of revenue.”

“Bullshit,” I yell. “Show me the goddamn numbers that prove they’d make two million dollars of revenue off that story.”

“I know, but, dude, this is a dip in the bank that won’t make a huge difference. I looked over the numbers, and I can maneuver things around and slip the damage control fee into the books in a way that no one would know, and we’d still get a tax break for it. We’re trying to convince them to see it as a donation.”

“That’s lying.”

“Which is why I thought I’d talk to you. They said they’d use some of their website ad space to promote something we’re passionate about so it looks like a donation on their end.”

“What an entirely fucked-up situation. So, what, they’re asking what we want to promote on their website?”

“Yes, and offered to put our name on it.”

“Fuck that,” I yell. “They’re not getting Cane Enterprises on anything.”

“Dude, I know you’re upset, but given the situation we’re in—and wanting to save Kelsey the embarrassment if this got out—it would be smart to take the deal. And just throw down some charity, some random . . . oh, hey, fucking give them the pigeon charity to promote. It won’t have our name on it, but we can write it off in the books, and I’m sure the last thing they want on their website is a sponsored ad about pigeons.”

I pause, the anger easing only slightly as I think about the pigeons and how comical that would actually be. I grip my jaw, my fingers rubbing over the morning scruff. “You know, there are some real ill-looking pigeons we could get for the ad.”

Breaker laughs. “Not a good look for them, but it all kind of works out in the end.”

“I need front ad space, for two weeks, and final say in what the ad looks like.”

“Taylor has already worked that in.”

“Okay.” I nod and take a seat in a chair again. “Fucking do it. Get this nightmare off my hands.”

Breaker shoots off a text, and when he’s done, he sets his phone down on his desk and leans back in his chair. “Fuck, dude, can you just listen to me next time? I might be younger than you, but I’m pretty damn smart. Sending an email to random girls in your contacts list doesn’t scream best idea ever.”

“Yeah, well, hopefully those days are behind me.”

“I’m guessing, given Kelsey’s inebriated state, you weren’t able to talk to her?”

“No, and then she tried on this cute seduction thing . . . fuck. I loved seeing her so open and wanting to try things, but I couldn’t participate. I couldn’t, in good conscience, fuck her. She was devastated, even cried.” My stomach twists uncomfortably. “I don’t think I slept more than two hours.”

“Well, this is taken care of. Maybe stop by her favorite coffee place on the way home and make it up to her now. Because our brother is getting married, and we want to be there for him, mentally.”

“I know.” I stand and reach my fist out to my brother. He knocks it with his as I say, “Thanks for taking the lead on this. It means a lot to me.”

“It’s what family is for, dude, and I meant what I said last night. I’m really fucking happy for you. I know losing Dad was harder on you than Hux and me, and seeing you out there, opening yourself up to love . . . I’m really happy for you. Proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I smile at him. “Okay, fuck . . . I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Time to go shower my girl with love. Still meeting at my place in an hour?” I ask, checking my phone.

“Yeah. Why Huxley wants us there so early is beyond me, but he has plans to spend time with his brothers before the I dos. I think basketball is on the schedule.”

“I’ve been practicing.” I point at Breaker as I head toward the door of his office. “Look out.”

“I’m not even worried in the slightest. There’s no way you could’ve improved to be able to beat me in the short amount of time since we last played.”