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The Candy House(112)

Author:Jennifer Egan

Xxxxoooo Love, Kitty

Jazz Attenborough→Kitty Jackson Darling, please tell her no. Oysters and white wine any time. In Belize until end May. Hugs, JA Lulu Kisarian→Kitty Jackson

Dear Kitty,

To your other question, I have eight-month-old twins, a boy and a girl named Omar and Festa. They are beautiful living creatures who make me cry a lot, maybe because THEY cry a lot, being babies, and also my shoulder injury.

Would you be willing to pass along contact info for Jazz Attenborough so I can approach him directly? He will never know it came from you, I promise.

Awaiting your reply, Lulu

Kitty→Lulu; bcc: Ashleigh Avila

Twins!!!! OMG I hope you have mega nannies. As for me, I currently keep eight horses. I guess you could call them my babies. Not sure I have JA’s email, will search but not optimistic.

xxxxooooLove, Kitty

Ashleigh Avila→Kitty Jackson

Kitty please just give her JA’s contact. If you decide to pursue the documentary idea we’ll need her, and especially her mother, to cooperate.


Can’t. I already asked JA and he said no.


He’ll never make the connection. You’re less on his mind than you think.


I may be more on his mind than YOU think!


!!!! What’d I miss?


I NEVER kiss and tell, as you should know by now.

Ashleigh Avila→Lulu Kisarian

Dear Ms. Kisarian,

I hope you won’t take it amiss that my client, Kitty Jackson, has bcc’d me on your correspondence. Here is Jazz Attenborough’s personal contact, but you didn’t get it from me! And Kitty would be furious with me if she knew I was going around her, so please do not tell her!

With best wishes, Ashleigh Avila


Dear Ashleigh,

Thank you so much! I hereby disavow any knowledge of where this information came from.

Gratefully, Lulu


Dear Lulu,

Now that we have our own line of communication, and I’ve familiarized myself with the remarkable history you and Kitty share, I have an unrelated question: what would you and your mother say to the idea of a documentary about your trip to X, Kitty’s relationship with General B, and its geopolitical consequences?

With best wishes, Ashleigh


Dear Ashleigh,

I’m doubtful that my mother would be willing, as it was a VERY low moment of her life. We haven’t spoken about it in years.



Understood. Let me know if you get anywhere with JA, and if I can help in any way.

With best wishes, Ashleigh

Lulu Peale→Jazz Attenborough

Dear Mr. Attenborough,

It is urgent that I speak with you for reasons that will become clear as soon as I explain. But it must be in person. I live in New York but am willing to travel anywhere. Please say that this is possible.

Awaiting your reply, Lulu Peale