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The Guilt Trip(114)

Author:Sandie Jones

“Did she confront Paige about the affair?” asks Da Silva.

“She was definitely intending to,” says Jack.

“Do you think your wife…?” starts Da Silva before leaving it hanging there.

Rachel’s chest feels like it might explode as she waits to see if the man she loves, who she thought loved her, is about to incriminate her in a murder.

“I don’t know,” cries Jack. “I just don’t know anything anymore. Rachel was mad, really mad, but she surely wouldn’t do something … something like this.” He takes a deep breath and Rachel imagines him grimacing and tilting his head to the side as he adds, “Would she?”

She stifles the sob that she can no longer hold in, with a hand over her mouth. How could he do this to her? And the others, by picking them off, one by one, loading them up with a motive, when all of them were struck by the car itself. All of them except Noah, who was first on the scene to help those who had been tossed aside like rag dolls.

Her windpipe feels as if it’s being squeezed by the people she loves the most, as it occurs to her that Noah was the only one of them not to have been injured. She doesn’t want to allow the thought to infiltrate her exhausted brain, but as much as she tries to push it away, it only comes back at her even louder.

“Rachel said she was going to tell Noah what was going on as well,” Jack adds, almost as an afterthought.

“And did she?”

“I’m tired,” says Jack, sidestepping the question.

“I’m sorry, I won’t keep you from rest for much longer,” says Da Silva. “Just a couple more questions, then I will leave you to sleep.”

“I begged her to wait until we got home, so as not to ruin my brother’s wedding, but she was insistent that he know.”

“So, she told him?”

“Yes,” says Jack. “She must have, because the last I saw of him he was walking up the hill, away from the restaurant. I guess he’d gone to let off some steam.”

“You were happy that he was leaving?” asks Da Silva.

“I was relieved that he wasn’t going to make a scene,” says Jack. “I’ve been on the wrong side of his temper before and believe you me, I’d happily avoid it.”

“So, he’s known to get angry?” asks Da Silva.

“With me, yes,” says Jack.

Rachel listens in disbelief as one lie after another trips off of Jack’s tongue.

“Because he’s always seen me as the one who took Rachel away from him. They were college sweethearts and he’s never gotten over losing her. So, finding out that I’m now having an affair with his wife would have sent him over the edge.”

If he realizes his Freudian slip, he doesn’t apologize for it.

“Oh my God,” wails Jack suddenly, sounding like a wounded animal. “This can’t be happening. None of this makes any sense.”

“I’m really sorry to push you, Mr. Hunter, but just one more question, if I may. Can I ask if you recognize this?”

Rachel wants to throw herself off the bed and through the curtain to see what Jack’s being shown.

“That’s…” starts Jack before clearing his throat with a cough. “That’s my watch. Wh-where did you find it?”

“It was on the floor of the front seat of the car, Mr. Hunter.”


“It was a beautiful service,” says Rachel to Ali’s mum.

“Thank you for coming,” says Maria, tearfully. “I know it couldn’t have been easy. It’s not easy for any of us.”

Maria hugs her tightly, as if she never wants to let her go.

Rachel hugs her back even tighter. “I can’t thank you enough,” she says.

“What for?” asks Maria.

“For everything.” Her eyes meet Maria’s. “If it wasn’t for you and Ali…”

Maria nods as a tear falls onto her cheek. “I knew, as soon as she told me about Jack and Paige, that he didn’t deserve you. She knew it too. She couldn’t bear to see them hurt you, but she really didn’t know what to do for the best. She honestly thought that threatening to expose their affair was the right thing to do, but look how that turned out.”

Rachel takes hold of Maria’s hand. “But if you hadn’t overheard Jack and Paige talking on the terrace just before, we’d never have known what happened.”

Maria sniffs and wipes a tear with a tissue. “As soon as she told him it was over, I knew he was going to do something. He was so mad, though I could never have imagined in my worst nightmare that he was capable of such … such horror.”