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The Words(127)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

It’s smart. Not to mention doing that also means he’ll get everything he wants because technically “Existentialism” will be the first song people hear on the new album.

“That’s a great idea.” His exhilaration is so contagious I feel it pumping through me. “I’m so happy for you.”

He cradles my face in his hands. “I have you to thank for it. You piss me off so fucking much sometimes, but you also push me to be better.”

My heart somersaults when I look into those blue irises…because that fire is back.

He’s finally giving himself permission to enjoy things again.

“I’m so proud of you.”

That makes him grin wider—which makes me grin wider—and now we’re standing in some random storage closet grinning at each other like two fools, but I don’t care because I’m over the moon.

No. I’m touching the sun.

“Has anybody seen Phoenix?” Chandler barks in the distance, breaking our spell.


I motion to the door. “You go out first. Tell him you were with a groupie.”

Amusement dances on his gorgeous face. “In other words, don’t lie?”


I go to shove him, but his arms lock around my waist and he tugs me against him.

“You gonna watch me sing the song tonight?”

My heart beats double time. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I shove his chest. “Now go before you get me fired.”

After giving me one last kiss, he slips out.

Leaning against the door, I smile so hard it hurts…until I remember.

The sun is exceptional, alluring, and mystifying…

But it burns when you get too close.

I watch in astonishment—and a little bit of envy—as Quinn wolfs down her fourth slice of pizza.

I’ve never seen someone so skinny eat so damn much. The girl is a bottomless pit.

“So, you and my brother, huh?” she questions around a mouthful of pizza.

Skylar stops typing on her laptop, appearing very interested in our conversation now.

My eyes dart around the greenroom and to the partially open door, making sure Chandler isn’t loitering nearby.

“How long have you two been together?” Quinn probes before letting out a loud belch.

I reach for my drink on the coffee table, carefully considering my words. “It’s…complicated.”

“Very complicated,” Skylar adds. “So complicated it’s one big secret. Right, Lennon?”

I can’t tell if she’s helping or hurting.

However, Quinn nods in understanding. “Because it’s wrong to fuck your boss. Even though it’s kinda hot.”

Skylar starts laughing and I choke on my water.

“Actually, Chandler is my boss,” I tell her after I’m able to breathe again.

Quinn makes a face. “Gross. Please don’t fuck him, too. Objectively speaking, my brother is a way better catch.”

“I’m not fucking…” Inwardly cringing, I rub my temples. “Look, your brother and I go way back.”

Quinn puts her feet up on the table. “Hence the complicated.”

She’s more insightful than I give her credit for. “Yes. But we’re not in a relationship. We’re just friends.”

Skylar’s lips twitch. “Very good friends.”

So help me God, I will skin her favorite pair of heels if she keeps this up.

“Yeah.” I crinkle my nose. “You know, kind of like how you and Memphis are very good friends.”

Skylar shoots me a dirty look and turns her attention back to her laptop.

Quinn’s face scrunches in contemplation. “So you’re fuck buddies. Gotcha.”

I seriously wish she’d stop using the word fuck so much, but I can’t focus on that right now because there are bigger fish to fry.

“I’d really appreciate it if you’d keep this just between us girls, okay? If Chandler finds out, I’ll get fired.”

Nodding, she grabs the last slice of pizza from the box. “Don’t worry. I ain’t no snitch.”

In that case, crisis averted. “Thanks.”

Chandler flies into the greenroom like a bat out of hell, looking more tense than I’ve ever seen him. Which is saying something.

Instantly, my stomach churns. I’m assuming he overheard our conversation, but what he says next is even worse.

“The miscreant’s mother is here. She was outside the venue screaming that the band is holding her underage daughter hostage.” The vein in his forehead bulges. “She threatened to call the cops, which she apparently has a direct connection to…seeing as her husband’s a goddamn motherfucking sheriff.”